ATG Mission 7.4 Serpico City Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 7.4 Serpico City

Consequences of being Banished for ATG Grimm

If a cleric or paladin of the Adherents of Iron successfully banish a member of our team they pop out of the material plane and materialize not in the abyssal plane but in an office of the TVA. For players "You pop back into existence and feel all of the material in your stomach rush forward then backward. Your blood pounds in your head for half a second as things move back to normal. You look around and see a fairly large room, the walls covered in wood paneling. Intricate molding on each piece and two layers of crown moulding at near the ceiling. A lush green carpet lays under your feet and wide wooden desk sits in the middle of the room made of polished expensive wood. Up against the wall is a device with a cistern of cool water on top of it. Glowing rune rocks stud the outside of it and a small display window reads 38 degrees F. Several metal file cabinets line the other wall with dozens of scraps of parchment, tubes of scrolls, and pieces of painted and inked imagery. You stand in front of a wall with a couch in front of it and the last far wall has a heavy wooden door that is closed. At the desk an older human man looks down at a large book. Heavy spectacles with several lenses sit on his face, two the lenses down around his nose at this time. You see each other at the same time and share gasps of "What the..!" He quickly reaches down and pulls out an object and points it at you. A grey and black object with a cylinder pointed at you. He says in a quavering but authoritative voice "Don't move!" and with his bonus action he reaches his free hand below his desk and searches around for something. Your turn what would you like to do?
Missive from the Queen-
"Princess Mewtoolian Moon of the Midnight Sun Blood red moon and Crossing Stars over the ink black night. We have news from the Queen." The man presents a scroll and unfurls it and begins to read " Princess/Daughter your presence is required in one week's time at the Kettleclaw tower for an audience with the Queen. A threat has materialized and your intervention is needed. if you must you may even bring along your motley compatriots, though I must ask that they obey our laws and standards. It will be good to see you once more" - Greatest of Clan Mothers Queen Mellorah of the Clawberry Thorn First Daughter of Star Crossed Sun Scraper.

Plot points/Scenes

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow:

The team and much of the crew enjoy shore leave on Ristalpool, a large town on the tropical island of Clastalpool while the ship is repaired. Enjoying some whiskey and ale at the local tavern known as the Black Calumny a strange visitor arrived. Your parent company PACT had sent Ralph’s assistant, Xibblenaut to upgrade your equipment to level 3. Around that time oddly enough your former traveling companion, Tyll Bebo, appeared as if out of nowhere. Excited to be reunited the team,minus Cog who was meditating, decided to explore a nearby mansion. The mansion was occupied by a wealthy merchant and his wife and servants. This did not stop Mew and Tyll who swiftly climbed to the attic and began pilfering the place. The rest of the team quickly acted as distractions and clean up to cover their escapade. Vom Fass and Hops posed as enthusiastic House assessors and Karnac led some guards away from the domicile with illusory terrain and a tattoo powers. The following day the team met a strange fellow who claimed he and Blizzard Hops were demigods. This Jalabraxis offered some interesting hypotheses on the nature of a Cleric who doesn’t heal or pray and yet still holds on to his divine powers. he offered proof to the unbelieving adventure team by way of a divinity well located on the island. After proving their lineage by way of divine energies he then ambushed the team with a swarm of pixies who polymorphed all but Karnac, and he took off with Hops hammer. Using quick thinking and a well timed spell Karnac blocked his exit and freed the team from their small animal forms. They retrieved the hammer just as Jalabraxis jumped through a dimension door to escape. After another day of shore leave for you all as well as your exhausted crew the ship is repaired, restocked and ready to sail.
Another morning like most, the ship rocks back and forth moving ever westward towards your destination. The sun is hot today as you look out at the dark blue water beneath you, glinting with the unending sparks of sunlight. It's been five days since you set sail from Ristalpool and the Orix Island Chain. The ship is repaired and sailing strong but most of the higher end supplies have run out. Most of the crew is down to basic rations and water. You feel the days of salty sweat that has built up in your underarms and hair and sniff. You reel your head back with a wince, it's been a while since you bathed. Cog you even feel the tightness of your joints and creak to your mechanical arms. Just as another sun baked day of sailing work begins to form in front of you a sharp call from Mordret rings out from up high. "Land Ho!!" Hicks appears over your shoulder and shades his eyes. "Looks like Apone has done it again, that's Serpico City dead ahead!"

