Imperial Ethnicity in Tallisterra | World Anvil
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The imperials are those that hale from the imperial heartlands, the city of Cardena at its surrounding areas. They tend to be olive skinned and dark haired, average height and build. Imperials tend to be disciplined and are gifted in the ways of commerce and benefit from speaking the most widely spoken language on the continent. Detractors typify imperials as arrogant, greedy and expansionist, with little regard for the rights or traditions of others.


Major language groups and dialects

Imperial (the modern language ) and Talnin (the ancient language)

Culture and cultural heritage

The Empire was founded on an act of war, and the first emperors pact with the blood god Mars. Although the empire now worships ten deities (the decatheic church) Mars was the first, and is still seen as the patron god of the empire.

Average technological level


Common Dress code

Simple cotton tunics and leggings for men, tunics and skirts or dresses for women. For ceremonial occasions among the upper classes togas are worn, by both genders, though these are generally seen as archaic.

Art & Architecture

Grand architecture with high regular columns and triangular columnades are common in the ancient architecture and remain popular even today. Buildings are constructed of wood, stone or marble depending on how important they are. The most common and prized for of art is sculpture. Theatre is popular but looked on as vulgar. Poetry is seen as the more refined activity for the upper classes.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Children are typicaly welcomed with an offering to Demeter, goddess of fertility and nature.

Coming of Age Rites


Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerals are dealt with by the priests of Morkana, goddess of death. Bodies are interred in the ground or if wealthy in mausoleums or crypts. All burial is on sacred ground. In exceptionsla circumstances (war, plague or famine) bodies will be cremated.
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