ATG Mission 6 - Tiny Town Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 6 - Tiny Town

Adventure Team Grimm is once more captured by the imp known as Mr. Nyx. Placed in a miniature town their souls are also projected into tiny one inch tall polymorphed magical bodies. Their powers are stripped from them and they are forced to live as simple farm folk in a tiny town.
Our new characters: Vom Fass - A human grandmother named Olde Bindi. She is a 72 year old woman with a bad hip and arthritis who works on a small vegetable farm.
Blizzard Hops - Is a Dwarven woman named Kalis Karinn who works as the blacksmith for the town.
Mew - A human man named Hal Voight, a cooper with a beard and big muscles. He is 5'7" and 35 years old.
Tyll - is a tall Firbolg man working at the Brewery. The Firbolg is 7’1” tall and named Casper Leafmane.
Cog - is now a elven man named Tanis Ironshanks. He is the town miller.
Karnac - A Halfling woman named Lorca Mallorca working on a dairy farm. She is middle aged and has dark brown hair and brown eyes.
Mayor Balister BonMot - This rotund man with a top hat and fancy jacket is the mayor of Oakwoode.  He is fond of giving speeches and mingling with the people.  He also possesses on of the keys needed to unlock the device.  
Mercurio N'Hallan - The most famous and looked up to man in town.  Most of the townsfolk fawn over him as he walks among them.  He is tall and strong, lantern jawed with light brown hair and brown eyes.  
Rolo Bearan - Owner and miller of the Bearan Mill.  he is also one of the people who possess one of the keys. 
Lara Ingraham - Owner of the Baker's Oven and Buns.  She is the baker and supreme gossip in town.  Quite to anger and has a sharp tongue.  Also has one of the keys to unlock the device.

Plot points/Scenes

Previously On Liters of Tomorrow-
Adventure Team Grimm back in Tellenor for some rest and relaxation was enjoying the festival known as Winter’s Faire. You met the new employee at the Cog and Gear Magical Emporium a gnome woman named Tyll Bebo. Mew followed the lead of a fellow thief and snuck into the castle in the middle of the night. She obtained a strange book from the restricted section for the thieves guild known as the Abyssal Knife. After dealing with a rival adventuring team and slaying a dangerous monster out in the woods known as the Mothman all of you were given a new objective by your parent company, PACT. Track down and obtain the dangerous magical artifact known as the Arcanist Circlet. You followed your first lead and set sail for the coastal city of Copenhaus to meet with your informant. The meeting was at midnight in the middle of the Great Zoo of Copenhaus. While their you were ambushed by the mysterious figure known as Helleficks Kristalinn once again. He unleashed the assassin for hire squad known as C.O.B.R.A. And even personally attempted to kill your informant. Proving yourselves in combat once more you defeated the assassins and saved your informant. With his help you were able to find the other members of Helle’s Adventuring Team before they could board a boat for Lamborginus. Unfortunately a gargantuan creature exploded out of a temple near the Zoo and began to threaten the entire city. The team sprang into action using a concise and well ordered plan to save the city and obtain the circlet at the same time. Even the narrator of this previously on laughed at that, of course all of you scattered in different directions and probably would have left the city to it’s fate if Vom Fass hadn’t done a 180 and decided he could weaponize the creature using polymorph. Changing it into a sea cucumber he and Blizzard Hops secreted themselves aboard the rival’s boat and attempted to hide. Mew ran into her thieves guild contact who told her the book she had stolen had directly resulted in the summoning of the gargantuan creature. Karnak and Cog readied the Wet Dream and set sail in pursuit of the Pelican’s Wings. Now the two boats are within eye sight of each other, Will a sea cucumber explode into a gargantuan creature right under the feet of Blizzard Hops and Vom Fass? Will the Arcanist Circlet fall to the bottom of the ocean? Will Cog loudly exclaim “But we had a plan!”? Will Mew deal with her actions and culpability in the theft of the book? And did anyone tell Tyll Bebo that you were now on the ocean in a deadly duel of death with another boat?!!?!
Currently here is where we are: Vom Fass and Blizzard Hops are still on the deck of the Pelican’s Wings, A sea cucumber rests inside of a box on the captain’s quarters. In ten minutes that sea cucumber will revert to it’s original form the gargantuan abyssal creature known as the corrupted Juggernaut. Mew and Tyll Bebo are in their quarters in the hold of the Wet Dream. Cog and Karnak are on the deck of you ship with several of your crew as you sail full speed ahead towards the small shipping vessel. The two boats are now about 200 feet from each other as the wind presses against your faces. The sailing speed of both ships is about 4 knots to pick up some speed Hollefernes and Cog could trim the sails (Hoist to reduce speed), pulling on lines at a break neck speed. Cog roll a dexterity check to see how you do! (Note it is possible to get ahead of the other vessel and steal some of their wind to slow them down. [DM Note Tacking is a when a ship sails at a diagonal and blocks some of the wind from the other ship. ] What would you all like to do?
As the gargantuan creature erupts out of or near the ship it will latch onto the Pelican’s Wings and utterly tear it to pieces. It is not happy and as it punches through the hull over and over the masts collapse around it and the whole mess sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Now the team can send Karnak to swim down underneath or take the submersible but the problem remains the creature is now tangled in the wreckage waiting for them down below with the circlet.   NOTES: We head to Vellen Falls to meet with Agrimor himself. There is a teleportation circle in the castle. They will also meet with the current Prime Minister of Vellen Falls. This will be a Drow in disguise using an illusion spell similar to the one Vom Fass uses. Let's investigate the Drow conspiracy to help Lamborginus foment war. Let's also discuss further leads with the Abyssal Knife and their plot to destroy current civilization. If they return to Copenhaus to investigate they can find the book that Mew stole and fight some of the Cultists. TO DO : Finish Vellen Falls, shops, government, major political figures. Fill out Abyssal Knife , and finish Tiny town plot.
You all stand on the deck of the Wet Dream once more with the Arcanist Circlet safely stowed away. The crew look out over the water still a little nervous. Currently it is about 4 in the afternoon, Captain Ro tells Hicks to get second shift up and running. Mew you hear a small chime in your earpiece "Lady Mew can you give me a status report on your current mission? We heard reports of a giant creature destroying Copenhaus which suddenly dissappeared." Allow Mew to respond to this message. Trusilla Fane your regional director directs you to meet with Agrimor himself in the city of Vellen Falls. "That is incredible news, once again your team exceeds expectations. Agrimor will be in Vellen Falls the day after next, do you think you could meet him there and hand over the Circlet? He will pay you as well, he is excited to reconnect with all of you and congratulate you on your recent successes."
After discussing how to reach Vellen Falls Captain Ro mentions the Faron River not too far north of your position. Normally she would advise against it but with your Hull shifting upgrade she thinks the Wet Dream could navigate it. She confers with Hicks and Apone who agree. "Allright you lot get to it, Cog we may need you on the sails with Hollefernes when we reach the river. Yeoman Bebo, head down and make sure the cannons are secure and cleaned." The crew moves to action all around you as the ship begins to move up the coast once more. After a few hours with the sun setting over the western coastline the mouth of the river is barely visible. Captain Ro says "We should anchor near the coast for the night, we can navigate the river by daylight. Too risky to take her in during a cloudy night." It's still late winter and the night air is quite cool but not freezing. The following morning you awake after a long rest and Captain Ro and Hicks are already on deck. You hear the loud shout of "Up Anchor!" Hicks turns to Cog and says "Commander can you operate the Hull shift?" The polished wooden panel of arcane sliding buttons gleams in the morning sun. The ship slowly makes it's way to the middle of the river the quiet magical motions of the hull as it moves around beneath you almost inaudible. Large hills and mountains in the distance loom over the river as you sail slowly west. Morning sun breaks the chill in the air and feels almost warm making you think of spring and summer. Who is where on the ship and what is every one doing?
Depending who is on deck I will need perception checks DC 15. As the river narrows and bends in an area called the Aurochs Horne, you see something move in a copse of trees. Bushes are thrown to the side to reveal a large Ballista and several green figures rushing around behind it. You have one round as the Ballista turns towards the hull of the boat. An eight foot iron rod with jagged points on the end points directly towards the bow of the Wet Dream. A dozen goblins led by a Hobgoblin fire the ballista at the hull attempting to lodge it in and stop the ship. They use a catapult system to fling themselves on to the ship and land on the sails latching on to the fabric with sharp claw like tools. Roll initiative.


