ATG - Tellenor Stories Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG - Tellenor Stories

A running list of ideas and current storylines that take place in the town that acts as headquarters for Adventure Team Grimm. In their home, the stranded boat known as the Void Omen, they are available for missions and business ideas by the various townsfolk and guards of Tellenor.   Notable Festivals - May 1 Festival of Corsunalia.  Spring planting festival.  The town is lit with hundreds of strings of magical lights and many vendors from out of town sell exotic foods and trinkets.    Festival of the two spheres -  June 5th.  Recently created by Blizzard Hops it is a summer night festival where bards come to town to play everyone’s favorite drinking song AC/DC’s “Big Balls”.  Named after the moment when the two moons touch in the sky and hang there for several minutes not evoking anything in particular about male or female anatomy.  The festival is mostly for adults and involves drinking and singing usually revolving around the “Blizzard Hops Tavern”

Plot points/Scenes

Return to Tellenheim -
The players should converse with their new hires. Bert, and the others. They need money for the day to day operations and some new improvements they are making to the Void omen. The players should check out their new digs and settle in a bit. Monthly expenses breakdown - 40 gold in liquor and ale as per master Hops’ list of acceptable drink. 20 gold in materials like wood, copper, and iron for repairs and improvements on the building. Leaky pipes some carpentry work and nails, things like that. Let’s see, 40 gold in food including dairy, eggs, fresh meats and vegetables. Need to feed the staff and for moments when the party is in residence. 15 gold for fuel for the fires, stone oven, heating stoves, lanterns and for boiling water. 20 gold for a clothing allowance for the staff and for bolts of cloth. Bert can sew pretty good but he needs money to get material and needles. Furniture allowance of 20 gold (optional) The void omen is furnished but plainly. Bert and Belba are offering to upgrade some of the furnishing in the bedrooms and common room. Mattresses with feathers instead of straw, higher grade cloth for the blankets, and better glassware and cookery for the bar and kitchen. This would be another 100 gold all told.
  Burt Oberton - Chief of staff. Burt was one of the captives of Mr. Nyx in his dark carnival he was abducted by the imp in the year sf 2735. Initially disoriented and frightened, he now is exploring the city of Tellenor and has fulfilled the role of majordomo for the headquarters. A human male of about 50 years old he was a tavern owner in his old life and may have some knowledge about the past. He looks a little like Coach from Cheers, and wears a leather apron with a pocket on the front. A bar rag hangs from his belt and a piece of chalk is over his right ear. “Ah, Master Cog can I go over some expenses with you?”
  A half elven woman named Belba Caraway is the maintenance chief - abducted by Mr. Nyx in the year sf 2754, in her previous life she was a carpenter and a silver smith. After being freed by the adventuring party she was almost catatonic after her ordeal, but working with Burt she has begun to recover and in the last month has regained her speech and skills.
Yorus Carobelt a Halfling man is the chef and bartender - The last rescue from Mr. Nyx’s dark carnival freak show he was captured in sf 2726. At first he was also in severe shock and not responsive. In the last month he has regained his speech and abilities by cooking and working with food. Always his first love, he finds comfort and control in cooking. Yorus is originally from Kierkewoode in the west of Tellenheim.

The Captain of the guard may stop by with a retinue and introduce himself -
Arfred Willowhorne is the captain of the guard. A level 6 fighter/champion he is a man in his 50's with a thick mutton chop mustache situation. his hair is salt and pepper and he has just the beginnings of a beer belly. His partner is a female halfling monk who studied with the fifth element. The sides of her head are shaved and her long brown topknot is held aloft by a leather cord. Though small she is an imposing figure due to her placid demeanor and checked emotions. Her name is Krin Birch. Whenever an explosion goes off or a dangerous monster wanders close to town they will investigate. Willowhorne and Birch are friendly and introduce themselves to the team, either on the street or at the front door of the Void Omen. Though wary of Agrimor and PACT they have a burgeoning respect for both the wizard and the organization. Plus they have heard some of the news from folks in Lamborginus and traveler's on the Eastern Road. "You Folk have done some memorable things to make they news". "Happy to have you in town just wondering if I can count on you from time to time to give me hand with certain investigations or monster hunts. The Kerra guard is made of good strong lads and lasses but even we get overwhelmed sometimes. Plus not being sworn to the crown means you folk can go places we can't"     The owner of the Wyvern’s End ask Hops for a favor
  Owner Harv Leder he needs money to build a new distilling area on the back of the building. He is looking for an investor. He’s offering Hops 25% of the business. It would mean a monthly income of about 100 gold a month. He needs a grant of 200 gold and copper. What he has learned is a shipment of copper was hijacked a couple of miles up river by a small band of Grung [Volo’s]. DM NOTE: They have teamed up with an Ettin , The Ettin protects them as long as they feed him/Them and give him shiny objects. [DM Note Blizzard Hops has invested in this program with the Caveat that they rename the tavern and the new Distillery Blizzard Hops Tavern and Distillery. Next time he is in town he can see the new sign being painted and the new addition being built.]
    New Business in town- Rasturus the Alchemist, Gazza Dwindlehooke and Morchu Hammerash are looking for investors in a new business. They can make money for the party and pay them a certain amount of the profits every month. They need monster parts to craft items. Gnoll teeth, manticore spikes, goblin ears can all be used in new fashions for the wealthy as well as experimental weapons. They along with the alchemist have decided to create a new Emporium just outside the city walls. It will be a three story stone building connected to the wall with a main entrance built at the base of the wall. The back side of the building will be an open air testing facility around 200 yards square. They need a 2000 gold investment to get started. This gives the adventuring party a 10 % stake in the business. A monthly sum based on sales will be delivered into the parties coffers on the first of the month. If the players invest construction starts the next day. They will see a large area roped off and a crew of stonecutters setting up on the Eastern wall. [DM Note: Cog has taken this on by himself. He has invested in this opportunity without the rest of ATG. He is getting 10% Gross Revenue per month.]
  The Abyssal Knife- Mew can find a member of the Abyssal Knife and prove her first mission completed -. As you walk back into Tellenor you notice a figure sitting on a ledge on top of the large building near the Void omen. He catches your gaze and gives you a quick thieves cant. He says to come up and meet him. He accepts the statue and then tells her she need to make her initiation payment. A shard weighing at least 3 grams. The operative is Olmed Hashan, a Fire Genasi who wears dark leather armor and a red scarf that covers most of his face. As he turns to leave he says to Mew "Just a bit of information, an old friend of your kobold is down by the docks. Tell him to watch his back."
The Scarecrow - A guard named Krennec is having a heated conversation with a local farmer. The farmer keeps insisting that his pigs were slaughtered by a neighboring scarecrow. Krennec is taking notes but doesn't seem convinced. Perhaps ATG would be interested? They are night owls aren't they? [If the players head out towards the farms close to the vineyards to the east they can observe for the night. Three animated scarecrows are coming to life at night and killing animals but they are not stopping there, eventually they start killing people. The scarecrows are Lesser Golems. Created unwittingly by a couple of teens messing with arcane symbols. ]
The Creature in the woods - A terrifying new creature with bright red eyes has been seen by several farmers outside of Tellenor. Though this may not seem that different from the ever present threat of Wyverns and goblins this one seem different. [DM Note - This is the Mothman, see his stats under creatures and lore.]


