Greenhorn Settlement in Tamatarux | World Anvil
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Greenhorn rests within the lower plains at the base of the Tyrant-Breaker Mountains along the banks of the Silmer River. The city survives both by the fertile lands around it, growing grains, grapes and raising livestock such as Shogs, as well as trade by the river. Greenhorn is the only settlement in the region close enough to the river for trade, as such it has plenty of well kept roads leading to other settlements within Greenhorn's fief. Filled with merchants, taverns, inns and at the heart of all roads, Greenhorn is a haven to "green" adventurers looking for their big start.


Greenhorn consists mostly of Human and gnomes as most dwarves belong to settlements in and near the mountains. Humans and gnomes make up the majority of the working class, farmers, sailors, stable hands, and dockworkers to name a few. Merchants are oft not native to the city, rather they represent larger guilds or families. As such, merchants and craftsmen carry the greatest diversity: Tabaxi, Dwarves, and Elves are most commonly seen as Smiths, Enchanters and other skilled workers.


Greenhorn is run directly by the duke rather than by a mayor. Duke Leto is the current ruler. The Duke runs matters of Defense, infrastructure, and laws, but it is the guilds that run the business of business. Tavern guilds decide the pricing and rules of inns and bars, Smithing guilds organize the delivery of common materials to smiths, Mages guild rule what enchantments and spells are considered "ethical" and "safe for common use". The Guilds of course still answer to the Duke (who taxes much of their transactions and trade). In Greenhorn it is only the rich who are taxed, as the ability to give money to better their society is seen as a noble duty rather than an obligation.


The city is guarded by a large stone wall that circles the entirety of the city. Guard towers stand around a larger perimeter that surrounds the fields, and guards patrol most of the roads.


Greenhorn has an odd mismatch of older buildings and installations with newer forms of infrastructure. The city itself is built into three main rings: The outer ring is home to the working class and most produce markets, as they need easier access to the fields beyond the walls; The middle ring is home to most taverns, markets and craftsmen; The inner ring is the smallest and contains the home of some richer merchants, the Guilds' Hall and The Doughnut, the Duke's keep. The city's most impressive bit of infrastructure, beyond the well kept roads, is its elegantly simple sewer system. The sewers run right beneath every street and alleyway in the city, and manholes can be found at every intersection of sewer-ways; The sewers are kept lit by Continual Flame lanterns which give just enough light for the catwalks that hang adjacent the waterways as well as the street signs at every corner (you could literally traverse the entire city by sewer and always know where you are-- though everyone else will be able to tell where you've been if you draw near.) All waste product is pushed along to a central pool by Water Elementals bound beneath the city, an innovation by Avalon The First Eagle Knight long before the invention of pumps.


The city is oft described as "a hill of bricks in a rather empty field", which is rather accurate. Most of the buildings are made of stone and concrete, white walls made livelier by more colorful Firenewt orange slanted roofs, menageries of window styles and curtains, as well as a more lax limit to building heights. 5-story apartment buildings can be found next to 2-story shops, large warehouses sandwiched by meek single story bars and stables.
walking out of the wooded path, seeing the mountain bursting from the green plains that continue for what seems like eternity-- I must admit I assumed it was exhaustion that conjured that hill of stones and colors that sprawled from the river.
Unnamed Wizard's initial thoughts of Greenhorn, shared after 3 pints too many.
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