Tantoros Kelthain Character in Tallisterra | World Anvil
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Tantoros Kelthain

Prince Tantoros Kelthain

Dark elf prince who accompanied Azumurath in the second dark elf invasion.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Rapier, fine clothing, expensive jewellery, assorted potions

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being born into the dark elf royal family gaurantees two things. Overwhelming arrogance, and extreme paranoia. Dark elf royalty thinks nothing of murdering their own family to get closer the throne.


Tantoros is bright but not outstanding. Access to some of the best tutors has helped, but his innate arrogance and laziness has held him back. Tends to know a lot of basic facts but no detailed understanding.

Accomplishments & Achievements

An accomplished rider and duelist. Retaining the position of heir to the throne for 100 years is practically an achievement in its own right.

Intellectual Characteristics

A shaprp tongue and keen eye for the weaknesses of others. Cunning, rather than clever.

Morality & Philosophy

No real morality to speak of. Generally subscribes to the philosophy that elves are superior to other races and their rightful rulers.

Personality Characteristics


To bring about the Long Night, inherit the throne and generally be just about the greatest dark elf ever.

Vices & Personality flaws

Feels a need to be seen as an active participant in the invasion rather than simply an observer, which pushes him towards the front line rather where he is actually in more danger. Also a disregard for any established plan, and a tendancy to worry more about the potential disloyalty of his allies rather then the more real threat of his enemies.
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Circumstances of Birth
Heir to the throne of Svartalfheim
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Lisanda of the Snowden in Cardenna during the dark elf invasion
Short, sleek, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
I cannot die at the hands of some wretched wood elf!
Known Languages
Svartalfstrang, High Elvish, Talnin, Imperial

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