The rest of your journey goes by uneventfully. After the battle night falls and Captain Ro and Apone decide to keep moving if slowly up the river. The sky is cloudless and there is a full moon. Apone says " I can sail an acorn through a Catfish's anus." Even Hicks rolls his eyes at that one as you all settle down in your cabins for a nights rest. The following day you see the city of Vellen Falls in the distance. Large walls surround the city and smoke issues from chimneys as the bright morning sun shines down on the river. You approach one of the docks and the dockmaster gives you permission to tie the boat up. For now the rest of the day is up to you. Agrimor is set to arrive in the morning. He is arriving via teleportation circle at the High Enclave, an elven embassy in the city. As you wander the streets and find lodging for the night you are approached by a small retinue of official looking types. An Elven man with his light brown hair pulled back into a long braid says “You are new to the city, yes? May I ask what business you have in the bright city?” He is flanked by two elven guards in a ornate plate mail that is cut through with jade steel and has curvy designs through the breast plate that continues on to the helms and gauntlets. “And what is the nature of your organization?” [DM Note: the Elven man is Vice minister Zedelus Tallis, he works for the ministry of trade.] “Of course, the city of Vellen Falls is open to all.”
Once the team finds lodging and begins to explore the city the Vice minister will approach them again and invite them to a meeting with the Prime Minister himself Mistan Kandantalus. [DM Note: the prime minister is an elven man but secretly a Drow in disguise.]. The meeting will take place in the Grande Olix Building in the center of town. Walking through Vellen falls you are struck by the large amount of elves and gnomes in the city. Though all races are present throughout the continent usually a full blooded elf is rare. Vellen Falls is known for it’s large contingent of elven embassies and Vellen University is one of the few schools that elves from the Forest Realms consider worthy of their attention. Their is also a strong tie to the Assembly of the weave in Vellen falls. You notice several students wearing the raiment of the august organization usually walking in pairs as they move about the city. The sound of the mighty river rushing right through the center of town is also ubiquitous.
Several bridges span the fast moving water and most have a viewing spot so that tourists can sketch the view and watch the falls. As you move towards the west side of the city the houses and store begin to line up a little better and look like they are newer with brighter coats of paint. In the distance you see the large stained glass clock face of the Grande Olix. At the end of the bridge you are met with a retinue of guards. “ State your business please.”
After waiting in a sitting room for a time you are eventually taken into the large meeting room. It has light green walls and several enormous paintings of past leaders. Most of which seem to be human by looking at them. In walks a tall, attractive elven man with platinum blonde hair that he wears in long cascade down his back. His hair and cape match with a circular curve at the bottom. He wears a uniformed armor fashioned of lightweight elven metal that is royal blue and black. He is ornamented with several hoop earrings that match his armor. He is tall and imposing and carries himself with a regal manner. [DM Note: this is Prime Minister Mistan Kandantalus he is secretly a Drow].  “So this is adventure Team Grimm, your patron, Agrimor mentioned that you would be in town for a few days. Welcome to Vellen Falls.” He allows them to introduce themselves and answer why they are here. “You may wonder why I am meeting with you, I do not often entertain travelers such as yourselves. I am concerned with a cult that may be operating in the city a source of mine mentioned an altercation in Copenhaus that may be linked. I have my own guard force and intelligence sources but occasionally it is good to bring in a neutral party to investigate. I also have suspicions that a few of my guard force may be compromised or working with this cult. Can I call on you to do some digging if you will be in town for a few days?” [DM Note: Cog you can make a perception check as he speaks to you DC 17.  On a success Cog notices a slight shimmer as PM Kandantalus turns. How odd.]



