ATG 7.6 The Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG 7.6 The Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars

Previously On Liters of Tomorrow:

Adventure Team Grimm sailed to the continent of Ventenheim tasked with obtaining the Hydellical Mechanoid.  It is rumored that this ancient golem, a historical artifact of great value, is hidden in a temple or cave system somewhere in the central plains.  Arriving in Serpico city a great trading hub of the area, Mew was attacked by assassins from the Abyssal Knife.  She met an old friend named Jin  who helped her defeat the evil cultists.  Learning that Jin's wife was abducted and taken prisoner below the city by the same group the team venture into the crypts to save her.  Reaching the final chamber however revealed that the cultists were planning on releasing yet another gargantuan abyssal creature to raze the city.  During the battle Mew released the captive Goblin Stimpy from his gem.  In the confusion and noise of battle Stimpy used the opportunity to flee for his life and made his way topside. With the space in the magical gem now free Mew used this opportunity to trap a female cultist who now has taken Stimpy's place.
With this plot foiled, and new clues to the Abyssal Knife's greater plan, you made your way back to the surface streets.  You had also done some research at the local university library only to find that the book you need had been stolen over a decade ago.  Kellefin's Compendium of Automatons now resides in the great library in the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars, it was taken in a raid over a decade ago.  In a grand cosmic coincidence Mew was also summoned by her mother The Queen to meet in the Kingdom and discuss the threat of the Abyssal Knife which is now threatening her city known as the Great Salt Steppe.  
In a strange twist your time travel shifts which used to be fairly smooth and unoticeable to those around you have begun to go awry.  The addition of the strange creature known as Shadowdrax Andraxson might be causing some kind of temporal interference or maybe an outside force is creating a disturbance like Dendrick once did.  Now though, we return to our story as Blizzard Hops and Karnac finish a shot of whiskey and a fine ale chaser telling us about their day alone in the Iron Precinct.  After you finish your tale that sweeping feeling of movement lurches in your guts and you complete a quick but turbulent shift back to your home timeline and the skyline of Serpico City at sunset just in time to see a man in a strange uniform point a device at Shadowdrax's head...

Plot points/Scenes

Aftermath: The team must make their way to the great library in the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars. They need a caravan or to rent or buy mounts to make their way up to the kingdom. Most boats will refuse to sail that way. See the riding lizards in the Ventenheim folder. No horses can navigate the steppes and plateaus as well as the dense jungle. They will have to obtain riding lizards who can easily climb cliffsides.
As they roam the streets of Serpico they encounter some Tabaxi who are disguised and watching them from afar. Members of the Tungsten Splinter are keeping an eye on them trying to determine if that is indeed princess Mewtoolian Moon.
Rat Catcher Rake - A former guardsman who worked at the Queen's Padding. He was stationed guarding the Vizier known as Velvet Grass many times. What he overheard caused him to flee the city and search out the splinter.
  Dangling Lace (Lace) - A former sex worker abused by the system many times, the queen sentenced her to slavery but she escaped and would up in Serpico.
  Hen of the Flock (Hen) - A former aide to the queen she escaped the city after being blamed for theft despite any evidence.
  Austere Mask (Austere) - A former advisor to the queen until he pushed back on the idea of unifying the Tabaxi kingdoms by force
    This section could take place at either the Cock and Crow tavern or the Rabbit's Lament (thieves guild tavern). Rat Catcher Rake Has on a navy blue hood and cloak, he has a leather eye patch over his right eye. He speaks in a raspy accented voice in quick syllables. "Are you Princess Mewtoolian Moon? Word is you are exiled for murdering a prince. A talented woman like yourself would be quite valuable as an ally. You would also be quite valuable as a bargaining chip. What are your allegiances towards the Queen Mother?" The other three tabaxi look on edge. [DM Note: Anyone making an insight check would notice tightness in their jaws and forearms as if they are ready to draw a weapon if this meeting goes south.] The players can ask any questions of the tabaxi in this group. All of them are exiles or runaways who either drew the queen's ire or committed small crimes or revolutionary acts. Queen Mellorah has begun many operations to gain power throughout Ventenheim, including threatening the Kingdom of Thunder in the morning springing from seven storm clouds with violent action if they do not cede to her will and trade demands. She is also planning a covert military take over of Ventania City near the great tree. Apparently according to her Viziers her plan is to control all of the settlements around the great tree and all of the Tabaxi Kingdoms. She has a great hatred of the lesser races, especially the minotaur folk of the steppe. One could posit that she would burn Serpico City to the ground to remove the Eastern Influences from the continent.
Austure Mask steps forward in his dungy brown cloak and his white whiskers around his face "You must know that your mother the queen is growing increasingly harsh with the citizenry. Her punishments meted out by the royal guard are getting quite capital. We have several plans outside of revolution if you will hear us out. One is quite simple, if something were to befall the queen, some sort of lethal accident the people would look to her only surviving heir. You, my dear." He pauses for second studying her reaction and then continues "Another idea is slower but possibly much less dangerous. You reinsert yourself into her good graces and the royal politics and take over in a few years. You could slowly poison her or convince her to step down whichever is better for your conscience." Dangling Lace (A thin but pretty orange and black tabaxi woman) steps in and with a firm voice says "We need to know if you are with us or against us. Do not give her any more information you old fool. Remember she is a murderer and a thief as well as the Queen's daughter!"
  Austere Mask continues "If we are to be successful we must take chances. you need not make any decisions this night. If you are amenable to our cause meet with one of our agents in the Hidden Veil and The Tail. You know the place. She answers to the name Indigo Key. Ask around the city and see how our people feel about your mothers rule in the meantime. You have been gone for quite some time. Princess Mewtoolian Moon, We bid you luck and wellness. until we meet again..."


