Witches' End Tavern Building / Landmark in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Witches' End Tavern

A sign depicting a dark-haired figure burning at the stake hangs over the door of this building. Inside, the locals share a beer and talk about the day. Once you enter, the inn goes almost silent, as everyone sizes up "the strangers". A huge, buxom woman then steps forward and scowls at the crowd, who go back to their conversations, although a bit more hushed, and with side glances at the newcomers.     The one thing that does seem comforting is the smell coming from the kitchen. If the food smells this good, you can only wonder what it tastes like.    

The Staff

Alice Kruptin is the imposing proprietor of the Witch’s End Tavern. Well over 6 feet tall, she makes a point of learning the name and occupation of every visitor to her establishment, and holds great distrust for adventurers and spellcasters; the only reason the tavern is so popular with travelers is because its food is phenomenal.     Alice has "adopted" three local youths who she treats like her own children, and they help her run her inn. She expected her "son" Morvinnar to continue the business when she is gone, but Morvinnar recently took up with his friends and moved to the Vaasan Gate in search of adventure. Morvinnar's adventuring group has named themselves, "Ostrav's Outcasts".     Gwen and Lynwen remain, serving beers, drinks, and food in the common room. Both girls are attractive, and tend to get lots of attention.     Alice's cooking is a local treasure, and with Morvinnar, she thought she had found someone who understood the kitchen like she did. Unfortunately neither Gwen nor Lynwen have the same talent. Both are passable cooks, but not close to Alice's talent.    


Ostrav isn't a major trade town, and it's known for being "off-putting". Alice only has four rooms, but each sleeps four people. Each has a bunkbed, two singles and a few footlockers    

Food and Spirits

Beers and Ales 3 sp/mug Wines cost 5 sp per pitcher and are Ostrav's best varieties.   Breakfast is a simple affair of cheeses, breads, and fruits, and costs 3 sp.   Lunches are also simple for 4 sp.   Dinners average 8 sp/meal, but are worth the relatively high price. Alice takes Gwen shopping each morning, after breakfast, to gather ingredients. Each night's menu is different, no special orders allowed.    

Rooms and Lodging

Rooms 20 sp per night, guests who don't mind sharing can pay for only one bed at 5 sp per bed.    


Alice's stables can fit 10 horse, though on any night, there are fewer than three. Alice employs a local boy, Dylan, to tend any horses. She charges 6 sp per night for stabling.
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