Tiny town

Previously On... Oakwoode The best little town in Tanaheim. The town has spent the entire week getting ready for the midsummer festival of Nurchan. Hay is being scythed down in the fields and the wheat harvest is supposed to be bountiful this year. Your fellow townsfolk scurried to and fro going about their day, tidbits of gossip passed along and plenty of baking done for the festival. Walking along one of the dirt packed streets you would have seen the mayor step on his apple crate and give an impromptu speech. Maggie Trimple the farmer is walking swiftly to collect her errant farmhand. Pelor Iglesias the town brewer heads down to the coopers to complain about leaky barrels. You, of course, have lived here all your life and have wished for nothing more. A good community, good farming, plenty of ale and wine and the satisfaction of a job well done at the end of the day. The town of Oakwoode is your whole world. After a long day of work several of the townsfolk met in the Blue Seal tavern for an ale and a story. You walked the well worn cedar planks of the floor and grabbed the cool mug and pressed it to your lips. The ale or sweet mead washes down the hard day of work you just put in. You sit at a Blackwood stool and lean back on the bar watching your fellow townsfolk. Kitty Bohannon sits awfully close to Tanis Ironshanks on their third beer. Isn’t she married? The little Halfling woman from old Maggie Trimple’s farm is probably drinking a bit too much. The Dwarven woman, Kalis, is definitely talking to a man that is not her husband. The strange Firbolg man who works with the brewer during the day is bar backing at night. He awkwardly drops a glass behind the bar. After a few hours you walk home buzzed and fall asleep.
Vom Fass
you awake the following day to a beautiful sunrise shining through your farm house window. The smell of drying hay and goats fills your nostrils as you pull the covers off. You slowly, gingerly walk towards your wooden bedroom door. You hip hurts for some reason and your knees creak. As you push open the door to walk through you take a beat to look at your hand. Instead of your beautiful azure scales and manicured claws your hand is pink and five fingered. Blue veins spider web through it and some brown moles by the thumb. You slowly look down in horror at your body. Sagging breasts and thin white legs beneath you, your chest and groin covered by dark brown wool tunic and skirt. Cotton underclothes move against your papery thin skin. You rush out the front door of the farmhouse as the sun begins to rise, your breathing becomes more quick and ragged as you look around. The bright summery day is very different from the wintry mix of you left in Vellen Falls and Copenhaus.
[DM Note: Save until after everyone has their intro?] Your mind reels as you get light headed but you look up as something moves in the sky. Blotting out the sun is the enormous face of Mr. Nyx, a devilish grin on his imp like purple face. “Hahahaa! Vom Fass!! You’re mine now, you and your little friends will live out the rest of your days in Tiny Town!”
Cog - [DM Note: Cog is now a elven man named Tanis Ironshanks. He is the town miller. Roll an Intelligence Saving Throw DC 17 If a player fails they lose all of their memories and become their new characters. They are expected to role play as their new Tiny Town personas. On a success the character remembers who they were and are utterly confused about their new surroundings.] Cog you awake in a small room with dark wood paneling reminiscent of an old west/1880's building. You are in a bed packed with Straw and goose feathers, fairly comfortable. The first thing you feel as you swing your legs over the side of the bed is the pain as your shin hits the end table. A small cut appears on your now pink skin. You feel your body and every where you touch is softer than you remember. [IF COG - confusion and a little bit of panic fills your mind, a light sweat builds on your brow and in your armpits as a new feeling of stress takes over. This compounds your new sense of confusion as you have never sweated before. A strange mix of awe, fascination, and terror fills your mind as you realize you are no longer a warforged but now a being made of flesh and blood. You search for a mirror or reflective surface desperate to figure out what you are. You find a small mirror in the end table drawer and hold it up to your face. An elven man with pointed ears stares back at you. Your blonde hair spills down over your forehead now wet with sweat.] IF TANIS IRONSHANKS - you awake in a bit of a daze. What day is it? What time is it? How come you can't remember what happened yesterday. Slowly your memories return, You worked all day in the mill grinding up Mr. Canjo's latest wheat crop. Dusty and sweaty from the long day you dipped into the pond for a bit and then got changed. By sunset you headed down to the tavern for an ale. Kitty Bohannon was there, she seemed sullen and depressed. You bought her an ale and you began talking. As you lay back down to think about the night's events you hear a knock at the door. BOTH - As you pull the door open Kitty rushes in and closes the door forcefully behind her and blocks it with her body. She is breathing deeply and seems worked up "Tanis, we can't hold it in any longer. We need this, We should do this!" She flings herself forward and presses her lips to yours hard. What do you do?
Tyll Bebo - [DM Note: Tyll is now a Firbolg man named Casper Leafmane. He works at the Brewery as the assistant. Roll an intelligence saving throw DC 17 ] You awake in a room with dark green wallpaper. Some of which is peeling, the smell of mash and grains surrounds you. As you pull yourself into a sitting position you feel a slight sense of vertigo. Strange, you don't feel sick or under the weather. As you move further to pull yourself into standing position the feeling intensifies, your head comes close to the ceiling! The motion and height is terrifying and new you stagger for a bit as you look down at your hands covered in grey and brown short fur. [IF TYLL - The feeling intensifies as you stumble about the room, this body is almost seven feet tall and you don't know how to handle it. Roll an athletics check to see if you steady yourself. You look down at your now long legs and naked trunk. You also notice that you are male and the hair and fur covers your entire body.] IF ASH - As you sit back down after the feeling of lightheadedness intensifies you try to remember what happened yesterday and what day it is. Memories come flooding back as you remember your day working at the brewery and making that new pumpkin flavored ale for the upcoming festival. You remember heading to the tavern and having a few drams of whiskey and talking to the cooper in town Hal. As you head downstairs the master brewer yells at you to get your head out of your ass and get dressed. "We've got a lot of work to do today and I need you to be focused you big goon!"
Mew - You awake in a loft above a large open barn like working space. The morning sun peeks through several cracks in the siding around you. Your small wooden framed bed creaks as you move around. Roll an intelligence saving throw DC 17. IF MEW - The first thing you notice is the quiet around you. Not just the lack of noise but a lack of connection as well. You instinctively reach out with your mind but nothing happens. The psionic powers that you have had for most of your life are now gone and the feeling of panic begins to overwhelm you. You leap to your feet only to stumble and drop to one knee. Your delicate pads and paws do not respond like they should, you look down and see clumsy pink toes. The feet and hands of a human. As all of this dawns on you the feeling gets worse, you pat down your new body and find that you are in the body of human man. IF HAL VOIGHT - You awake as you usually do, a little fuzzy tongued and dizzy from a hang over. You sit up and reach for the small ceramic mug of water you leave by your bedside for this very occasion. You take a drink and then look down at your workspace. The loft sits at the top of a barn nearly 20 feet above the wooden floor littered with boards and iron rings that you use to make barrels. As the town cooper you have a lot of work to get to. As you descend the ladder after getting dressed you go through your various tools neatly placed on the bench in front of you. BOTH - You then hear a banging on the wide wooden sliding door of the barn. It vibrates back and forth and sawdust puffs around it. "Hal! that last batch of barrels is leaking! It's Larry! open up I know you are in there!" Larry Hogun from the winery is outside.


