ATG Mission 7.9 Chaos in the Sunriver Castle Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 7.9 Chaos in the Sunriver Castle

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow

Adventure Team Grimm sailed to Ventenheim on a mission from your boss Agrimor to obtain the ancient artifact known as the Hydellical Mechanoid. It is said the location can be found in the book Killifin's Compendium of Automatons which resides in the Great Library of the City of the great salt steppe. Cog has hired a few scribes to comb the archives and locate the book. The book residing in the Kingdom of the Crossing Sun and Stars was no accident however, the kingdom had acquired the book on a raid a decade ago. A raid ordered by none other than Mew's mother the Queen, who rules over this land. The Queen herself invited you to stay at the castle and look into a matter that concerned all of you, the dangerous Cult known as the Abyssal Knife. Before entering the city and meeting with the queen you were contacted by a resistance group known as the Tungsten Splinter who were warning of the Queen's growing militarism and authoritarian tendencies. They asked for Mew's help in either overthrowing the Queen or finding another solution to avoid a coming war and find a way to curb violence against her own people or the people of Ventenheim.
Mew met with the queen who avoided the questions of her ruling strategy and instead attempted to convince Mew to quit her adventuring ways and return to her duties as princess. First, however, she asked that Adventure Team Grimm find and destroy the cult threatening the city. Utilizing a former member of the cult the team got to work investigating what the cult was up to and where they were in the city. Following a low ranking member to the Unfurled Fan Theater they found a trap door leading into the sewers. From there they entered a great chamber under the library where the cult was incredibly close to completing a summoning ceremony that surely would have been a kaiju level threat. During the fight with the cultists and two powerful elementals, Mew used her magical pocket gem dimension to capture the cultist leader known as Culdred. This also released the goblin known as Stimpy who fled in the chaos. Worius Yasmine, the cultist you hired, also used this time to make her escape. Karnac, Mew, and Vom Fass interrupted the ritual and fought the clerics while Shadowdrax, Cog, and Blizzard Hops dispatched the elementals. Overall the mission was a  success and the team destroyed what they could of the runes and rituals so no one else could complete it.
Beat up, bedraggled and low on spells and hit points the team made their way back into the city. They found the Queen giving an address to several military regiments and an enormous crowd. As the Tungsten splinter feared, her speech was about increased military action in the region and then on to the rest of the continent. At that moment Mew was warned via message spell to stay out of the way, that the Tungsten Splinter was going to assassinate the Queen. As the killing arrow was drawn back Mew leapt into action.  Using every bit of her speed and magical tattoo wings she arrived onto the stage just in time to swap the Queen into the gem and release Culdred, who now took the arrow into his chest. A second shot killed the cultist and he lay dead on the stage while chaos erupted around mew and Blizzard Hops who joined her on stage. City guards and military personnel rushed the stage to make sense out of what just happened. Mew and Blizzard Hops were arrested, though not after a desperate struggle by Hops. The valiant but dangerous creature known as Shadowdrax used invisiblity to exit through the crowd and hasn't been seen since. Cog the warforged went to an inn to repair and rest, he was joined by Karnac and Vom Fass who also needed healing and rest. Now with Mew and Hops in jail in the Queen's Padding, you three begin to plan how to solve all of this while the city viziers and officials try to make sense of the missing Queen and what to do next.

Plot points/Scenes

Cog’s Visitor -
Cog you finish your long rest at the Moka Rang Tavern and inn seated in a comfortable chair in your rented room. Despite the chaos of yesterday you are actually feeling more and more comfortable in your current form. As the sun crests over the dark blue of the sea to the east the city lights up with specks of orange and yellow and the sky begins to lighten to a soft blue. From the corner of your room a shadow moves and takes the form of a man. The form then coalesces with bits of glittering light and details form. He looks translucent and not solid, like an illusory hologram. Reddish skin, small bent horns atop his head and a shock of black hair flows down the right side. His bright yellow eyes twinkle a bit and he says “Ah, the noble paladin, you know the rest of your little team are bright balls of chaos but you have a tendency to do the right thing. I do hate that you know.” He bows low and introduces himself “The name you can look up in your history books is the great and terrible Theggadronnan. I’m always listed as one of the great evils of your world, but I’m afraid I rarely live up to that reputation in practice. I had been working this city for years before your little band showed up. But look at it this way, no matter what you do, I still win! The pain and conflict that you cause just feeds me anyway, I draw energy from all of this warmongering and whipping children in the town square. Now your friend the princess just created a delicious bubble of chaos for me to devour. Well, this has been a pleasant chat but now we both have busy days ahead of us. I would invite you to have a nice breakfast wrap with me but you seem to be a bit feverish.”
Indeed as you look down at your arm where it touches the wood of the table the wood is blackened as if someone touched it with a blow torch. “It’s essentially the heat metal spell, quite simple really. I just took it and wove it in itself several times to increase the duration and intensity. Why in a minute you are liable to set this whole building on fire! See you soon!” You scan your body and a wave of intense heat is radiating off of every inch of you. [DM note: if Cog makes his way to the water or to try to leave the city, thegadronnan will send mind controlled citizens after him to increase the chaos! Currently he is set at 10 ft. Radius of 1d6 damage, this will increase every minute by 10 ft. And 1d6. Max out at 60 6d6]

