Nebbia Settlement in Talor | World Anvil
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One of the crown jewels of the Sennar Republic the city is well known for the mystery of the tunnels carved into the rock of the nearby mountain. Believed by many scholars to be a holdover from when the The Empire of Thirsk founded the outpost that later formed the city as an important staging area for its conquests into the Istrian Plain and along the then known Mountains of Light just prior to its fall. To this day many of the tunnels are used by the inhabitants to store grain and even livestock although the College of Istria believes it has only explored and mapped a fraction of the network beneath the city and in the surrounding mountains.   Of course the city itself has gained the nickname the city of Mists due to the incredible cloud formations that appear and disappear and fogs that can outrun a Tabaxi down a street.


Democratic Republic


The Guardian Wall

Guilds and Factions

The Red Cabal hold a significant presence within the city along with the Vult
Nebbia - The City of Mists
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Mists
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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