Severe Valley Geographic Location in Talifar | World Anvil

Severe Valley

Written by JoshForeman

They entered a shadowed, narrow defile. The vertical, rough walls undulated into a tighter pass, and then fell away on the left into a rough circle. Stone slabs the size of houses tilted against the walls of the circle and on the flat ground. Shadows under the slabs darkened the shapes of goatishes underneath chewing languidly with eyes half-closed.


We see a lithostratigraphy of three distinct layers. The top most being a harder twice-deposited limestone, ruddy in tone filled with shell and sand. Too hard to be worked efficiently, though naturally deposited bits are to be found all about the regions valley floors. The middle is a softer limestone that has a distinct yellow-greyish color. It is used to construct buildings, aqueducts, pavements, and more. The lowest layer is the softest rock on, but very important, because it consists of very fine grained particles of clay minerals and carbonate, which make it impermeable. It catches water that sinks down through the porous rocks above, and forms the floor of a precious freshwater table so important to the local inhabitants.   Of great interest to civilization is the marble quarry in the south.

Fauna & Flora

Goatish, small and medium sized rodents, snakes, insects of many kinds and the occasional wolfish or bear inhabit the region. Plants are mainly sparse shrubs, gnarled trees and brittle grasses.

Natural Resources

Limestone and marble.
Waterfalls emerge from cliff walls
Foliage clumps around rivers and pools
Location under
Owning Organization
View from inside one of innumerable grottoes that dot the cliff walls
Many rock spires and arches fill the valley

Cover image: by Josh Foreman


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