As the team finishes up their business in Serpico they must find transport to the The City of the Great Salt Steppe, it is the capitol city of the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars and the royal castle sits just outside of it. Remind them that they have been summoned by the queen herself and that they information they need on the Hydellical Mechanoid resides in their great library. Possible modes of transportation would be renting the great riding lizards, they usually cost about 150 gp to rent. They should be released before entering the city, they find their own way back to their stables. They could ride with a caravan from the East Tellenheim Company. They are on their way to Ventania but will be traveling fairly close to the kingdom. They could also figure out an alternate method. Just remind them that Captain Ro refuses to sail into the waters around the city. She worries that the ship could be commandeered by the Kingdom, it has happened before. They team could tell her to stand down and sail themselves, it is their boat. Ro would stay in Serpico however with most of the crew. However they go don't forget to attack them with Ventenheim Beasts on their way. As they get close to the city they will have to deal with Tabaxi guards loyal to the Queen.

Enter The TVA -

At some point before the team gets to the city Shadowdrax will be accosted by an investigator from the TVA, Time Variance Authority. "You there, Shadowdrax Andraxson of SF 3408. You are under arrest for multiple time infractions and for being a TDKA, a Time Displaced Knowledgable Actor. Your crimes are as follows, Willfully leaving your home timeline, actively entering a restricted time sector, time displacement of the second degree, and attempted murder of subject under investigation."
Let's roll initiative! [DM Note: Have several time troopers appear all around the team for a quick battle. Allow for plenty of conversation if the team wants and even drop some hints on how they have been monitored for months by an agent (Tyll Bebo). The investigator will try to not harm the rest of the team (not Vom Fass) because they are under investigation with a pending case file.

Finding a way out of town - 

  After the team decides a course of action on getting out of the city and up to the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars they must travel through the rain forest in between.  At some point they will run across a scuffle, a battle in a small gully.  The goblin known as stimpy is under attack from several of the feral goblins found in the Ventenheim folder!



