ATG Mission 7.2 Wyvern Sea Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 7.2 Wyvern Sea

Consequences of being Banished for ATG Grimm
If a cleric or paladin of the Adherents of Iron successfully banish a member of our team they pop out of the material plane and materialize not in the abyssal plane but in an office of the TVA. For players "You pop back into existence and feel all of the material in your stomach rush forward then backward. Your blood pounds in your head for half a second as things move back to normal. You look around and see a fairly large room, the walls covered in wood paneling. Intricate molding on each piece and two layers of crown moulding at near the ceiling. A lush green carpet lays under your feet and wide wooden desk sits in the middle of the room made of polished expensive wood. Up against the wall is a device with a cistern of cool water on top of it. Glowing rune rocks stud the outside of it and a small display window reads 38 degrees F. Several metal file cabinets line the other wall with dozens of scraps of parchment, tubes of scrolls, and pieces of painted and inked imagery. You stand in front of a wall with a couch in front of it and the last far wall has a heavy wooden door that is closed. At the desk an older human man looks down at a large book. Heavy spectacles with several lenses sit on his face, two the lenses down around his nose at this time. You see each other at the same time and share gasps of "What the..!" He quickly reaches down and pulls out an object and points it at you. A grey and black object with a cylinder pointed at you. He says in a quavering but authoritative voice "Don't move!" and with his bonus action he reaches his free hand below his desk and searches around for something. Your turn what would you like to do?

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow

  Adventure Team Grimm was tasked with obtaining the legendary golem known as the Hydellical Mechanoid. It's last known location was the continent of Ventenheim somewhere in the central planes. Recently Mew was approached by a delegation from her homeland and her mother the Queen. Though Mew avoided the Delegation from the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars the rest of the team accepted the scroll of invitation, though no decision has been made on how to proceed from there.  The team hired new crew and set sail from Copenhaus with a newly repaired ship.  After a few days at sea you were approached by a merchant vessel that was commandeered by the dangerous Adherents of Iron who were looking to reclaim Cog.  Utilising your submersible you found your way on board the other ship.  A battle ensued and the Adherents of Iron and their warforged automaton were dispatched and the captain of the merchant vessel reclaimed his ship.  With the Wet Dream secure and sea worthy you once more plot a course for Ventenheim and continue your journey...

Plot points/Scenes

The Wet Dream Sets sail once more

Vom Fass you wander the deck avoiding hard labor by pretending to be busy with kobold Sorceror stuff. The sun sinks low towards the sea and the sky above you turns dark blue leading down to bright orange as the sun sinks into the water. You hear some strong words coming from the aft castle. As you drift closer pretending to read a book you see Jinx Olivin and Captain Ro having a rather heated conversation. Captain Ro icily stares at the Halfling and says “NO.” Jinx cycles up again and says “but captain I need to practice my craft!” [Jinx is upset the captain won’t allow her to try out experimental cannon balls citing low powder and the crew not liking midnight explosions echoing out over the water during shut eye.]
Mew you brush your horse for the fifth time today in between naps in your quarters. Sailing has always been difficult for you but you put up with it for the good of the team. This time however the days stretch on and this voyage is really testing your patience. You suppress your irritation once more by tending to Nightmare when you hear a whispered conversation. As you creep forward like a shade in the night. You see Mirralee, the new Halfling talking to herself. “It’s a long journey, and I think these new people are good folk. I know you don’t trust them but sometimes you just have to work with people. I don’t think she hates you, she seems very interested in seeing you. Besides if anyone tries to hurt you I’ll stop them.” as you get closer you see the strange smoky form of bony snake which hovers in the air in front of Mirralee barely corporeal. Mew at some point during your napping and all of the excitement of the previous battle your defenses are lowered. You feel yourself gently pulled into the psychic plane once more. The strange landscape forms around you made up of millions of tiny polygons. A large pond with a wide waterfall cascading down a cliff. You stand on the edge of this mirror like pond watching the rhythmic ripples move from the base of the waterfall and the strange spiky spray made from the polygons as the falling water hits the surface. A voice emerges from your left “Beautiful isn’t it.” A handsome elven man stands next to you holding a flower up to his nose and staring down at it. Bright white hair frames his face and falls down to his shoulders. He wears dark grey and black evening wear. Like tuxedo tunic with overlapping layers of silks making up a light jacket. “Why won’t you come see me?” He sighs. “You move all around the great world yet you refuse to come north to my Castle.” “No matter, I will be patient. But before I leave you a word of warning. A friend of mine lives not to far from your present location. Take care not to meet him won’t you?” Mew make an intelligence check or an insight check. DC 17. With a success "you feel a wave of cognition pass over you briefly and a lesson from Mara Magenta comes back to you. Is this your mental plane or the greater mental plane that all psionics travel in? You make a mental note to work on this further..."
  Karnac, you get up from a nap down below and make your way up to the deck lighting up a pipe. The sun is just a sliver above the horizon line creating a magnificent sunset of orange and pink the rest of the sky dark blue above it. You lean against the rail feeling the rough hewn wood under your arm and the cold breeze coming from the sea around you. You feel the satisfaction of being on a journey, adventuring with a team of brave souls just like you, a childhood dream of yours. Or is it running away from your family and it’s problems? You quickly shake that thought out of your head as you hear Vazquez and Frost approach. “Hey commander, thought we may dip into the Dragon Born Whiskey and do a party night, kind of welcome the Noobs, what do you think?”
  Hops as the crew begins to mill about the deck setting up extra lanterns and bringing up some extra rations and drinks Vazquez makes her way towards you “What do say Hops? Care to donate some of that world famous whiskey of yours?” After a few moments of the new crew getting razzed and doing some shots. Birch approaches you and crosses his arms. “Care for a rematch?”

