Queen Gwyniel Tinwétár Character in Tal'rond | World Anvil
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Queen Gwyniel Tinwétár

Written by CrazyJack

Tinwétár (Queen of Starlight)

Lady Gwyniel, who in 1A. 96 married King Laédin the Pure to become Queen Gwyniel of Laédin, was one of the first Elven children to be born after the founding of Eron'del. Which was why she was considered to be rather young (for an Elf) to be married at the age of just 92. Despite this she was renowned in the high court of Eron'del for her beauty and quick wit, earning her the nickname 'Tinwétár', meaning 'Queen of Starlight'.   A few years after her marriage, Queen Gwyniel gave birth to her first child, Idril Laédin, who would one day become king. 35 years later, she gave birth to her second child, Gwynieth Laédin, and a few years after, her third and final child, Arwien Laédin. Lady Gwyniel was thought by many to have been blessed by Ade'ryn, as giving birth to two children is rare, and seen as a blessing for elves, let alone three.   Queen Gwyniel was a gifted scholar, and was particularly fond of art and architecture, as well as this she spent time studying magic, although showed no magical ability herself. In 1A. 98, Gwyniel took it upon herself to help rebuild and redesign Ithil Fortress, which became a long term project and obsession. Her focus was to make the fortress impenetrable, while also being a triumph of beauty and Elven architecture. the addition of Whitehold stone to make the fortress gleam was also her idea. Around 80 years after she began, Ithil fortress was complete, and is still regarded as one of the finest examples of Elven architecture in the world.   Queen Gwyniel refused the throne after the death of her husband in favour of their son, Idril Laédin I, preferring instead to tutor her grandchildren. Queen Gwyniel died of old age in 1A. 767 at the age of 765. The entire realm of Laédin took part in the mourning, and thousands of people attended the funerary ceremony to celebrate her life.


Contacts & Relations


King Laédin the Pure


Idril Laédin (Son), Gwyniath Laédin (Daughter), Arwiel Laédin (Daughter).
2 767 765 years old
Circumstances of Birth
One of the first Eron'del-born Elves
Circumstances of Death
Old Age
Light Brown
Long, Sleek, Brown Hair


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