Blizzard Hops - You wake up in a wide double bed in a nice bedroom with white walls and dwarven art all around. A light summery breeze greets you through the open window. As you open your eyes and begin to stir a large muscular arm drapes over you chest and you hear a light snore from the person beside you. Roll an intelligence saving throw DC 17. If HOPS - Several strange thoughts compete for your attention at the same time. Your usual dry mouthed hangover state is gone, alarming or nice change of pace? You are definitely not in your room in Vellen Falls and even the weather is different. You glance down at your body and notice two large breasts blocking your view. Alarming or nice change of pace? IF KALIS - You feel the weight of your husbands arm as it flops on to you like most mornings. You struggle to remember the previous day and instead only feel the pressure from your bladder and the need to pee. You suddenly remember why it’s so full, you drank several pints of mead last night talking to Barry Umbletoe and did you lead him on? BOTH - From your common room you hear the heavy knock of Misty Mae as she bellows “Karinn! Get your ass in gear we are late to open the shop! We’ve got several orders of Horseshoes that need doin’!”
Karnak - You open your eyes and find yourself in a cheery little bedroom with pink drapes. The morning sun hits several small crystals on the window and refracts the light into all the colors of the rainbow. Little carvings of pixie’s and unicorns adorn the dresser and desk and paper origami of little dragons and griffons hang from the ceiling. Roll an intelligence saving throw DC 17. IF KARNAK - As you move into a seated position everything feels off. You feel almost weightless and your head gets a bit dizzy. Curly brown hair falls over your face that definitely isn’t your heavy reddish brown locks. You brush it back with a delicate hand with light pink nail polish adorning the fingers. A panic begins to rise as your mind takes this in. A light sheen of sweat appears on your brow as you look down at your small lithe female body. You almost leap off the bed not used to this short lightweight frame, roll an athletics check without any of your bonuses. IF LORCA - You wake up with the morning sun, a little more confused than usual. It takes almost a minute to recover the memories of the previous day. A long day of milking cows on the farm and then the trek into town to grab a pint at the Blue Seal tavern. A night spent watching the rest of the townsfolk and take in the little stories they all were creating. BOTH - A sharp knock on the door outside startles you out of your reverie as the screech of Maggie Trimple shouts “Lorca! Those cows aren’t going to milk themselves! You’re not getting paid to sleep in every morning!”