The Great Storm -

After a couple of days Cutting across the Wyvern Sea you see nothing but Blue skies and wispy clouds during the day and a crystal clear night sky studded with millions of stars. The Two moons move lazily across the night sky crossing paths occasionally. Warm summer winds constantly buffet all on deck during the day and slow down at night growing a few degrees cooler. The third day those of you that sleep and have fewer tasks aboard the boat awake and make your way out of your quarters. Crowe has a meager breakfast prepared of seabird eggs and rations made of salted dried chicken and pork. Some ugly looking tangerines and lemons make up your vitamin c for this part of the journey. Apone stretches and sits down next to Karnac "Damn, I always think I'll get used to this every journey but those tangerines look like my aunt Bretta's tumor. We need a port and break, what do you think?" Hicks makes his way through the galley on his rounds checking in on the crew and their morning tasks. "No port anywhere near us on this leg of the ocean. We are a couple of days from the Orix Island Chain but Captain has us pushing past trying to get to Ventenheim." As morning gives way to afternoon most of you drift towards the deck to feel the wind and sun and look for interesting sea life as it drifts by. The ship moves at a fair clip catching a full sail of Easterly wind as you move into a popular shipping route and jet stream. The consistency of the waves is nice and familar, same waves you have been watching for a week now. But later that afternoon the sea calms and the waves even out. Captain Eltera Ro mutters a curse word and shouts "Hicks! Apone! get yourselves ready we've got a problem." As you all look off in the distance an enormous black cloud can be seen right in your path. It stretches across the sky and leaves a black shadow on the waves below. A sea storm spans and blurs the horizon all around you, the Captain and Apone consider sailing miles to go around but it looks to be surrounding you. Small flashes of lighting are the only illumination that emanates from the clouds in front of you. Things darken further as the sun begins to set. The crew moves frantically around you to secure sails and protect anything that moves on the deck. Borgullus, Jalis, and Mirralee rush into the hold to rope down crates, barrels, and chests. Cog you stare out into the massive front with wonder and astonishment taking it all in until you hear a shout from Hollefernes "COG! let's get moving we've got a lot of lines to tie up!"
Karnac you feel the pressure drop with your connection to nature, Instead of fear you feel a bit of excitement. Captain Ro bellows at you "Karnac get that Hawk below deck and locked in your quarters! The winds coming will tear that bird out to sea and you'll never see it again!" With your mind now focused on the present make a Survival check DC 15. A success leads you to assess the current storm size and danger levels. This is an enormous thunderstorm at hurricane levels. This is going to be bad.
Vom Fass you also feel an surge of excitment as you feel the electricity in the air. Despite your new Clockwork allegiance the storms and lightning are always your first love. What are you doing as the crew scurries around you? Mew, same question. Hops your mind clears a bit as the temperature drops and vazquez and Jinx now motion to you. "Hops! we need a hand down in the weapons hold!" Those of you on the deck watch as the sky darkens even further into night time conditions. The rain begins to pelt the worn wooden planks of the deck and the bunched up canvas of the sails now tightly tied to the masts and booms. In moments the wind changes from swiftly rushing past your faces to screaming all around you! [DM Note: Time to use the rules of storms at sea making checks each round/Hour. Add to our descriptions each hour as the dice changes the conditions around them. This is going to be at least 12 round/Hours for this storm. ]
After hour 12 of battling the storm Karnac takes a moment to grab the rail and take a breath. Roll a perception check DC16 Anyone else on deck at the time can make this. On a success you see the waves raising and cresting around you as they have for half a day. In one of the waves a shape moves! In the wave through the dark blues and greens a bright yellow eye opens and jets away down underneath the water towards the underside of the boat. With that the shape is gone. What do you do at this time?
The Storm rages once again as the wind gains speed and the heavy rain bounces all around you. A great dark shape explodes out of swelling wave and bright yellow eyes flare! Everyone make a saving throw against fear, DC 21 Wisdom saving throw, Anyone who fails feels a chill down their spine like never before. You involuntarily rush below deck into the hold for a round. [DM Note: Frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.] Roll initiative! Optional - Mew - During the battle with the wind and rain whipping around you a figure appears. A dark haired man rushed towards you. A long coat made of dyed leather dark blue with bright royal highlights, his long black hair whips around his face. With a flash of lightning he has his hand around your throat. He lifts you off the ground and brings you closer to his face. His eyes glow yellow with bright blue iris and coal black pupils. He speaks directly into your mind "You have a gift young one. Perhaps you would like to come with me and we could explore this together?" What would you like to do?

