ATG Mission 10.3 - Riddle of the Arcane Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 10.3 - Riddle of the Arcane

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow….
In the midst of an all out siege on Agrimor's stronghold adventure team grimm hatched a desperate plan.  Creating an unstable magical bomb out of the Orb of Planar Travel, the team attempted to wipe out a good portion of the army. 
Things went awry when Mew realized that the leader of the army was a man known as Panthrus Murcielagus.  He claimed to be her father, and when he removed his helmet he did indeed look like a black panther tabaxi. Dealing with the emotional weight of the moment she called off the bomb attack.
With a split second decision Vom Fass instead tossed the bomb back into the stronghold in a slash and burn move meant to make sure that no one claimed the powerful treasures inside.  The resulting explosion created an interdimensional rift a quarter mile in diameter.  Inside was an airless void with a creature lurking within.  Black rocky textured tentacles spewed forth dragging soldiers into the space beyond.  
Blizzard Hops leapt into action rallying the once enemy soldiers and saving several with powerful hammer blows.  Mew and Panthrus also joined in to help save as many lives as possible.  Though Vom Fass was inclined to leave the area and the army to it's fate, Karnac convinced him to attempt to remove the void.  In a risky move the powerful druid placed the arcanist circlet onto his head and felt a powerful surge of magical energy as his conciousness shifted to actually see the arcane.  Channelling the spell known as dispel magic into the circlet a much more powerful version of the spell emitted driving into the void and creating a change in the edges of the void pushing it back several feet.  
Dodging tentacle attacks and the panicking soldiers Vom Fass added force walls to the attempt causing the void to recede further.  Looking around the battle field Mew spotted a small stature made of shardrock and held it up.  Karnac saw the potential arcane energy pulse off of the shard rock and came up with a plan.  Adding the shardrock energy to the spell seemed to increase it's range and power.   
Unfortunately the strain began to wear on him and the Dwarven Druid passed the circlet on to Vom Fass the sorceror.  Placing the magical artifact on his head Vom Fass felt a wave of power wash over him like a potent narcotic.  His spells increased in power and his awareness expanded to include visually processing the arcane energies flying all around him.  As he collected his shard rocks and added their power he came up with a plan.  
At that moment though, a voice could be heard in his head.  A humanoid voice speaking common began to reach out and offer help.  "You there master of the arcane, reach out to me and I will help guide you in your time of need!"

Plot points/Scenes

Vom Fass you stand there on the field of battle surrounded by soldiers of Aventador. The rift still pulses and glows in front of you as the enormous creature inside fires tentacles towards any moving targets.
Previously on Liters of tomorrow:
With the rift now closed all of you spent the night resting in your cabins aboard the Wet Dream after leaving the camp of the army of Aventador. The previous night was filled with danger and a threat to the planet itself if it had not been contained.  The combined efforts of Vom Fass and Karnac using the Arcanist Circlet, were successful in removing the rift and the creature within.  This however did come at some cost, as dozens of soldiers were killed in the process.  Also Vom Fass now is grappling with an internal voice that may or may not be an ancient wizard named Icthiadore the Robust.  You also used the excess magical energy to power up the control rod as you try to figure out how to use it against Anaxis.  
Now though you awake to the wet salty air of the Wyvern sea as the boat rocks amongst the waves and swiftly sails west.  As you rouse from your slumber you see Captain Eltera Ro walking with Apone and Hicks towards her cabin and the map room therein for navigation.  
“We are sailing for
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Main story
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