ATG Mission 4, Tellenor and beyond Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 4, Tellenor and beyond

As late afternoon approaches once more the sun sits low on the horizon.  A snowfall is predicted for sometime this night which only propels more residents and tourists to participate in the annual Winter's Faire.  Today is the 21st and known to be the shortest day of the year so it is also treated as the key celebration day.  Several groups of young men have already started the nights revelry as they stand in front of a mead vendor singing loudly.  Many groups of children dark to and fro as parents try to shepherd them home before nightfall.  The day is broadly for the kids as many puppet shows and magical performances are on display before the adults take over.    Have several games for the players to play.  They can also check on their businesses.     Have several townsfolk talk about the Bryce Dallas five coming to town.  "Can you imagine, the Bryce Dallas Five coming here?"   Indeed the BD5 do come to town and boast to be able to clean up the mothman that very night.  Eventually they meet ATG out in the field claiming victory and having a mothman in custody.  That mothman will be an actor dressed up in illusory guise and this will be discovered by ATG.  As they confront BD5 on the lie the real Mothman or mans will attack everyone! Note do a whole scene with Maximal and Karnac.  Maximal is his older first cousin and will tease him mercilessly for being a nature granola boy and dishonoring his family.  Write up some uncles and grandparents for the pair.
One thing you could also try is a storytelling contest. I find that players tend to like to retell stories about what the party has done in the campaign, and it can set up a funny NPC moment where one of them tells a story about what the party has done that is grossly inaccurate. At the end of the day, it's just a performance check against an NPC, but it's a good chance for them to have to tell the story for a change. You can also mix it up with some games that go awry, or some added challenge that the party needs to resolve before the game can begin. A drunk NPC claims one of the party was cheating and challenges them to a fistfight. A game that's clearly rigged is bleeding coin out of some of the townsfolk and a kid asks the party to help figure out how the swindler is doing it. The main performer for a concert or play can't be found and one of the players is asked to step in with only a moment to study the script/music. Stuff that will give them some roleplaying fun outside of the games themselves, since doing any of these things for hours can get stale.

Plot points/Scenes

Karnac -
As you wander the Faire sampling some of the treats available and sharing some Druid Moss with those that are willing you spend some of your time flirting with some of the attractive ladies visiting town. As you head to an outdoor Ice bar to purchase some spiced whiskey drinks for an attractive Firbolg woman you come upon a strange sight. A black and white furred Pandaren man sits in front of several children putting on a show with live chipmunks. The tiny creatures are acting out the children's play "In a Dragon's Hat". The final scene requires a big monster to threaten the hero and to your shock and surprise the Pandaren man changes into a green and blue glowing owlbear. The children all scream in mock terror and the man changes back into his furry self and bows. As the children are pulled away by their parents the man rounds up his tiny troupe of actors and tries to get them to enter a wooden box. [DM Note: The Pandaren is Sun Paw Kong, he is a Pandaren man from Ventenheim. He is an animal master and can act as a mentor for Karnac. He can add new wild shapes but that requires finding one of these creatures in the wild and interacting with it non-violently. He can also offer instruction on curing Mew's Vampirism.] Karnac as you wait around after the performance to meet this strange man you notice a familiar figure out in the crowd drinking and boasting loudly.  Your cousin Maximal Karnvior a member of the Bryce Dallas Five stands waving a stein of beer around and telling a tale of one of his adventures.  Old memories of your childhood in Urgolos resurface quickly in your mind.  Your Uncle Elix Karnvior arguing with your father constantly always reminding him of Dwarven ideals and Dwarven identity.  Your father would trade and craft equally for members of all races, as a master glass blower people from all over Penthaheim would come to your father's shop to commission complicated lanterns or alchemical bottles.  The Karnvior clan on the other hand was always about battle, honor, and gold.  Things were made worse when your mother left.  As a strange dwarf who revered nature and animal life she was already considered out there to downright crazy, but few could deny the love your parents had for each other.  When she left the entire family laid into your father with knives of shame and I told you so's.  It was a difficult time made worse when their second eldest son followed her off into the forests of the continent and didn't look back.  
Here in your new home town of all places was your oldest first cousin, the one that teased you the most growing up.  The one that constantly mocked you and belittled your love of insects and animals.  The one that would notice you fawning over a lady bug for days and hit the little beetle with a hammer.  Worse, he's one of the Bryce Dallas Five one of the most famous adventuring groups in the land.  As these memories and emotions swirl in your head Maximal himself notices you and makes his way over to you.  "As I live and breath, Cousin little beard!"  He's had a couple of drinks already and seems to be a little over exuberant.  "My, My, still roughing it out in the woods by the looks of ya!  Covered in animal skins and laurels as always! HA Ha!"  
Dozens of thoughts and actions fill your mind as always as you try to curb your worst instincts.  Suddenly you notice the strange pandaren man standing right behind you and with a calm soothing voice he whispers "Sometimes the loudest giant can be felled with the lightest push of a leaf."  You look down at your cousin's boots and several vines have sprung up around them without Maximal noticing.