To the Orix Chain for repairs

  With the danger over for now and the ship badly damaged but sea worthy, Captain Ro calls a command council. "Apone, Hicks, Cog , Karnac with me. My ready room now." As you all gather around the small table in Captain Ro's map room she and Apone gather up all the important maps and instruments that are scattered on the floor. Apone stretches out the best map of the surrounding area and begins to study it. "My best guess considering what we've all been through the last 12 hours is we have drifted into this area. I can't be sure but I think if we head west from here we should see Orithia's Fire within the day. From there we can drift into the Orix chain and find Clastapool. Good port city called Ristalpool will help us with repairs." He looks up at you and the captain. Captain Ro says "sounds like we are in agreement. You two map out a course, Cog gather Hollefernes and Mirralee and get us a sail of some kind, we need some movement and maneuverability. Karnac you Borgullus, and Jalis need to get to work on the hull!" With the orders given what are the rest of you doing? Vom Fass, Mew, Hops let me know your next moves.
After a day of drifting more than sailing, the crew moves about the ship exhausted and pale. The hold and lower decks are bailed out and the remaining supplies and cargo are put back in place and secured. That night as you take a break and make your way to the bow to watch the sunset and and feel warm air dry you out. A large black shape appears in the distance, a triangle jutting out of the water. Apone walks up behing you "There it is, Orithia's Fire. Am I good or what?" Hicks claps him on the back "I'll admit to your greatness once you get us through the coral shoals and rocks without sinking us." After another hour the great volcano rises out of the sea. A wispy smoke plume drifts out of the cone near it's apex. Beyond it as it passes on the starboard side you see several more green islands out in the distance. Apone points to one of the larger ones "There, Clastapool. There is a village on it with a decent shipwright. We can begin repairs there and maybe get some shore leave." The next hour is Hicks and Apone checking depth measurements and wind speed to avoid the sharp Coral reefs and rocks that hide just beneath the surface. Eventually you sail into a large dockyard with hundreds of buildings stretching up a hill beyond. Thin black timber surrounded by white stone walls make up most of the walls with dark clay shingles overlaid over one another to create roofs. Several of the houses have repair folk on top putting things back together after the hurricane. A Tortle man walks up with a half orc and grabs the lines and ties up the boat. "Have a rough 'un in thater Storm?" Captain Ro head down the plank with any of you who want to accompany her to negotiate repairs. "Do you have any good shipwrights who can make repairs pretty quickly?" The Tortle man responds " I suppose... Looks like a mite mor' an storm damage..." He glances at a wide burn mark from the dragon's lightning. "I can rush up 'or work for mite more gold, I suppose 5500 should do 'ur." Feel free to let players negotiate from here.
The rest of the day is up to you, Currently it is about 3 in the afternoon putting sunset around 7pm. An older Tiefling woman approaches Vom Fass. She looks light purple in skin color with dark grey horns that curl around to her pointed ears. She has a leather eye patch over her left eye. "You smell of adventure and magic! I'm looking to begin a magic shoppe here in Ristalpool but I have no stock. What I do have is gold. What can you sell me?" Her Name is Black Aggie. In Ristalpool at this time is another ship known as the Copper Truncheon, They are pirates from the group known as the Marid's Bones. They are coming off a recent score including a Shard Statue of Corsun worth several thousand gold. An eavesdropping PC may hear one of the bragging about robbing a rich merchant vessel from Ventenheim.
A small green bee lands on your shoulder Karnac. He speaks "You there large one, I require your assistance! I have risked much to save my people including imbibing a potion of Vocalis to be able to speak your crude language. Will you help us?" His colony is under attack by small cadre of lizardfolk who are constructing a large trap nearby to capture people from town.  Inside one of the logs is a bee colony, the log being cut in half and exposing a portion of the colony.  The bees fight back but do not seem to be able to penetrate their scales.  If the party takes this on remember that the Lizard folk will use Naedra Metal against the party.  An anti magic metal!  The lizard folk carry shortbows with smaller than normal arrows.  These arrows have barbed heads and the shafts are made of fish bones.  They are designed to embed the metal into spell casters.