you awake the following morning and feel refreshed, you assign your spells for the day and begin whatever meditation rituals start your day. As you focus on the vibration of nature that you have always picked up on you feel like you're being watched. From the darker corner of your room at the Moka Rang Inn a figure steps out. A red skinned man with bent horns introduces himself. "Karnac the druid, I presume? Your dedication to the natural world is admirable and your powers are quite formidable. I'm about to have quite a fun day and I would rather you not interfere. Let me bring some of the natural world to you." You look out the window and an Ironclad Krovod, one of the great transport beasts that stand 60' tall smashes through the city wall in a frenzy. Dozens of people scatter as the great beast rushes towards them.

Mew -
You awake in your cell fairly well rested, this isn't your first time doing a long rest in a cell. You know you are just southeast of the castle in the area just outside the city known as the Queen's Padding. Incredibly well guarded by many of the Queen's elite guard who live in the surrounding buildings. What would you like to do? The cell door has an arcane lock on it an extra measure taken against thieves of your skill level. [DM Note: Arcane lock adds 10 to a DC check but also may have a spoken password she could streal from a guard's mind. Mew will most certainly escape and make her way to one of the secret tunnels in the castle. Eventually she will meet with Sapphire Branch who she will recognize as a scullery maid in the castle.]   Sapphire Branches' eyes will go yellow however. "Princess Mew, What an engine of chaos you have grown to be. A very warm welcome back to your homeland!" His eyes glow bright and a wave of power pushes  forward causing Mew and Thegadronnan himself to enter her Psionic plane. He taunts her "You my dear are much to dangerous, I think if you spend the next couple days in a coma I can continue my work." [DM Note: At this point have Mew roll an intelligence check DC 15. Remind her that this is her psionic plane, she can shift and control every aspect of it if she wills it.  It would even be possible to trap Thegadronnan temporarily and even probe his mind if he doesn't escape.  Make him roll an intelligence or wisdom saving throw once per round.  If he fails she could actually begin to probe his mind and find out where his bottle is and the marks around the castle.]
you awake and though your strength and hit points are recovered you feel awful. A hangover sets in, your mouth feels dry and a pounding headache vibrates your skull like a metronome. A sweat builds up on your skin as you sit up on your bed. A voice materializes from behind you. The same figure visits you as well "Blizzard Hops, of the famous Blizzard Hops whiskey and distillery! I feel very lucky to meet such a unique individual like yourself. Apologies for the headache but I think a depowered Hops serves my purposes for the moment. This took an incredibly powerful spell and even with that will not last long. Removing divine powers from a demigod is very difficult but I'm resourceful. I'm not sure when they will return but either way a drunk and haggard and miserable blizzard Hops is less dangerous than the unpredictable demigod version."