Rising Action

As the characters move into their new day amongst Oakwoode’s inhabitants they quickly realize that the following night is Nurchan Celebration. An annual summer party and festival that includes decoration the Beer hall, preparing cakes and sweets and plenty of beers, meads, and wines. It is the one festival every one in town looks forward to. The mayor walks the street happy to look in on all the townsfolk and see how they are doing.
The mayor is a creature loyal to Nyx. Balister Bonmot is a rotund short human man who walks about town with his assistant Smithers. He spends most of the day giving small speeches about the festival and warnings about the nights revelry. [DM Note: Both are imps in disguise] See some of his speeches in the Tiny town write up.
Tanis Ironshanks - Encounter with Rolo Bearan the miller “ Tanis I need all of that wheat ground and placed into sacks before 11 you hear me? [DM Note: have Cog answer and roll a perception check to see the key around Rolo’s neck. It has a strange symbol on the handle]. Todd Bohannon encounter - When Todd sees Tanis Ironshanks he confronts him angrily. “You Ironshanks! I heard you touched my wife! Is this true?” At the first meeting Todd has no proof so he will wait until the festival, get a little drunk and then confront Tanis again resulting in a fist fight.
Lorca Mallorca - She can try to milk the cows or, more likely, she will take off into town and get into trouble. Depends on if she is Lorca or Karnak. Either way eventually walking through town she will be confronted by Nina Allie who tries to get her to work in the brothel. “Oh Lorca! Pretty young thing. Have you thought about my offer?” Nina has been trying to get her to move into the perfume shop and become a sex worker. “Don’t you want to get off of that smelly farm and make some extra cash?”
Kalis Karinn - Note that if she does not show up for work Misty Mae will walk all over town looking for her. If she finds Kalis she will physically drag her back to the blacksmith shop and make her work. Barry Umbletoe encounter - “Aye Kalis! I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed our talk last night. Do you think you will be at the festival tonight?” After this encounter Lara Ingraham walks up to Kalis. “Oh look it’s dumpy little Kalis getting fawned over by a wee man. I wonder what your husband would think of this?” She smiles an evil little smile. [DM Note have Karnak do a perception check DC 14 to see a key hanging on a gold chain around her neck. A strange symbol on the handle. This is one of the keys needed to unlock the device.]
Casper Leafmane - Casper’s main problem is he is needed at two jobs. He helps out at the Blue Seal tavern and works at the brewery. Vera Bindlesmith tracks him down to beg for help tonight at the tavern. Pelor Iglesias is demanding he get back to the brewery any time he leaves. “Oh what’s this? Just because yur a tall lanky bastard you think you can just go get a snack whenever you want? Who’s going to scrub the Mashtun? Back to work!” Vera says “Look I know your busy but I really need help tonight! You are a good ale slinger and you only break one or two mugs a night.”
Hal Voight - Pelor Iglesias from the brewery is always after him about the order of barrels placed last week. “You still owe me half dozen barrels!” The festival is tonight and he is desperate for the barrels. "Hal, you lazy good for nothing. Are you going to be able to fill that order or not? Plus that last batch leaked."
[DM Note: Investigation checks for weapons will often reveal large kitchen Knives, Hatchets, Pitchforks, Quarterstaves, Darts or a hay hook which could be crafted into a grappling hook or into a weapon. The only longsword in town is on Mercurio's belt. The only true dagger in town is owned by Scott Malkinson. The only bow in town is held by Kintolo Blowhorn the hunter. With a good Investigation check of DC17 or more the player may find thieves tools or the proper metal to craft them if they have the knowhow. ]