Previously on Liters of Tomorrow

After finishing off the cult known as the Abyssal Knife in the catacombs under Serpico City in Ventenheim the team was faced with a new threat. The organization known as the TVA appeared and attempted to arrest the creature known as Shadowdrax. With adventure Team Grimm’s help the time troopers were dispatched and faded into dust, though one of the troopers managed to escape through time portal technology. After the battle the team headed to the Rabbit’s Lament, a speakeasy for a thieves guild, for some rest and relaxation. Mew, Cog, and Vom Fass met with the resistance group known as the Tungsten Splinter. They are exiles from the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars much like Mew and they tell a story of increasing authoritarianism and brutality. They outlined several possibilities for aligning goals but both sides left the meeting wary and in need of further discussion. Karnac attempted to woo the green elven bard performing at the bar but after an hour of sultry conversation took a big L on the landing. Blizzard Hops retreated once more into whiskey and also failed to seduce the rabbit folk bartender. The following morning the team decided to rent some riding lizards to use as mounts to make their way towards the kingdom. A lead was put forth by the Tungsten Splinter at the Hidden Veil and the Tail strip club in the city there. The team has also need of finding the book on golems and automatons that resides at the great library. Mew also has a meeting with her mother the Queen who would like to discuss the growing threat of the Abyssal knife. After a day of riding the great lizards north into the Cerazoic forest towards your destination, Karnac sensed a threat in the forest. Communing with the forest itself he led the team to the now fugitive goblin known as Stimpy. The goblin was fleeing a pack of feral goblins and had climbed a tall tree to escape them. You all slew the dangerous monsters and saved the endangered former captive. Now let’s return to the forest floor as a grateful but wary Stimpy looks down on you all still wielding the daggers given to him by Mew….
You look up at the goblin as he glares down at you from the big tree limb. His yellow eyes almost glowing with a mix of fear and aggression. He grips his daggers tightly and waits for one of you to make the next move. He snarls and watches you warily. "My name Rega Ragnash of the Boartooth clan far to the east. I traveled with those pirates because the human menace has taken our hunting grounds. You trapped me and took me prisoner...but you did not harm me. I can't forgive you for that treatment. But I will travel with you if you can get me to a safe harbor. If I can get to a ship I may be able to get passage if I trade work." Depending on what the players choose to do about Stimpy, if they decide to travel with him he mounts up behind Mew on her riding lizard and says "Now, let's continue your lessons..."

Return of the TVA and  infiltration officer 3045

After the situation with Stimpy is resolved and the team climbs aboard their lizard mounts small portals open up and shimmer slightly as several TVA troopers walk through heavily armed.  An investigation officer steps forward with a short gnome woman dressed in a similar uniform both are armed with phaser pistols and time devices.  The taller human man turns towards the Gnome and asks "Are these the subjects you have been following?"  After she answers he will ask her "And what was your final determination on their actions?"  If she answers that the team should not be prosecuted or held responsible he will hold his finger up to his helmet and listen for new instructions.  "Sorry Tyll, word from on high.  Arrest these individuals.  They are wanted for questioning on the elimination of several troopers and an investigator.  If they resist, kill them."  With that the investigation officer disappears through a portal and the troopers aim their guns at the five of you and await orders or for Tyll to arrest you.  Tyll what would you like to do?  Probably Roll for Initiative!  [DM Note: If Tyll decides to side with the party and leave the TVA she will need to destroy her TVA badge which helps track her and remove a subdermal chip.  The Chip will have to be physically removed from her shoulder with a DC 16 sleight of hand check.  It will also have to be magically deactivated with a dispel magic spell.  If scanned it will read as powerful Divination magic.  After destroying these things her equipment from the TVA will age and turn to dust like the other troopers.]