As the ship sail into the large dockyard of the large city known as Serpico you sail past a number of high end shipping vessels and sleek gunships used to escort them. You recognize several of the flags and markings as those of the East Tellenheim Company, the large trading company you have had several dealings with in the past. To your surprise the city doesn't look that different from the major cities in the east, hundreds of multi level buildings made of brick and stone topped with wooden beams stretch forth into the city. To the south you see a large wall that continues out of sight and must ring the entire city. Apone catches your stare and says "Don't be fooled, Serpico is designed to look like the cities in the east but the rest of this continent is a little wilder." A dockyard worker, a human man in his 50's, directs you to numbered section and the crew tosses lines back and forth as the ship is secured. Captain Ro and Hicks meet your at the gangplank. The captain says "We'll stay docked here until you return. Mew I'm not sailing up to your kingdom. The queen has been known to take possession of ships for minor infractions and the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars always has some ever changing byzantine rules to frustrate you to no end. I'm not risking my ship like that." Karnac and Cog Hicks walks up to you "Here is the schedule for shore leave, I've got everything planned for the week a 2 day rotation with half the crew stationed here and the other half up to their own devices in the city. Take as long as you need I'll just stretch this schedule until you get back. Oh, and make sure you still have gold to pay us all when you do? Payroll next week, just saying."

The Return of the Abyssal Knife

  Walking the dirt and cobblestone streets of Serpico you take in all the sights and sounds. The pungent smell of seafood, clams and Cockles fills your nostrils due to your proximity to the wharf. You feel the cool breeze coming off of the ocean and salty tang hangs on your tongue.  The bustle of people of all races zig zag around you as they move cargo with palanquins and magical hovering devices. Street vendors under small tents have an array of knick knacks and goods as you past. The bark at you to check things out in at least seven different languages. Most are human, Dwarf, or green elves, but there is the occasional rare race like the rabbitfolk man selling gourds and a Pandaren [Coulafin Tang, he has a thick accent with his common.] man selling wood carvings. Past the wharf and into the city proper you look out upon the famed Callafin Ward and it's dozens of shops, warehouses, and craftsmen. Mew you walk with the rest of the team lost in thought.  It’s strange to be back in Ventenheim and being this close to your homeland after two and half years is making you homesick and Nervous at the same time.  Mew make a perception check DC 16. A coin rolls out from an alleyway, you notice it is carved with markings from a thieves guild you were once part of. In the alleyway stand a familiar face, a Fire genasi man with long black hair. Olmed Hashan smiles at you and flips you a coin. Do you catch it? [DM Note: He informs her that she is expelled from the Abyssal Knife. Hashan Grabs her arm make a Strength Check DC 18. His hand is coated with a toxin that will immediately seep into her skin. Constitution saving throws to deal with this toxin or she will start to be paralyzed and die. If caught Olmed Hashan will eat a tablet that will acidify and melt his face off. ] "Oh sad day to meet you here of all places. I thought you had left our pact." Mew if the coin touches you or Hashan touches you make a Constitution saving throw DC 18. On a fail you take 2 levels of exhaustion as poison leaches into your system. With that Hashan makes an attack at the same time as a ranged attack in the distance. A 3 ft. long metal spike streaks towards your back and connects as you are distracted by the Fire Genasi standing in front of you! 3d12+7 damage. As you deal with the thief you look back towards the rooftop where the shots came from and you see a familiar tabaxi face wielding a large ballista like device pointed right at you . . .
  [DM Note, Mew or Monica can make a DC13 history check to remember The Rabbit’s Lament - Callafin Ward - A speakeasy or hidden bar behind a ceramics stand. A wall swivels in the kiln and opens into a large wooden bar filled with stolen art and documents. Only Mew knows this is there almost no townsfolk. This is a secret tavern for members of the Hare's Catch. The current owner is a Air Genasi man with one eye named Vasily Tenterden. The Bartender is rabbitfolk woman named Woodknot Grassgreen.]
Monica, your afternoon started normally enough. You stole several fruits off of a stand with no one the wiser but a sharp eyed guard spotted you and whether is was his unfriendly bias towards Tabaxi or he saw you steal the fruit he shouted and gave chase. What would you like to do? As you give him the slip and make your way up to the rooftops to enjoy your meal a strange prickling sensation makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. A presence you've not felt since... [How long has it been?] You look down to the busy streets and see an old friend of yours walking with several strange looking companions. Could this be fate? Could she help you find what you are looking for in this cursed city? As you puzzle over the idea forming in your mind roll a perception check. Standing on the next rooftop over you see three individuals dressed in black leather supple armor with light fabric cloaks which almost shimmer in the air. The install a wicked looking device that looks like a large swivel mounted crossbow. What would you like to do?