The Meeting after the arrest of Mew -

Vom Fass you are ushered into a large conference room the following morning. [DM Note: Allow a couple of generals, the two Viziers, and a member of the council as well as Mew’s Father and Velvet Grass the Minister of Secrets. They have arrested any member of the Tungsten Splinter that they know of as well as Mew and Blizzard Hops. They bring in the strange Gnome ambassador played by Vom Fass.]
Vom Fass in your disguise as the attractive gnome amabassador what name have you given yourself? Two guards walk you into a large conference chamber. A slightly raised area in the middle of the 60x60 square room holds a large table. Ringed around the outer walls are three rows of benches which look to the central table presumably as a council or congress watches and votes on important matters. You pick up everyone’s name as you listen to them argue for a few minutes before they turn to you.  
  • General Copper Eye, Field commander
  • General Ivy on the stone, Military Strategist and Castle Liason
  • Castenar Nitronus, Vizier to the Queen, Air Genasi man, marked by Thegadronnan
  • Ice on the Lake, Vizier to the Queen, Tabaxi woman also secretly aided the Abyssal Knife 
  • Velvet Grass, Minister of Secrets, tabaxi man.  Knows what everyone is up to.
    As you walk in you hear some of the conversation. The woman known as Ice on the Lake says “With the Queen missing we must look to the princess as her sole heir so that the people have a sense of continuity.” General Copper Eye immediately cuts in “By the Nine Hells the princess is a criminal and an outsider!” The other general nods and says “The safest way going forward until the Queen is found is for the Military to take over and keep the peace.”  Velvet Grass mentions casually that they have arrested four members of the Tungsten Splinter and will try them this afternoon on charges of sedition.  He says "The Queen was quite clear on how to deal with dissidents.  Master Gnome I heard a rumor that the princess had met with the resistance group what say you to this?"
Castenar Nitronus looks to you with piercing blue eyes, his skin is a pale blue and he has several tattoos on his bald head. He wears dark blue and cornflower blue robes that are thick around his shoulders and multi layered. He says "And what is your part in this my clever little friend. What do you know of the princess and the politics of the kingdom?" [DM Note: After Vom Fass comes up with his role and his plan the room once more erupts into arguing.] Velvet Grass, a thin elderly tabaxi with silver grey fur and white around his muzzle suggests they bring in Golden Eagle Feather on Drifting Cloud, an odd choice but clearly out of desperation. "We do have the Queen's former husband on staff.  He could possibly be a stabilizing force as we determine who to be named as Regent in the Queen's stead." you realize after a few moments that this is Mew’s Father and formerly married to the Queen. He had been sidelined several years ago and then divorced. Forced to work the grounds as head groundskeeper. General Ivy on Stone speaks up "That's never going to happen, He has sullied his good name and lost his standing with the queen the people will not follow him.  Only I or general Copper Eye can lead the kingdom until the Queen is found."  
As they continue to bicker over how to solve this mess you see a shadow lift off of the wall and move towards General Copper Eye merging with him.
A flicker of a yellow glow emanates from the eyes as the Generals demeanor goes from angry and shouting to smirking as he winks at you. General Copper Eye slams his hand on the table and says "The only solution is to execute the princess and this Gnome advisor! As well as any remnants of this splinter group!"  Vom Fass is going to have to find a way to reveal that Thegadronnan has infiltrated the castle and causes a good portion of this.  Depending on what he does here either Thegadronnan's possession works and Vom Fass and the rest are forced to flee OR Vom Fass finds a way to reveal the demon and blow up his play.  If this goes down successfully the rest of the conference hall will devolve once more into arguing who will become Regent.  The options are if Mew does not reinstall the queen:
  • Mew herself as princess
  • One of the generals
  • Ice on the Lake
  • Castenar Nitronus
  • Velvet Grass
  • Golden Eagle Feather


Thegadronnan can be stopped by finding the ancient clay pot that is hidden somewhere in the castle. Also their are several marks of Thegadronnan carved into the walls that need to be destroyed. Have the players figure all of this out to remove the influence of the demon and send him back to his home plane. A banish spell would work if they can get him to appear corporally possibly in the body of the maid who works at the castle.
Then Mew must decide what to do with her mother and who rules the kingdom also if she is staying or not. If she stays and decides to continue as Eulatris then have Eula's pixie show up. Sarah will have to play as the pixie while she leads them to Eulatris who is encased behind an ice wall somewhere in stasis.  Most of this part depends on what Mew does with the Queen.  If she keeps the Queen than she and Vom Fass are going to have to pick the next Regent.  
The Wine Cellar -
Underneath the castle a huge vaulted chamber stays naturally cool and dry. One half of this chamber is devoted to dry goods, salted meats, and other keepable foods, anything pickled or packed in natural preservatives. An investigation check reveals an old dusty wine bottle with glass almost black. A wire mesh hundreds of years old holds a label made of brittle reed. The words no longer visible they are so faded. A wax seal that held the cork in had been broken but the cork reinserted. As you hold the old bottle you hear whispers fade in and out all around you. Most ask you to do things some ask you to kill yourself and other still ask you to kill your friends. Make a Wisdom saving throw [DM Note : DC 16. Anyone who fails this will be under the control or influence of Thegadronnan. He shows up still in the body of the maid of the castle known as Sapphire Branch (Branch) - Tabaxi woman, scullery maid. He can battle as himself using her body, if banished his spirit will leave her and she will live.]
Aftermath and stopping the Adherents of Iron
As the dust settles on however all of this shakes out the team can now spend the day in the city or the castle and take some R and R.  The are free to shop or move about the city and the libary.  Allow them some time to decide what they would like to do.  One of them may notice or recognize a member of their old rival adventuring company Helle's Trading Company formed by Hellefick's Kristallinn [Also the evil demigod Isringus]  Members of this group who may be in the city are Ferus Gnash, Lady Arien Velostar, Rumen Vuighn, or Mosfar Olmashar.  
Brook Tallow arrives with his animal familiar. "Karnac we have been keeping track of the Adherents of Iron and their troop movements. I recruited several members of the Verdant Sigil just like you asked. We were able to recruit a few regiments of warriors from Kovolon and the surrounding areas. I think we have enough troops to at least keep their main force busy while you lead a strike team against the Inquisitor and the senior officers." He uses prestidigitation to create a small map of the area around the temple. He points to a large clearing a few miles from the temple and says "Their main camp is here, we will attack at first light. You and your team need to make your way here, the oracle itself and intercept the Inquisitor before he can find the location of the divinity well. [DM Note: If Karnac asks details about the Adherents of Iron, Brook may get a little flustered "Aren't you reading the newsletters? You know twice a week we publish on the inside bark of a Quinoa Tree. You just tap twice with your staff and you can read all about our reports on the Adherents of Iron. Plus we have dozens of really good vegan recipes that don't require eggs or any kind of monster meat. Also announcements on the monthly pot luck near lake volen, it can be quite vivacious!"]