The Oracle of Vellenox
After the team deals with Stimpy in one way or another, A brightly colored Macaw drifts down from the tall forest canopy above as well as a red parrot carrying an Armadillo. As they get close the macaw transforms into the Halfling man known as Brook Tallow, Karnac's contact with the Verdant Sigil. The Parrot turns into a small reddish kobold man with an armadillo familiar. "I bring news regarding the temples of Vellenox! I spoke to a half dozen of our order and one mentioned a ancient temple known as the Oracle of Vellenox. He said he saw several members of the Adherents of Iron moving in that direction as part of caravan. He also mentioned that they had several automatons who look remarkably like the man who travels with you. The temple is said to reside at the meeting of the two great rivers where the scion of Ullarin leaves the Great rushing Ullarin."
[DM Note: The Adherents of Iron have found the Oracle. They are hoping it has the final clue to finding the divinity Well of Vellenox which is just southeast of the Quala Structure. If the players foil them before they activate the oracle they can severely hamper the Adherent efforts to kill Vellenox. If the players don't stop them in time the Adherents will get a final clue to the Divinity well and be on their way soon to kill the god. Maps are in the Ventenheim battle map folder.]
Brook leaves you with the information to get to the Oracle in one day's travel. Inputting the map information into Karnac's map bracer allows you to use it as a compass to guide you in the right direction. He also provides you with topographical information to best travel with your riding lizards in the fastest way possible. As you set out once more into the humid jungle like forest the afternoon sun filters through the canopy above in a warm yellow dapple. You take a break around 2 for lunch and a bit of a rest. Stretching your legs and backs and rubbing your sore inner thighs. In the distance you see a large wide animalistic statue. It towers next to the trees around it and small streams flow underneath it. The jungle around it almost looks brighter and more colorful, more wildflowers dot the forest floor and dozens of brightly colored vines criss cross the lower side of the statue each studded with pink flowers. Frank the beetle crawls out onto Karnac's Shoulder and says "A forest statue dedicated to Oppapan, A great forest spirit. The legends say that when the continent is threatened he will rise and defend it. It is said he sleeps in the great tree."
[DM Note: The previous encounter with the adherents of Iron was as follows: “We are battalion 23 of the Adherents of Iron. This vessel has stolen property on it and we demand the return of our battle warforged number 313. This will be done promptly and no harm will come to your or your crew.” If Cog is on deck the commander paladin is dismissive and treats him as a droid. He purposefully avoids eye contact and always speaks to a human or dwarf that is present. “You warforged will not address me as anything other than master. You will return with us or be dismantled, any thoughts you are having to the contrary are a devil’s work and blasphemous. Silence yourself or I will do it for you.” If Hops is anywhere in view a Cleric will approach him angrily. “You there! How dare you wear that symbol heathen! Bow down before us and ask for forgiveness. Begin the prayer ritual immediately or I will strike you down.” He reaches out to grab the tabard on Hop’s chest and tear the cloth to shreds.]
As your lizards bob and move over rocky forest shelves the trees that surround you blur past. Your lizards slow and stop as you get to a large cliffside covered in lichen and moss, a small waterfall trickles down to the forest floor below. As you peer down you see a large clearing and a huge ziggurat in the center of it. Vines and brush grow all around it and on it almost obscuring the lower levels. In the center of the highest levels you see a few armored men flanked by familiar looking automatons. The press on something in the rocky face and a stairwell sinks down inside. Two of the armored men begin to descend into the structure.
  • [DM Note: Important members of the Adherents of Iron here]
    Inquisitor Catalonia
  • Colonel Umbrant
  • Major Gruppa Treinta
  • Lieutenant Navis Ventera
  • Adjutant Lieutenant Prancis
  • Cleric soldier Richeliu
  • Cleric Soldier Montello
  • Automaton units 231/143/267


The Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars -

[DM Note: The current situation in the kingdom is a developing powder keg. The Queen is currently amassing an army to begin increasing her power in the region. She is being spurred on by her two trusted Viziers. Castenar Nitronus and Ice on the Lake have both wormed their way into positions of power by telling the queen she is right to expand their borders. Secretly both are planning to have her removed for very different reasons. Nitronus is planning a coup with the military and Ice on the Lake is working with the Abyssal Knife to sow chaos in the city and eventually assassinate the Queen. There are two other factions as well working on the side of good but not necessarily for the Queen. The Tungsten Splinter is a resistance group who want to remove the queen due to her authoritarian leanings. Lastly the former husband of the Queen is now head of the groundskeepers, Golden Eagle Feather, and uses his large guild to keep appraised of all of these situations. He is a good man with very little power trying to keep the whole thing from exploding.]
You see the coastal city before you laid out against the sea, light colored stone buildings a few glittering towers and gold and red banners with the queen's seal fluttering from every rooftop. The city has massive stone walls curving around the city proper. Beyond the walls dozens of curved circular streets wrap around each other. Each rooftop is made up of different colored clay shingles, interlocking squares of bright pastels and earth tones. A massive tower juts out of the northern side and a wide harbor sits in the middle. To the south is a massive domed structure known as the great library. To the Northwest is an enormous castle that rises on a large hill. It looks like it functions as fortress and castle at the same time. You hear loud shouts from Tabaxi sergeants and trainers as they shout at soldiers doing drills. Splayed out in front of you as you look from the safety of the trees are large corrals fenced in with huge wooden walls built inside used for climbing and attacking drills. Dozens of other training areas contain battle dummies, rope climbs, and fake siege engines. Hundreds of tabaxi soldiers in training jump and climb gracefully and effortlessly inside of this area. Just outside dozens of battalions march in unison, though this looks more like waves of dancers than the typical human or dwarven stiff marching. Mew you have never seen this level of militarization.  Huge armored beasts act as troop transports, they tower over the walls.  [See the Ironclad Krovod in the creatures folder]
You pass through dozens of small farms and bazaars as you make your way up to the city gate. [DM Note: The gates close at sundown every day. Depending on the time of day the players arrive the gates may be closed. During the day there are several guards stationed there while many traders and city folk pass beneath the wall] As you walk past dozens of square adobe like structures, each one decorated with brightly colored embroidered banners advertising the goods and services inside you hear a fracas. Two teenagers rush out of a pastry shop each carrying two brightly glazed cakes in their hands. Two guards immediately give chase. With Tabaxi speed and agility they apprehend the teens. One is a Tabaxi with white brown and black striping, the other is a blue skinned Genasi boy. The first guard roughs up the tabaxi teen and makes him return the goods. The Genasi lad is taken to a pole in the center of the square and tied to it with his back facing out. The Tabaxi guard with dark brown fur and bright yellow eyes, a scar on his cheek, pulls out a spiked whip. He begins to dole out twenty lashes on the blue skin of the boys back. The tabaxi teen is let go but loudly rebuked...
As Mew meets with her mother, Castenar Nitronus guides the rest of the players to their quarters. He takes you down a series of winding corridors made of a tan, sandy stone. Eventually he leads you into a large chamber with a domed ceiling painted with nature scenes and various animals etched in gold and silver foil leaf. On the eastern wall recessed into the floor is a small pool of warm water with small runes etched into the sides. These runes provide temperature controls and bubble jets. In the center of the room is a recessed seating area with circular cushioned couches. Multiple brightly colored pillows are arranged in a pleasing pattern throughout. On the table in the middle is a hookah like smoking device that accomodates many different dried leaves of the users choosing. A wet bar stands on the southern side dimly lit with pleasing orange and yellow lights. Casternar smiles warmly and says "This may interest you, I was able to procure a bottle of Blizzard Hops Whiskey from a trader who works at the Rodrigues Hortalez Trading Company. It comes highly recommended..." Directly in front of you is a rectangular table arrayed with many different types of luscious fruit and seafood. As you all study the room and bask in it's opulence the door closes and you hear a locking mechanism.
The attractive tabaxi woman known as Ice on the Lake leads you towards the Queen's chambers. She has long blue gray fur with dozens of braids running down her face and back. She usually dresses in blue velvet robes with gold and silver piping and embroidery. Clouds and lightning cross over her sleeves and back with thread that shimmers. Her eyes are a light blue with dark black irises. [DM Note: Mew may chat with her as they walk, Ice on the Lake will be dodgy and noncommittal with her answers] She leads you up a wide set of stone stairs up towards the Queen's chambers. Dozens of memories leap into your mind of playing on these stairs with their rich red carpeting and the warm friendly stone. As you reach the top landing you see the large double doors inlaid with Bas Relief Frescos carved in multi colored precious stones. The fresco depicts your families ascension and the crest of the kingdom. As Ice on the lake opens the doors you see your mother's greeting chamber and she stands on the far end of the room gazing out over the River Ullarin from arched picture windows. The doors silently close behind you and now you stand alone with your Queen mother.
Without turning she begins to speak "Princess Mew, you have returned...finally. I sent that summons three months ago." At first she sounds regal and imperious but then she softens a bit as she turns to look at you. You see a flash of the loving mother you used to know but just a flash. "Mewtoolian Moon you could have written me to tell me you were still alive. I know we have our differences but you could have given me that!." Allow response from Mew. "I have to hear of your exploits from traders and bards. You know I hate bards."
"I must admit it is good to see you and at times I regret my exile decree. What did you do with poor Prince Light on Austere Path over Stones? We never found his body, or did he flee too?" Allow for response. "To business then, I summoned you here officially to sniff out this organization, the Abyssal Knife. At first we thought them just another thieves guild to plague the docks but our usual means of wiping them out weren't working. We found more guards bodies than those of the thieves. Also they seemed unusually well off for thieves, they didn't steal normal things and the kingdom's financial losses weren't commensurate with normal thieves plundering. It's something else and my staff hasn't been able to nail it down."
"But there is one more thing, the real reason I brought you home. I want you to recommit to royal life. I will pardon you and you can resume you place by my side and your role as heir to the throne. I'm struggling to balance my new power on the continent with advisors and help that I can trust. With that you would be an invaluable ally, and of course because I miss you and wonderfully antagonistic mother daughter relationship. To do this you need to give up your fanciful notions of adventuring and your employment at that wizards organization. The only true seat of power is here in the kingdom, in Ventenheim. With your family, Me."

