World Ember 2022! in Talitha Harbor | World Anvil

World Ember 2022!

The Goal

  I was trapped in the creative world of the novel I started for NaNo 2021 during last year's World Ember and I had to move right before SummerCamp this year. So, I am excited that I can fully focus on a big World Anvil event. My world is SciFi, but on a planet with limited resoruces. It is a ecologically centered cooperative society with a decentralized government, but with structure. I also get to have fun with plants and animals since it's not Earth, a planet who's evolution hasn't gone past a few rare amphebians. So, a world of bugs and fish, more or less.     If there is something related to WorldBuilding that you think just gets ignored a lot and would like to see someone write it in their world, leave a comment below and if it fits I'll write it. I like reaching into those weird corners that people ignore.     Some current stubs that I plan on turning into articles for WE:
    1. Arborist of the Grove - The caretaker for The Grove of Lost Souls
  2. Cave Snail - A rare species of giant snail that lives in steam vents under the mountail range that lines The Great City of Anunitum
  3. Chipless - Talithans who choose not to use identity chips
  4. City of Pangu - The newest completed Great City of Talitha Harbor
  5. Founders Day - A celebration of the landing of the Talitha (human ark/space ship) on Talitha Harbor
  6. Identity Chip - A key element to the way of life for most Talithans, it is what it sounds like, a chip that tells all of the computer systems who you are
  7. Welcome to Anunitum - A document given to everyone who moves to Anunitum, I figured it would be a fun way to let people read about the city outside of the city article
  8. Yellow Fuligo - It's sort of like coral, but on land
  9. Technician Vocations - The people who take care of the computers and network that let Talithans use the conveniance of identity chips, it will also help me flesh that whole system out and how it works in their limited resource world
  10. Triskele Sea - The Sea that lays between the big four land masses that make up the three current Great Cities and the future fourth city.
  11. A Condition for Unoffical Collaboration for Conditions - Click the link to find out and join if you want a unqiue prompt for World Ember


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