Talitha Harbor
996 Dýo
Talitha Harbor, home to descendants from the uninhabitable planet, Earth. A planet of small continents dubbed great islands. Many with their own unique ecosystem. Talitha Harbor’s seas are teaming with life from microscopic organisms to massive fish and invertebrate. The islands are home to a wide variety of plants, arthropods, tetrapods, and the rare amphibian.
The people of Talitha Harbor have created an ecology-centric society that values the health of the planet as much as the people. Determined not to repeat the mistakes of their Earthian ancestors, they have built a society to prevent greed and harmful power structures. A cooperative society managed by thirteen mini-governments called Vocations.
The Talithans live on three great islands, each with their own city. Three populations, without strict borders, that rely on each other for resources. The Thirteen Vocations and all Talithans also rely on each other for survival. A carefully planned system that has served its people well for almost one thousand sols. But also a system that limits growth and certain technology for the good of the planet. A system that not everyone is happy with.
All Images are made with Canva, wombo dream.ai, artflow.ai, or myself unless noted otherwise.