Ithildras Geographic Location in Tal'rond | World Anvil
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Written by CrazyJack

Ithildras is the region that sits in between Laédin to the Northeast, Mirkireth to the Southwest, and Northern Rondor to the Southeast. It is a beautiful land of rolling hills, swirling rivers, thriving grasslands, and lush forests, with farmsteads and small villages dotting the countryside. The region takes its name from the first Elven outpost in the region, the ancient Ithil Fortress, which lies in a crescent shaped mountain range called Isilmé Menniath (Moonlight Mountains) in the centre of the region. To the North and South of the range are two great rivers, the northernmost, the thalas river, coming from lake Eredir and the Laédin mountain range, and the southern, the ulles, or opal river coming from the great Opal Lake. Most of the regions major towns and cities are built along these two rivers. The great forest of Eredthal encircles lake Eredir and the surrounding area.

Fauna & Flora

The region of Ithildras is rich with life, a full list of the species present in the region can be seen below:  




Radag Beast  

Towns, cities and places of interest

Ithil Fortress
Isilmé Menniath
Lake Eredir
Eredthal Forest
Opal Lake
Ulls Nalore

Natural Resources

Ithildras' most abundant resources are crops, a multitude of which are produced from the farms throughout the region, large quantities of wheat, barley, fruits and vegetables are all harvested in the pleasant and temperate summer and autumn months. There are also large quantities of livestock and strong wood from the forests. Finally, the Isilmé Mountains are home to some of the richest silver mines in Tal'rond, making the surrounding towns and cities quite prosperous.
Alternative Name(s)
The Moonlands


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