Anyone who heads into town instead of doing their jobs - [Town encounters]
[DM Note: Animal encounters for anyone walking alone down the road or in the woods: Badger, Black Bear, Boar, Deer, Goat, Mastiff, Mule, Poisonous Snake, swarm of insects, Weasel, Wolf, Horse,  Random table 1d12.  All animals are creations of Nyx and are quite aggresive.]
Walking into the streets of Oakwoode you first notice how hungry you are. Several houses are baking feverishly to have enough cakes and buns for the festival tonight. The smell wafting about the town is tantalizing. Mayor Bonmot turns a corner and sets his eyes on you. “Ah! Ready for the festival tonight? You know I may have to say a few words to capture the specialness of the moment. I hope I can count on you to calm the crowd down and pay attention.” [DM Note: have any player that meets the mayor roll a perception check. DC 13 allows the player to see the key hanging from the mayors neck. It has a strange symbol on the handle.] As you respond and walk away you walk straight into Scott Malkinson. [Note if Kalis Karinn then he has a much different reaction and hits on her.]. “Oy, what are you doing here, shouldn’t you be at work? “ He glares at you and sways a bit. He already smells of whiskey and he has a dark look in his eye. Old Friends Riggs and Murtaugh sit around a barrel with a game of dominoes. The banter back and forth and flip bone white slabs into patterns on the make shift table.
The baker Lara Ingraham rushes out of her store front and waves a finger at you. She is a heavy set woman with strong arms. Her brown hair pulled into a tight bun on her head. “you lazy good for nothing! I ought to call the constable on you for loitering. You are useless and you always will be!” [DM Note: roll a perception check DC 13 to see the key jangling on her neck. It has a strange symbol on the handle.].
Rolo Bearan - Tanis meets Rolo first as he works in his mill. [DM Note: roll a perception check to see the strange key hanging from around his neck DC 13] “Tanis I’m counting on you to get the Canjo grain finished today by noon. Then I want all the mash bagged up and stacked before three. Don’t forget to shovel all that dried corn into the bin before the festival. We’ve got a busy day ahead of us, no slacking about!” With that he heads out to a cart pulled by a horse and clops away to the Canjo farm to pick up more grain. [DM Note: any player walking in from the farms will pass Rolo and will be questioned by him. The can also roll the perception check].
Old Bindi is out on her farm alone. She is treated by most of the townsfolk as an oddity and a crabby one at that. Most people will either roll their eyes and walk away in disgust or mutter an insult under their breath. “Ugh, not this old goat.” “Smelly old bag.” “She’s got the personality of diseased badger.” “Please don’t talk to me, Please don’t talk to me.” “By the gods she’s got a face carved from old stone”. As most townsfolk cross the street when they see her coming or turn and walk the other way one member of the town will always address Old Bindi. Old Maggie Trimple from the diary farm will always call her out. “Old Bindi! You dried out cow! Why are you showing your face in town? Did you scare off your mule?” Allow Bindi to respond but Maggie will warn her not to come to the festival. “Don’t bother coming to the festival tonight, don’t need you turning have the town to stone with that face of yours”.
Walking down the road
a PC will cross paths with several townfolk. Gussie Canjo will often be seen with a donkey and a cart hauling hay for the cows over at Trimple's Dairy farm. "Oh hello there, what are you doing about during a work day? Heading in for the festival tonight? Everyone will be there." It's also common to run into Barry Umbletoe the halfling fisherman. He loves talking and will mention the festival and fishing many times. He has curly brown hair that hangs all about his face. A blue jacket and rust colored pants he wears no shoes and carries his fishing pole and a bag of lures on his back. "Greetings fellow fisher! Heading over to the creek? I'll go with you!" "We should spend some time fishing together might take your mind off of your problems." [DM Note: Barry has a crush on Kalis Karinn, Hops!] Another common encounter on the road or heading in to town is a chance meeting with Kintolo Blowhorn. He is a larger human man who is quite ornery. He carries a short bow and 13 arrows that he has crafted himself. "You shouldn't be out here greenhorn. Weak townsfolk like yourself should be safe in an inn or in your soft marshmallowy home." He is 6'8" and quite strong. Long black hair frames his face and he has a full beard. He wears dark leather pants and jacket. A simple white shirt and leather boots. Two small rabbits hang from his belt. [DM Note: the shortbow could be used later if the player can get their hands on it.]
The Nurchan Festival -
[More folks in town - Clabo Monksweed, Paterson Quip, Jocko Fetterman, Pinchot Bladdersnipe, Aminda Trala, Polly Poquets, Adam Pisto, Strawberri Shortcakes, Milli Ponda.  Yara Mistletoe, Bubil Ansalm, Cissy Cagerwahl, Molter Wineskin, Veleta Wahlder, Zing Medong, Miletus Pole.]
The great meeting hall is hung with hundreds of small lanterns all attached to a heavy hempen rope. The criss cross from the great beams that hold up the roof and creates a festive atmosphere. More lights are hung from the roof over to the gazebo in the center of town. Straw bales and barrels are stacked around the floor and outside to be used as chairs and tables. The smells of fried dough and freshly baked pies wafts through the air and dozens of town folk are already picking up mugs of ale and sitting at rough hewn wooden benches. [DM Note: Most investigation checks will reveal either Quartz Crystals, The strange shard rocks with odd textures which are actual shard rock dust which looks like small stones to the PC’s. Or copper wire which when combined with the rest with an intelligence check will create the proper device to unlock a mind that is still stuck in Oakwoode form.] The entire town attends the festival and celebrates raucously. This leaves shops and the mayor's house unattended. Also all of the keyholders are in attendance making it easier for the players to track them down and collect the keys. As the sun sits low on the horizon everyone close up their businesses and locks their houses and heads down to the town square to grab a pint and some roast chicken.
Knit off! Note if Vom Fass/Old Bindi goes anywhere near the festival Maggie Trimple will call her out. Maggie Trimple is the rival old woman to Olde Bindi. She glares at Bindi whenever she sees her. At the festival she will throw down a mitten and all the onlookers will gasp. She looks Bindi right in the eyes and says ominously. "Knit off... bitch." Bindi and Maggie will have to knit scarves in front of everyone and be judged on time and performance. The loser will go in a dunk tank. Maggie throws down two knitting needles and a ball of yarn. The crowd chants Knit off! Knit off! and eggs the two on. If Vom Fass is persuaded to join he must roll a dexterity check and a performance check. These are opposing checks made three times against Maggie. If Vom Fass wins he can command the crowd to drag maggie to the dunk tank and he gets first throw with the leather bag. If Vom Fass loses the crowd turns on him and drags him to the tank.
During the festival the players can search houses or buildings even pick pocket if they have the skills. Most checks will result in the small shard rocks, quartz crystals, and copper wiring necessary to free other players. If everyone is free they will start to find make shift weapons. An ironwood club, Larger knives, and other weapons that do 1d4 damage. If they players are searching around town during the festival they are now susceptible to imp attacks. Small animals may transform right in front of them and attack or an imp's eyes may flash in the darkness depending on the situation.