After the battle the team will have to search the city for clues. Monica and Mew will find a clue to Nefret's whereabouts on one of the cultists. A bracelet of Nefret's is in one of the pouches of these cultists. [DM Note: Monica as a monk in training was forced into the cities defense force as part of a 2 year commitment by all who are trained. Think IDF or post military academy. During her time with this militia she and her squad attacked a small village of settlers who had built a camp to close to the Kingdom. One of these settlers was a beautiful water Genasi woman named Nefret. Monica hid her and eventually started a relationship in secret. Eventually they fled the kingdom knowing that the Tabaxi would never allow it. They made their way to Serpico a year ago and Monica began working with the Hare's Catch to make some money. Nefret was doing odd jobs and sex work. She disappeared two weeks ago after leaving for a job and running afoul of the some cult. Monica in that time has gone all John Wick and has been tearing through the Serpico underworld searching for her. ]
From here the team must look for information on the Hydellical Mechanoid / library / university area.  And find evidence of where Nefret is being held by the abyssal Knife.  During that time they may be attacked by cultists as needed.



Previously On Liters of Tomorrow:  The team sailed across the Wyvern Sea to the continent of Ventenheim.  Captain Ro docked the boat in the trading city of Serpico.  Looking for information on your new objective the Hydellical Mechanoid the team split up to begin their research.  Karnac and Vom Fass ventured to the city walls to release Mew's drake back into the wild.  Cog went to a temple of Corsun to ask the acolytes there for information on the ancient golem.  Mew ran into an old contact with the Abyssal Knife who attempted to assassinate her in an alleyway.  On a rooftop above two other agents of the Abyssal Knife tried to skewer her with a ballista.  Chased away by an old friend of Mew's the Tabaxi monk known as Jin.  After a brief confusion on whom was trying to assassinate her Mew teamed up with Jin to dispatch the Rogue known as Olmed Hashan.  Once reunited the team made their way to the Library at the nearby university to find a book called Kellefin's Compendium of Automatons only to find that the book had been plundered many years ago by The kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars.  An errant spell cast by Vom Fass brought in a witchfinder from the Assembly of the Weave who was investigating the illegal use of Magic.  The team fled back to the boat and also learned that the abyssal knife was in the city to unleash another gargantuan demon to destroy the city.  To do this they were going to use Jin's Wife as a sacrifice to complete the ritual.  With a desperate plea for help, Jin convinced the team to descend into the crypts under the city to help her.  Let's return now to the crypts and find out what happens...
Under Serpico the Abyssal Knife awaits

Step one: Follow the clues into the underground sewer system which leads to an underground maze of tunnels and an ancient crypt. Down there several encampments are set up for the unhoused and cast offs of society. From there search for a hidden entrance into the crypts themselves.
Step two : In this outer crypt area these tunnels are patrolled by cultists. The team must dispatch them or bypass them so as not to alert the others.
Step 3: The abyssal knife is under the city in a crypt they are planning another destructive summon. The players can foil this and find information on how the cult works and the mention of the Ivor Dominus. The Ivor Dominus is an ancient tome and the key to summoning the great patron Xallapin Ivor Excruciame. As the players hunt down the Abyssal Knife members before they can complete their rituals they must fight Golems. Specially designed iron golems are employed the AK members use special devices to magically haste the creatures resulting in 4 major attacks per round. The players can remove these devices and use them but the devices create haste in living creatures for four rounds after which the devices drain 3d12 HP and 3 levels of exhaustion after using them. I will not tell them that. The Iron Golems can have four arms and look like sexy ladies / Don't forget Poison Breath!. Remember that the book they used to do this ceremony is the book Mew Stole in Tellenor with olmed Hashan. Have the Abyssal Knife behind these golems begin to chant and spell cast. They will cast Banish, Guiding Bolt and Bestow Curse or protection from energy for the golems. Have 2 monks mentally controlling the iron golems so that they mimic their movements.
After this battle has resolved the final battle is to save Monica's wife before she is sacrificed for the ritual . On a stone altar surrounded by hundreds of rune circles stands a high priest of the Abyssal Knife. He is about to plunge a dagger down into her chest and let the blood flow down into the floor.
The Crypts beyond
1. Leading down from the underground encampment through the secret door leads to this large open room. The chamber is fairly large almost 40 ft. wide. In the middle of the room is a fire pit filled with various bones. [Investigation check to identify. Several goat and chicken but a high check reveals a human thigh bone and a dwarven femur.] The northern side has a locked door DC 18.
2.A small antechamber with two cultists, monks level 7. The northern door holds no lock here. An indentation seems to be carved to hold a small statue. An investigation check reveals an inverse looking skull as if you could set a small skull totem in here.
3. The eastern room is a large eating and living room for 6 more cultists. Wine Red tents, training dummies, and several cooking pots over fires. The cutlists are not on alert yet.
4. A treasure room with an old chest. Lock with poison needle. Failure leads to one level of exhaustion. 1245 gp and a shard coin. Blink Gloves.
5. An ancient fire place resides on the north side. Any touching of the fireplace causes a billow of poisonous gas leading to another level of exhaustion.
6. A hallway that goes south and north.
7. An empty room with several dead guards inside. The smell of the bodies is readily apparent.
8. Large dark marble prayer room clearly used centuries ago for some form of mass. Large black pillars are ten feet from the walls and a huge central pillar dominates the center of the room it is carved with several relief sculptures of old gods falling to demons. In the center past the north three columns stand to metal statues with multiple arms. Beyond a few cultists stand ready. [Battle room!] Completing this battle gives them the totem to open 9. Lots of gold and the Naedra metal card. [DM Note: Read here- As you walk closer to the strange relief carvings on the central pillar the dark stone gleams with your dark vision. Mew or Monica Roll a perception check DC 18. A flash of movement and just the slightest sound of fabric brushing against stone. You look to the north and you see to large metal statues just beyond the three pillars to the north. As you slowly walk forward the statues come into view, two black iron statues of women with pointed ears, each standing against the walls facing each other. They each have four arms that are currently in a pose of contemplation. They each seem to stare down to the floor below.]
9. The secret stairway down to the lower levels.
10, 11. creepy tunnels leading to a cave in and a stairwell down further. At the bottom of the stairs is another locked/trapped door DC 18. Opening the door leads to an illusion of a wide opening pit filled with moving snakes and spikes. Determine the illusion with an Arcana check, investigation or whatever.
13. The final ritual room and the sacrifice altar. Final battle!


