The Schism Military Conflict in Tallisterra | World Anvil
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The Schism

The Schism was brought about when a group of High Elves found an ancient grimoire, referred to as the the Black Tome. This book unveiled to the elves the secrets of terrible magic, great power at the cost of their souls. Those that followed the path set out in the book took the more general view of Elven superiority to a whole new level, with a willingness to sacrifice "lesser" races to achieve their goals.   This began with the subjugation of the orcs. Their leaders and shaman were executed and the elves siezed control of the orc clans and made them their footsoldiers. While few complained about actions against the violent orcs, there was outrage when the elves turned against the peaceful centaur. The unaffected elves waged war on their soulless brethren, but the magic from the Black Tome was strong, and their willingness to use blood magic gave them a formidable edge. They even found away to corrupt the peaceful forest trolls, turning them into brutish shock troops.   Soon humans and dwarves had been swept up the conflict, and come together along with the remaining centaur and forest trolls as the First Alliance to hold the Dark Elves and their orcish armies back. The war only ended with help from Gaea. A magical ritual banished all of the soulless elves to Niflheim, the land of night, and laid a curse upon them that the very sight of the sun would pain them. Such was the power of this world sundering spell that the remianng elves lost their immortality, their lifespans shortened to no more than 300 years.

The Conflict


The discovery of the Black Tome.


The First Alliance is victorious but the elvish empire is shattered. Elves retreat to their forests and ancient halls, shunned and feared by other races, and wracked with racial guilt for their actions.


Humans become the dominant species. Dwarf culture becomes engrained with a permanent distrust of elves. Elves become far more cautious and less likely to take action.

Historical Significance


The elven race is broken into three. The dark elves now reside in Niflheim, banished from the world of light. They are lack souls, and no longer possess the elvish ability of Glamour. The High Elves are the most faithful remnant of elvish culture that was, though much diminished. The remaining elves turn their back on conventional elvish magic and structures, instead devoting themselves to Gaea and becoming the wood elves.   Likewise Trolls are split into three. Very few forest trolls, or "true trolls" remain. The majority of trolls that most people think of are the mindless brutes that stumble out of Niflheim by accident. More troubling are the war trolls that now serve the dark elves, bereft of magic and higher reasoning, but obediant and brutal.   The centuar are rendered extinct.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date

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