Amulet of Equilibrium Item in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Amulet of Equilibrium

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
  This spiraling pendant is made of three magic-sensitive panes of colored crystal, with each piece being attuned to a different arcane element. If you can cast spells, you can use the amulet as a spellcasting focus while you're attuned to it.
  The amulet has 4 charges and regains 2 expended charges each day at dawn. Whenever you would deal cold, fire, or lightning damage to a creature with an effect that targets only that creature, you can expend any number of charges to reroll that many of the effect's damage dice.
  Whenever you take cold, fire, or lightning damage from a hostile source, you regain 1 charge.
    When you force the elements to bend to your whim, they force you to bend to theirs.


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