Gremlin Character in Tales of Justice | World Anvil


Rebecca Wallace DuPree (a.k.a. Gremlin)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Life for Rebecca DuPree has been a series of challenges. Struggles that have both refined her as a person, yet sharpened her character.   Shortly after entering college, she was abducted by Eugene Gaslin, a geneticist working for Oscorp’s medical division. Unknown to even Oscorp and the watchful eye of Norman Osborn, Eugene was obsessed with the ‘mutant condition’. He saw the genetic changes inherent in some people as not a curse, not a burden, but a resource to exploit! He was convinced if he could harness this … control this … it could be applied to everyone! There would be no ‘mutant vs human’. Anyone could have ‘tailor made’ abilities. Then no one would feel slighted or like a freak!   However, this meant he needed a subject … which was Rebecca. He subjected her to a series of experimental drugs. She nearly died during the course of his ‘treatment’. Gaslin’s treatments didn’t actually ‘harness’ or ‘isolate’ her abilities … they augmented them. Forcing a rapid evolutionary change in her that accelerated her powers to a large degree.   In the end she escaped with the help of the FBI and Oscorp security. Determined to protect others, she threw herself into her studies at law school with a frantic obsession. She graduated with very high marks, allowing her to work at the firm Crane, Poole, and Schmidt for a few years. She then took her leave and started her own practice.   To this day, she maintains a strained relationship with Oscorp – who wishes to find a way to make up for the damage done – while conducting her work against corporate excess and abuse.

Personality Characteristics


Upholding the Good
Upholding the Good
5'10" 1/2


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