Abducted and taken prisoner in the City of Deep Giants

A triton man sneaks aboard the ship on the journey and unleashes a gas cloud. Knocking out the crew and as many players as possible. A 25 ft. tall blue giant man peers over the rail of the boat and with the help of a squid like creature takes many prisoners and cargo and plunges into the sea below. Taken down into an underwater city and imprisoned the players must save the crew and loot anything they can as they escape their underwater prison.A city of Storm Giants ruled by the Blue Dragon resides on the ocean floor in this section of the ocean. They occasionally rob merchant ships and take sailors as slaves or food. A couple of tritons board the ship and throw gas grenades around to knock out the crew. Then a storm giant and a squid creature take prisoners and loot and take it down to the city. Late at night under the brilliant night sky studded with thousands of stars and pink and bright green auroras that snake between the moons. During a shift change the only people on deck are Karnac doing some late night smoking, Vom Fass who is muttering at dolphins swimming by the bow and the new girl Jinx. Hollefernes and Borgullus enjoy some of the quickly dwindling tea as they await Cog and Jalis to relieve them. Karnac as you wander about the aft castle and descend down the stairs roll a perception check. DC 15. A bluish green man in a dark blue tight fitting leather jacket and pants crouches on the deck in a sneak position. He holds two large cylinders in his hands. As you both lock eyes he throws one of the metal objects at your head, hard. roll a dexterity check. Whatever Karnac does the canister explodes into greenish yellow smoke enveloping him. Vom Fass you are on the bow roll a perception check. Another bluish green man is sneaking up on you. As the smoke expands and mixes with the water in the air it develops into a mist that settles all around the ship enveloping it. Everyone must roll a Constitution saving throw [DC 18]. If you fail you are knocked unconscious and you fall to the deck. Dark blue and purple tendrils begin to slowly snake through the ship down the stairs and into the hold. Several of the crew are taken beneath the waves as well as chests of coins, Dragon Born Whiskey, Blizzard Hops Whiskey, and your last remaining Haze dust contraband. Those left Jotonalyeth City is a city of Storm giants currently. They have enslaved the triton population and now use them for farming and raising large schools of fish.
Plot type
Main Story

Articles under ATG Mission 7.2 Wyvern Sea


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