Song Yan Settlement in Tallisterra | World Anvil
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Song Yan

A long standing settlement in Eastern Xian Chu Cha, and capital of Tanseong province. Song Yan is a trading town, where silver and jade from the mountains are brought to be traded for goods from nearby Nan Chung or the city of three torrents. It is, by the standards of Xian Chu Cha, more cosmopolitan and and liberal than most cities, with a higher proportion of foreigners.   Kun Fu Tse was said to have visited during his travels, and found the place disorganised and distasteful, though in truth this is unlikely as it would not have been part of Xian Chu Cha at the time of his travels.   Song Yan is currently struggling with a huge influx of refugees from Nan Chung, who have formed a large camp beyond the city walls.


Ordinarily about 95% of the population are natives of Xian Chu Cha, the remainder are Nan Chung or Xu. Under current circumstances a large number of refugees from Nan Chung are gathered in or around the city seeking safety from Xu.


The City is governed by a prefect but ultimate authority resides with its protector, Lord Anum.


The city had walls which are old but well maintained, and an even older castle. With the current alarm over Xu the city is more heavily gaurded than usual.

Industry & Trade

Silver and Jade are the main local products and the city has many foundries, smiths and craftsmen.


Like all major cities Song Yan is connected to the canal network. It also has many workshops for processing silver and jade and large markets where goods from outside Xian Chu Cha are appraised, sold and dispatched. There are likewise a large number of warehouses and the docks on the river are always busy.   The city is divided into a number of districts
Song Yan
  The Jade quarter This is the richest part of the city, home to the prosperous jade markets and the merchants that trade there. It has many temples to powerful gods, and fine tea rooms, as well as housing someof the nobility and many senior civil servants.   Tzians field A poor district that may have once been a field but now houses agricultural workers, dock workers and other members of the peasant class.   East Road district Built around the castle, this district is home to nobles, soldiers, and visiting diplomats. There is little industry here besides farriers, weaponsmiths and armourers.   Willow shade While not so poor as tzians fields the people of Willow shade are still working class, though perhaps a little more skilled and better educated. There are smaller markets an low value traders here.   Nogos rest This district is named after an old and very famous inn. it is here that visitors are most likely to find both lodgings and entertainment, with song and laughter heard in this district long after the rest of the city has gone to bed   Silvergate This district is home to silver traders and many artisans who work both the silver from the nearby mines and other goods that pass through the city. There are potters, smiths, weavers, painters and most other civilian crafts.   Nine reeds A small cluster of buildings outside the city walls forms the nine reeds district. It is a resting stop for travellers who arrive after sundown or wish to trade without paying the city gate tax.   Traders Fair Like nine reeds this lies outside the city walls and is home to the local farmers market, again avoiding the city gate tax   The Camp Of late a large camp has sprung up around traders fair housing many refugees from Nan Chung. Some of the temples visit to do charity work here, and the gaurds patrol to keep order and look out for troublemakers.

Guilds and Factions

Unsurprisingly, the silversmiths and jade crafters guilds are powerful, as is the merchants guild.


Song Yan dates back to the time of the Dragon Empire, though it was not a remarkable settlement back then. It has changed hands among various warring kingdoms until the rise of Xian Chu Cha. It chose to ally itself with the rising power voluntarily.
Alternative Name(s)
Gate to the north
Owning Organization

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