NPC's and Informants in Serpico:

057 Arveene Dundragon, Human (Tethyrian) Fighter (Great Weapon S18 D10 C17 I17 W11 C15; 13 hp; Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Perception, Survival; Cartographer, Vehicles (Land Common, Infernal; chain mail, trident, heavy crossbow, handaxe, handaxe, explorer's pack, cartographer's tools, shovel, iron pot, common clothes, belt pouch, t35, 10 gp; ex-Folk Hero (Peasantry Trainer T:action oriented, open minded; I:charity ; B:land lover; F:overconfident.
058 Shava Diamonddew, Elf (Wood) Rogue; S14 D18 C10 I15 W16 C15; 8 hp; Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth; Dice, Poisoner, Thieves' Tools; Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant; rapier, shortbow, 20 arrows, burglar's pack, leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, crowbar, dark common clothes, belt pouch, t26, 15 gp; ex-Criminal (Enforcer T:optimistic, unflinching; I:greed; B:stolen keepsake; F:money chooser.
059 Callie Greenbottle, Green Elven Woman, Fighter (Dueling S18 D15 C16 I12 W12 C15; 13 hp; Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Perception; Common, Elvish, Halfling, Undercommon; chain mail, war pick, scimitar, handaxe, handaxe, dungeoneer's pack, bottle of black ink, quill, small knife, letter from dead colleague, common clothes, belt pouch, t49, 10 gp; ex-Sage (Researcher T:patient explainer, determined;
074 Gurdis Amastacia, Dwarf (Mountain) Wizard; S17 D16 C19 I17 W9 C9; 10 hp; Arcana, History, Insight, Medicine; Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Goblin; dancing lights, light, ray of frost; burning hands, charm person, comprehend languages, magic missile, silent image, thunderwave; quarterstaff, component pouch, scholar's pack, spellbook, bottle of black ink, quill, small knife, letter from dead colleague, common clothes, belt pouch, t44, 10 gp; ex-Sage (Discredited Academic); T:voracious reader, valuable noter; I:knowledge; B:student protector; F:quick retreater.
075 Quelenna Galanodel, Elf (High) Rogue; S14 D19 C13 I17 W9 C15; 9 hp; Acrobatics, Deception, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth; Disguise, Three-Dragon Ante, Thieves' Tools; Common, Elvish, Giant, Thieves' Cant; dancing lights; shortsword, shortbow, 20 arrows, dungeoneer's pack, leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, crowbar, dark common clothes, belt pouch, t90, 15 gp; ex-Criminal (Highway Robber T:touchy, planner; I:honor; B:library preserver; F:fearful.
076 Cade Thorngage, Halfling (Stout) Fighter (Two-Weapon S13 D19 C16 I10 W14 C15; 13 hp; Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation; Dragonchess, Vehicles (Land Common, Halfling; chain mail, scimitar, shortsword, light crossbow, 20 bolts, dungeoneer's pack, insignia of rank, trophy, dice set, common clothes, belt pouch


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