Side Quests and Points of Interest -
Outside of the Artificer's shop a middle aged woman sobs and asks for help. A creature broke into her home and attacked her cat. She asked a couple guards for help and they said they were too busy for nonsense. [A gazer has broken into her home and is trying to kill the cat. It makes realistic meowing noises to attract the cat but it may also confuse the players. This also means that a beholder is around somewhere. The Kerra Guard may ask for help tracking it down in the future.]
Rumen Vuign
The surviving bounty hunter from their first battle together is in the prison underneath Castle Kerrigan.His previous attempt failed to kill the kobold. He is planning on killing Vom Fass for revenge. He is just waiting for the right moment. As the team rests Rumen will attempt to sneak into the Void Omen and kill Vom Fass. He has obtained a Ring of Shrinking that allows him to shrink down to 7 inches tall. [DM Note: Find out which rooms everyone is sleeping in.]
He wriggles under window casing on the void omen and hunts down the kobold. As Vom Fass sleeps allow a DC 18 perception check by Cog or anyone else awake at the time. If unseen Vom Fass awakes with a sword in his chest for 5d6+5 damage. Use Rumen Vuign's stats for the battle. Once defeated he has 35 gold and 17 silver on him. A longsword that is +1 and magical worth 120 gold. He also has a ring of shrinking with one charge left. It allows you to shrink down to 7" tall for 10 minutes.



The Scarecrow Mystery -
The scarecrows are Lesser Golems Brought to life due to a strange arcane symbol found in an old book. As the players approach the next farm over owned by the Brissel Family they see a barn with the door closed and two more scarecrows pounding and slashing at the door to get inside. Three young boys are trapped inside, desperately trying to keep the scarecrows out.
Kids in Barn: Jora Brissel, Cota Honcho, Periso Phunk
They obtained an ancient book from a strange street vendor that came to town during the festival of Corsunalia. He had a long thin mustache and a funny hat, he was incredibly charming and could almost guess what they were thinking in their heads. He sold them a strange book of tricks and told them that they could have all kinds of adventures with it. His name was like, Othario? or Lotharius? something like that. Anyway he left town after the festival. The boys tried a few things from the book and started some small fires. Fun and dangerous but nothing they couldn't handle. Next up was a small sigil that turned some donkeys into helium filled balloons. There stomachs expanded to three times their size and they rose off of the ground. They didn't get into any trouble because the they never came back down to the ground. They just sailed away.
They can't read the book because it's in another language but they drew the symbols on to different things and saw what happened. Until they did the scarecrows that is. Nothing happened until the middle of the night, then pigs started dying and the boys were too scared to come forward.
The book Is written in infernal. The title is "Tricks and Trifles for the young." As you start to read the introduction it literally is a children's book for young demons and devils. Whomever was selling this was either incredibly obtuse to it's true purpose or let the kids by it on purpose for a pittance to cause chaos. The book is still usable but as you dig deeper you realize that if used enough the book will begin to steal your soul. If Vom Fass takes the time to decipher the book he will unwittingly summon a Glabrezu Demon. The demon is an intelligent but powerful entity that will try to tempt Vom Fass with power and information. Controlling his elemental powers, or revealing his true destiny even if the demon makes it up will tempt Vom Fass to at least talking with the demon. The Demon calls himself Dumont, and speaks infernal or common with a light British accent.


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