Rising Action

The Great Library of Ever Borne Knowledge

The library's enormous double gates, which stand three times as tall as a man, form its main entrance facing east. Its doors are forged from a strange black metal, each of which featur the sigil of the library, the image of a book containing a sky with both sun and stars within. Immediately beyond the imposing front gates is the Court of Air, a vast cobblestone courtyard around which are The library's establishments and amenities that cater to visitors and "Seekers", those who arrived with the purpose of finding knowledge and wisdom.  Most of the docents and librarians are tabaxi but you see several other races amongst their ranks.  The sages of the library prioritize learning and commitment more than any form of nationalism or racism.     To venture beyond the Court of Air and into the sheltered Inner Ward of the library, Seekers must pass through the magnificent, and magically-protected Emerald Door.  The Inner Ward houses the Great Library of itself, the great repository of knowledge known far and wide across the Realms, along with the personal living quarters of the keep's Avowed.  Thousands of dark wooden cases hold piles of scrolls and clay tubes as well as bound books.  Three levels surround the main chamber and you can see a maze of movable stair cases and ladders allowing access to higher shelves.  There are main staircases going up to the upper levels as well.  Each level contains dozens of simple tables and chairs to allow for study. 
Beneath the keep are a series of secured chambers used for spellcasting, catacombs, sewers, and subterranean passageways inhabited by unusual creatures. Deepest of these is the Chamber of Lost Lore, a continually-illuminated room that allows those with permission to commune with long-deceased scholars and sages.


The Unfurled Fan Theater

A large red brick theater with gold painted columns and arches in the front. Known for being one of the most ornate and popular theaters in Ventenheim. They have a troupe of actors who are some of the most talented and highest paid in the land. The troupe is called the Silver Strand wrapped around Lightning.
[DM Note - Underneath the theater is a series of sewer tunnels that connect with portions of the catacombs underneath the Great Library. Down here in the great chamber of lost lore the Abyssal Knife have begun their ceremony. This huge domed chamber deep beneath the city is now being ringed with arcane runes and equations that will allow the great devourer beast to rise and invade the material plane.]
[DM Note - At various points as the party travels through the busy streets of the great city have them roll perception checks. DC 15 to notice a robe or cape with the Abyssal Knife sigil on it. "You see a small figure with a black beak and black feathers, a Kenku man. He shuffles into an alleyway and hands something to a Tiefling man. With your experience you notice that this is a man with expensive tastes dressing to blend in. in the folds of his dark grey cloak you see hints of gold filagree and fine stitching. Several other pedestrians block your view and they are gone." This is Arminius Kalis meeting with the small Kenku named Drumnell. Arminius Kalis is a famous entertainer though a bit past his prime. He is 160 years old so he is almost like the Frank Sinatra of 50 years ago. Now he is at the Unfurled Fan Theater working on a new play. Secretly he and Drumnell are bringing small shard stones and magical trinkets down to the sewer tunnels to get the materials to the clerics and Culdred. They are prepping the ritual which takes hundreds of hours. If the players get there soon enough they can foil all of this before it starts.]
You are in the Market Ward just outside of the enormous domed building of the Library. On Dawnbreak street you are surrounded by small shops selling leather goods and blankets as well as plenty of food vendors. The spicy, savory aromas of the smoked meats and fried skewers surround you.
Ivor Dominus, Infernal Book
The book is a ancient artifact written in infernal called the Ivor Dominus. Very few people in the world at this time even remember what it's purpose was or the last time it was used. 800 years ago a dark cleric ran a death cult and tried to destroy the world so that his god could remake it. The plan was to summon these destroyer demons to wipe the current civilization out and then slowly replace it with the cult. This plan was of course foiled by the heroes of that time. The Ivor Dominus is an ancient tome and the key to summoning the great demon Kaiju named Xallapin Ivor Excruciame.

Falling Action

TO DO: Make up various servants and other work folk in the kingdom for talking to NPCS Create the final battle ritual space underneath the Library. Battle Map and stats for Abyssal Knife monsters. Have them summon some pit fiends for protection etc. or maybe a couple cult members literally transform into Pit Fiends. Maybe a creature that heats up the more damage it takes. 200 HP every 50 it goes down it does 3d6 fire damage to anyone within 20 feet. Once it goes down to 0 it explodes for 10d6 fire damage.
Use The Abyssal Fire Guardian and make an Abyssal Ice Guardian and use both to move characters around the battle map.  The players will probably try to have them cancel each other out which should be fun.


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