The Oracle of Vellenox

[DM Note: The Adherents of Iron have found the Oracle. They are hoping it has the final clue to finding the divinity Well of Vellenox which is just southeast of the Quala Structure. If the players foil them before they activate the oracle they can severely hamper the Adherent efforts to kill Vellenox. If the players don't stop them in time the Adherents will get a final clue to the Divinity well and be on their way soon to kill the god. Maps are in the Ventenheim battle map folder.]
Brook leaves you with the information to get to the Oracle in one day's travel. The meeting of the two rivers Ullarin features a hidden temple just to the west. This is the Oracle of Vellenox. Inputting the map information into Karnac's map bracer allows you to use it as a compass to guide you in the right direction. He also provides you with topographical information to best travel with your riding lizards in the fastest way possible. As you set out once more into the humid jungle like forest the afternoon sun filters through the canopy above in a warm yellow dapple. You take a break around 2 for lunch and a bit of a rest. Stretching your legs and backs and rubbing your sore inner thighs. In the distance you see a large wide animalistic statue. It towers next to the trees around it and small streams flow underneath it. The jungle around it almost looks brighter and more colorful, more wildflowers dot the forest floor and dozens of brightly colored vines criss cross the lower side of the statue each studded with pink flowers. Frank the beetle crawls out onto Karnac's Shoulder and says "A forest statue dedicated to Oppapan, A great forest spirit. The legends say that when the continent is threatened he will rise and defend it. It is said he sleeps in the great tree." [DM Note: The previous encounter with the adherents of Iron was as follows: “We are battalion 23 of the Adherents of Iron. This vessel has stolen property on it and we demand the return of our battle warforged number 313. This will be done promptly and no harm will come to your or your crew.” If Cog is on deck the commander paladin is dismissive and treats him as a droid. He purposefully avoids eye contact and always speaks to a human or dwarf that is present. “You warforged will not address me as anything other than master. You will return with us or be dismantled, any thoughts you are having to the contrary are a devil’s work and blasphemous. Silence yourself or I will do it for you.” If Hops is anywhere in view a Cleric will approach him angrily. “You there! How dare you wear that symbol heathen! Bow down before us and ask for forgiveness. Begin the prayer ritual immediately or I will strike you down.” He reaches out to grab the tabard on Hop’s chest and tear the cloth to shreds.]
  As your lizards bob and move over rocky forest shelves the trees that surround you blur past. Your lizards slow and stop as you get to a large cliffside covered in lichen and moss, a small waterfall trickles down to the forest floor below. As you peer down you see a large clearing and a huge ziggurat in the center of it. Vines and brush grow all around it and on it almost obscuring the lower levels. In the center of the highest levels you see a few armored men flanked by familiar looking automatons. The press on something in the rocky face and a stairwell sinks down inside. Two of the armored men begin to descend into the structure.
  [DM Note: Important members of the Adherents of Iron here]
Inquisitor Catalonia
Colonel Umbrant
Major Gruppa Treinta
Lieutenant Navis Ventera
Adjutant Lieutenant Prancis
Cleric soldier Richeliu
Cleric Soldier Montello
Automaton units 231/143/267


Kellefin's Compendium of Automatons and the location of the Hydellical Mechanoid

Cog as you return to the great library and walk through the court of air you see the scribe known as Silent Guest move towards you with a large tome in her hand.
"Killifen's Compendium of Automatons" by Zolo Killifen. An ancient explorer and documentarian Zolo traveled the world writing down interesting magical creations. His Main focus was golems and Nimblewrights.
Hydellical Mechanoid entry - "In the Rollicon Steppe south of Quala we made our way into an tunnel system from a previous age. The walls were black as obsidian and the air smelled of stale bread and fungus we --" "Our research team has a theory that this may be the fabled Hydellical Mechanoid that once guarded the arch mage Polemicus. In the bowels of an ancient tomb sits a small koala like golem. It moves slowly and calmly until agitated. Once enraged it grows to a huge sized construct with incredible strength."
  • Other Notable Entries -
  • Thulafeinn's Metal Construct -
  • Crua'Larg's Elemental Automaton-
  • Vertalian's Stone Golem -
  • Earatarch's Glass Golem -
  • The Crystal Quartz Golem -


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