Falling Action

There are pieces of shard scattered around the town that even Nyx doesn’t know about. due to their size the players will find shard rock with strange textures. The crevices and crystals will look deeper and more grainy than they remember. Shard rock is usually super smooth and shiny not gritty and rough like these. But they can use these with some copper wire and quartz crystals to essentially create a device to free other players still trapped in the minds of townsfolk.   Need: Interior battle maps for all of the places where people have keys. Especially the mayoral house where they will have to infiltrate and avoid the staff. House, basement, and device room. Battles include a fisticuffs battle with Mercurio or Bohannon. Need character sheets with really basic skills and low low stats.   More folks in town - Clabo Monksweed, Paterson Quip, Jocko Fetterman, Pinchot Bladdersnipe, Aminda Trala, Polly Poquets, Adam Pisto, Strawberri Shortcakes, Milli Ponda.   Note: once the characters get their powers back the rest of the town will turn on them and go all pitchforks and torches. Note: any time a player enters the woods or approaches the walls they will be attacked by imps! Place imps anytime you need a quick combat.Big Finish - Getting their powers back will allow ATG to breach the walls and escape Oakwoode. Once they leave the town they will slowly realize that their entire town is on a table in a huge chamber. Crystal pods hold their bodies and a larger version of the device in the mayor’s house is connected to all of them. Copper wires braided with glowing strands connect the device to the table top town of Oakwoode. Infiltrating the device and moving the handles will return them to their bodies.
The Mayors Mansion - 
Going in Clockwise order from right corner of house - First Floor -
01 - Corner Bedroom.  Clearly a guest room with a simple single bed, end table, chest of drawers and stool.  All carved from local wood and well polished. 
02- Pantry and store rooms.  Several rooms with oak doors and grey stone walls.  Dozens of shelves line the walls loaded with spices and dried vegetables.  Strings of garlic and onions hang on twine and boxes of carrots and potatoes sit on large tables.  Barrels of flour and sugar sit in one of the rooms as well. 
03- These three rooms are a sitting room, a parlor and a meeting room.  All are decorated similarly with gold and blue tapestries, landscape paintings and well upholstered furniture.  
04- The Greeting room and Hailing hall.  This large open room with a patterned tile floor is where townsfolk can tell the mayor their problems for an hour a day.  Behind this room is a private meeting room with dark pink and red tiles on the floor.  If you get high enough towards the ceiling the pattern on the floor reveals Mr. Nyx's Face! Investigation check DC 13.
05 - Dining hall - a cozy wooden room with a long dining table in the middle that seats 12. Cheeses and buns are on the table at all times for snacking. 
06- Corner sitting room.  A room for the mayor to keep his desk and bookshelves.  A look at the books reveals that all of them are blank pages.  Only some of the books even have titles on the spins and even those are incredibly simple and dull. "The bard's Tale" "Millie's Story" " The Log".
07- the gate - the gate is a door style heavy wood and iron slab that pulls inward.  It's large enough for a horse and buggy to move through. 
08 - The guest rooms - The middle room is the room of Mercurio N'Hallan.  If it's after midnight the body is literally sitting there staring forward unmoving.  It doesn't even breath and the key is upon it's neck, a sword on it's waist.  After 9am though Nyx is traveling within it once more.  The rest of these rooms are guest bedrooms and basic staff rooms.  
09 - Second floor - Most of the elevated section is walkway for guards to travel down. The corner rooms are guard barracks each with two imps disguised as guards in them.  Two imps patrol the upper portion at all times. The large left corner section is the mayor's private bedroom, sitting room, and office. 
10 - The basement - [DM note: It is dark here, they will need a light source.]  The stone stairs leading down from the courtyard ends in a locked door.  It's a fairly simple lock in a large wooden door.  To pick the lock it will require a DC 15 sleight of hand check.  Improvised thieves tools will drop that to a DC 12. Opening the door leads to another set of stairs that descends into the long hallway made of stone.  A door can be seen on the right and one at the end of the hall.  Both are locked but these are a DC 13 to open.  DC 11 if thieves tools. The right door leads to several jail cells.  Investigation checks reveal 3 short swords, a mace, and a spear.  A leather helmet and two wooden shields. 
11- the door straight ahead leads to another hallway.  The door on the right is the same as above.  There is a secret door on the left that can only be found with a DC 12 investigation check. The chamber beyond gets creepy.  Dark sigils line the walls and a lantern gives off a greenish glow.  It is just a light source however. The floor is dark stone with grooves running through it that look to be a pattern of some kind.  A symbol in the middle circle is crude kobold with an arrow through it's head.  By placing blood in the circle of Old Bindi a secret spiral staircase will open leading down below.


