Luxsaria Goddess of Life, Light, and Rebirth Character in Tales of Talos | World Anvil
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Luxsaria Goddess of Life, Light, and Rebirth

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
— Blessing from a Priest of Light

The Lady of Light

    Mother of the Gods, The First Goddess, The Lady of Light, Luxsaria has many titles as she is loved in every land. The reason for this love is obvious as the universe wouldn't exist without her. She is one of the Origin Trinity but not just that she has battled against Noctus longer than the existence of the universe itself. With such accomplishments, it's no wonder she has more followers than any other Goddess.   Luxsaria is the goddess of life, light, and rebirth. Many believe that feeling of hope that keeps your feet moving that is Luxsaria, that moment when a sick child miraculously gets better that is Luxsaria, the feeling of wanting to help others it is all passed down from The Frist Goddess. The belief of her followers is that she is the source of all of positive emotions.   Everywhere and anywhere the foul and corrupted touch of Noctus goes Luxsaria will follow as she has sworn to never allow him to do as he pleases. She will protect all of the universe no matter the cost to herself it was due to this strong will that she came up with the idea of the seals and leaving Talos to the people. Even after having to leave Talos her love is still shown in each revival spell as she is the Goddess that brings good souls back to their bodies.

Holy Books & Codes

The Pious Codex - A collection of holy documents chronicling Luxsaria's accomplishments and gifts to humanity. This book is more commonly known for its modern day interactions which include multiple moral stories and teachings.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Due to Luxsaria's amount of followers her symbols come in many forms such as the Ouroboros, a swan, butterflies, a peacock, and much more.

Tenets of Faith

Luxsaria has nothing but the highest regard for humanity and ask's all of her followers to follow her example for the betterment of all. While her followers have a set of tenets they may follow all of Luxsaria's children adhere to the following.
  • Always believe in your fellow man for darkness follows doubt.
  • Be sure to follow the path of light and Luxsaria will forever walk with you.
  • Always be willing to help your fellow man.
  • Be sure to be the best version of you that you can be. 


Luxsarias Light: Luxsian 1st: Normally celebrated with a feast of close friends or family to celebrate the passing of the long night and making it through another year. Tradition is normally for all to light a candle while saying a blessing after dinner to place everyone under the veil of Luxsarias light during the upcoming year.  
  "I'll never forget a time on my travels when I encountered some of those Priest of Light they call them. Me and my boy were just taking some of our crops up the road to town. We were a little nervous because there had been orcs about we heard, but a good harvest meant we'd have some food in our bellies for the winter if we could just make it to market. That's when we came across these wizards all clothed in white. They were as bright and as clean as my boy's pet lamb Cedric. Let me tell you though, they may have looked like lambs, but these wizards were anything but sheepish! Pardon the pun now. They offered to escort us for no charge can you fucking believe that? Poor ol' Brundle in the company of magic folk. I tell you wonders never cease! So here's where it gets good now, perk up them ears of yours. No sooner had they started escorting us, than a group of orcs came out of a clearing not half a mile away. They were looking for blood, charging at us hard and fast. My face went as pale as the robes those wizards were wearing I tell you. Those mages, they muttered something about Luxsaria showing them favor; and that's when they let loose with a magical fury such hasn't been seen outside the mages tournament I shit you not. Those orcs never had a chance and they went screaming back for their mums! Do orcs have mums? Well, no bother. One of the orcs had some sort of odd item the white mages wanted. They said the Lady of Light sent them to watch over me and my boy 'cause she knew those orcs were'a coming. That strange little item didn't look like much, a little white gemstone in the shape of a bird. When I asked them what all the fuss was about the wizards bust their guts laughing they did.   Well the rest of the way they talked my ear clean off. One thing those Priest of Light like to do is tell you all about themselves and how Luxsaria is "gathering items of great magic to brace for the coming storm", what ever the fuck that means. They went on a great deal about how magic isn't supposed to be scary, although I told them what they did to those orcs would make anyone that saw fill their pants with scary, ha! They said that magic is meant to help protect us common folk. I told them they may be able to cast searing beams of light from their staffs, but that doesn't make the rest of us hard working folk 'common'."
— A tale told not uncommonly across the Alliance


Luxsaria Goddess of Life, Light, and Rebirth

Mother (Vital)

Towards Strahl God of the Sun, Minerals, and Smithing



Strahl God of the Sun, Minerals, and Smithing

Son (Vital)

Towards Luxsaria Goddess of Life, Light, and Rebirth




Strahl was created from a part of Luxsaria herself in an attempt to finally stop Noctus and push the balance of their eternal battle in her favor. She did this by taking part of her light and concentrating it letting it burn brighter and brighter. Once the light hit its peak it shattered from her hand taking form in the universe creating the first sun. Out from the center of this new creation Stahl forms and awakens, taking his mothers position of the light of the universe while she rest's and recovers.

Luxsaria Goddess of Life, Light, and Rebirth

Mortal Enemy

Towards Noctus God of Darkness, Death, and Decay



Noctus God of Darkness, Death, and Decay

Mortal Enemy

Towards Luxsaria Goddess of Life, Light, and Rebirth




Before even the universe was formed Lusxaria and Noctus were already tied together in an eternal struggle trying to eliminate the other. It was this unending battle that brought about the universe as we know it. Even as being the original creators of the universe the two has never thought about stopping their fight as they believe the universe would be better off without the other. This continued on to create the First War and the sealing of Talos.

Luxsaria Goddess of Life, Light, and Rebirth

Mentor (Important)

Towards Zylen Goddess of Truth, Peace, and Prosperity



Zylen Goddess of Truth, Peace, and Prosperity

Advisor/Student (Vital)

Towards Luxsaria Goddess of Life, Light, and Rebirth




From the moment Zylen felt Luxsaria's light on her body she felt a since of belonging and new this was how the universe was meant to be. Even since that moment Zylen was obssesed with Luxsaria wanting to learn and follow all of her teachings. Overtime Luxsaria noticed Zylens ability to see every side of a situation and react accordingly with this ability and her pure intentions Lucsaria recognized her as worthily of becoming her right hand and advisor. Ever since then the two have worked together to shape the universe in their image of light.

Divine Domains

  • Creation
  • Generosity
  • Good
  • Hope
  • Joy
  • Life
  • Light
  • Peace
  • Radiance
  • Renewal

Divine Classification
Origin Trinity / God

Divine Goals

Luxsaria goal is simple she wants to protect Talos and the universe from Noctus. Luxsaria would love to spread her embracing light across all lands protecting and helping those in need.


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