Food, Drink and Entertainment available at Winter's Faire

  Food - Honeyflame Bread - Fried Dough, soaked in Honey and coated in spices. 3sp Cod Pieces - Breaded fish chunks fried in oil 1 sp Torsin Cheese Dumplings - 1sp Tentacular Noodles - Sea Anemone Tendrils coated in honey batter and fried. 2sp Dampfknudel - Steamed Roll served in sweet custard-3sp Pork Skewers - Chunks of roast pork with peppers and onion - 1sp Ryuzkiall - Sauteed Rice Noodles, hearty Mushrooms, and giant spider legs 5 sp Fried Dough - Dough rolled into long loaves and then fried and coated with sugar. 1sp. Corsa Cakes - Small round cakes made with strawberry and Rhubarb 5 cp. Baked Goat Flank - 5sp Flavor Ice- Raspberry, Elderberry, Lemon lime, Honey, Kettleberry (similar to blackberry), Rosewater, wine. 2cp. Drinks available - See drink menu for the Blizzard hops distillery. Spiced Wine - A winter favorite in Penthaheim it is a Merlot style wine warmed and spiced with a blend of herbs. 2sp Posset - An alcoholic nog made with milk eggs and bourbon and vodka. 4sp.

Falling Action

Rumors and Notes-

Abyssal Knife - Olmed Hashan / Fire Genasi   New business for Cog - Gears and Cog Magical Emporium. The building is finished but the business is just starting out. Currently they are looking for more items to improve the testing facility. They need a few pounds of anti- magic dust. At least 5 shards of varying sizes and some glands from local monsters. When should we have the grand opening? We should be able to open up in the next couple of weeks if we get the magic license from the Duke. We have a meeting coming up in the next couple of days.   New distillery and Tavern for Hops - Blizzard Hops Tavern and Distillery. The business is up and running but Harv Leder wants to do some promotional stuff for Winter's Faire. He is looking for a few hundred gold for an extra menu, hiring musicians for the season, and doing a barker/handout campaign to bring in more revelers. Also if Blizzard Hops can get a hold of some Dragon Mouth whiskey he has a new drink idea. Note that Hops has actually accrued 342 gold as owner of the new distillery and tavern.   Burt Oberton - Chief of staff. Burt was one of the captives of Mr. Nyx in his dark carnival he was abducted by the imp in the year sf 2735. Initially disoriented and frightened, he now is exploring the city of Tellenor and has fulfilled the role of majordomo for the headquarters. A human male of about 50 years old he was a tavern owner in his old life and may have some knowledge about the past. He looks a little like Coach from Cheers, and wears a leather apron with a pocket on the front. A bar rag hangs from his belt and a piece of chalk is over his right ear. “Ah, Master Cog can I go over some expenses with you?”   A half elven woman named Belba Caraway is the maintenance chief - abducted by Mr. Nyx in the year sf 2754, in her previous life she was a carpenter and a silver smith. After being freed by the adventuring party she was almost catatonic after her ordeal, but working with Burt she has begun to recover and in the last month has regained her speech and skills. Yorus Carobelt a Halfling man is the chef and bartender - The last rescue from Mr. Nyx’s dark carnival freak show he was captured in sf 2726. At first he was also in severe shock and not responsive. In the last month he has regained his speech and abilities by cooking and working with food. Always his first love, he finds comfort and control in cooking. Yorus is originally from Kierkewoode in the west of Tellenheim.   Rumors and News - Vellen Falls has sworn allegiance to Lamborginus, this is upsetting to many of the local townsfolk. Penthaheim is subtly ruled by the five Houses of Penthos, but they maintain peace on the continent. Having a city begin to directly threaten war and conquest is quite upsetting. A creature has been seen on the outskirts of town with bright red eyes. A few murders have been linked to this creature as well as several head of livestock. A visit from Head office! Trusilla Fane should pop in for new missions and payment as well as info on their last few missions. Payment should be 3000 gp for each member. Mission ideas: There is a strange golem that Agrimor wants to study. It is trapped in a dungeon somewhere in Penthaheim. The catch is if you agitate it it transforms into rage golem three times it's size. But if you placate it and keep it calm it should be easy to obtain. Other idea, The Arcanist's Circlet has been located! somewhere but Helle's adventuring and trading company is on the move to get there first!   Two members of the Adherents of Iron show up and demand to reclaim Cog. Though they insist that they are paladins of Eigeralon Blizzard Hops can determine that there is no divine presence near them Need to redraft their PACT magic items, new stats Helleficks Kristalinn and his rival company are acting up again, they may show up at ATG's next objective. The crew of the Wet Dream needs to be paid and re-outfitted with supplies and materials for repairs. Total is 1500gp Possibly a citizen of Corralon Township will be in town selling Druid moss, now grown in the forest near there. Pericos Gancho is the salesman. A tall halfling man he works with Plankton Verhoof to grow the moss and then sell it. He can offer information on Karnac's Mother and her husband Archie Frisson. Clanching Stoat the brewer there is busy setting up the new franchise of Blizzard Hops Distillery and Tavern.


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