Previously on Oakwoode, the best little town in Tanaheim
The normal townfolk of Oakwoode had their Nurchan festival and were merry in the town square. Olde Bindi won the knit off after being challenged by Maggie Trimple but acquiesced to the dunk tank anyway. Everyone marveled at the magnificence of Mercurio N'Hallan and his swordplay and quick wit. The mayor gave more of his wonderful speeches and Lara Ingraham satisfied the crowd with her wonderful baked goods. Tanis Ironshanks worked hard to prepare for the festival by milling his grain and making his deliveries on time at the instruction of Rolo Bearan. Though later in the night he got drunk and told stories of a monster out in the woods. He saw scary eyes and fled in great fear back to the festival. Hal Voight the town cooper got so drunk he had to be put in the drunk tank under the mayor's house. Kalis Karinn the blacksmith's apprentice and the flighty halfling girl Lorca Mallorca shirked their duties all day to go drinking and didn't get any of their proper work done. Now they and Olde Bindi and Tanis Ironshanks have hidden themselves somewhere in town and aren't at the festival. So now good folks of Oakwoode we should raise our pitchforks, clubs and torches and find them! When we do we should beat them bloody and break their bones so that they never shirk their duties again! Go out into the night and punish them for going into places they do not belong and should never go!
The Sub Basement -
Currently you all find yourselves just outside of the prison cells in the mayors basement. Dark stone walls surround you and dirty piles of straw and old food dirty up the gravel floor. Up the stairs you can hear voices and the sound of banging farm implements and sputtering torches getting louder. In front of you is a wooden door and to your right is the door leading to the cells. What would you like to do? [DM Note: If Tyll Bebo is present do her quick intro and then insert her into the story as needed. If she failed her Intelligence saving throw they team may need to find her before they leave.] The wooden door is fairly easily unlocked and leads to a hallway. [DM Note:The boss battle in this area is a Meazel, stats found in Mordenkainens. Note the meazel is a garrote/grappler, and may try to drag some one off and finish them before engaging in the whole party.] The sub basement gets really dark and dangerous. First the spiral staircase leads down to a side room with a huge metal door. Four keyholes surrounded by strange symbols [corresponding to the keys] can be found in the surface each 6 feet apart in a square. The only way to open the door is to turn all of the keys at the same time. Walking in 65 feet the room has two ramps that descend at a 45 degree angle. Stone pillars run from floor to celing at 10 feet from the door and 20 feet from the door. Two stone tables also litter this wide hallway past the pillars. See map for more details. A strange metallic device sits at the end of thin stone walkway that moves out over water several yards below. The drop is 50' down to the dark water and some type of carnivorous fish is definitely swimming down there. Anyone who ventures out to the device will be attacked by the meazel and maybe some flying imps if needed. Once the enemies are defeated four people must plunge their hands into the device and roll a sleight of hand check to move the handles where they need to be. A roll less than ten results in 1d4 damage done by the blades in the arm holes. Once the device has been deactivated all of the players will feel their powers returning even though they remain in their new bodies.
Venturing over the walls - The walls of the town are well over 60 feet tall and no one can climb them. With their powers however the players can fly over them or use whatever else they need. Once outside the walls the scene is dizzying. After a minute of flight you look back and realize that your entire town was on a table. The drop off is several hundred feet to the floor below. Large crystalline pods with a purplish color contain several bodies. Think strands of copper and a glowing thread can be seen flowing off of the pods and down to the table. Then connecting to the bottom of the table into the town. A similar device can be seen in between all of the pods. The room is guarded by a flesh golem that begins to animate and attempts to swat the tiny little players like flies. The players realize that their current bodies are half an inch high. The flip side is their spells and abilities are still doing the same damage. NXT: Do a basic dungeon crawl and chase after NYX through the dungeon map. Then the players will emerge into the icelands in the Northern Eigerlands. They will have to ask for assisstance or freeze to death out in the open plane. Agrimor himself may save them and allow for an interaction and paymentNote: once the characters get their powers back the rest of the town will turn on them and go all pitchforks and torches. They need to defeat the Meazel and deactivate the device. Head back into town avoid the angry townsfolk and then make their way to the walls. once they scale the walls they will realize they are in a huge chamber and with the proper intelligence check realize that they are only half inch tall constructs. Their bodies lie in pink crystal chambers ringing the tiny little town on the table. On the other side of this room stands a flesh golem. He guards an identical device scaled up to normal size. Once anyone touches the device the flesh golem strikes. If they can move the handles on the larger device they are returned to their bodies and can now face the flesh golem. Once they leave this room they need to escape the dungeon map. As they make their way to another room Mr. Nyx himself drinking some wine notices them and wide eyed he takes off and runs. He sends dozens of Imps towards the team to give him time to escape. He makes his way to the rooms with the chasms and leaps across them to give himself a lead. He is heading towards an underground river and an escape pod. If he reaches it he will teleport away to safety. Remember the water allergy that Nyx has. The players may choose to explore this dungeon area because when they walk outside they find themselves on a mountain ledge in the bitter cold surrounded by ice and snow. The night air is bitter cold around -5 degrees. The black starry sky has a purple and pink aurora twisting in a ribbon through the stars. The players can choose to contact PACT at this point and ask for pick up. They may have their own way to teleport somewhere else. The choice is theirs. Remind them that they have a meeting with Agrimor in Vellen Falls and a meeting with the prime minister of the city as well. Probably a good time to travel to the future. Let’s grab some loot as they check out this area before they go. Let’s write up cog’s Great sword as it awakens. Need to write this up

Articles under ATG Mission 6 - Tiny Town


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