Pig n' Whistle Building / Landmark in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Pig n' Whistle

The Pig n' Whistle is the largest inn in Whitebridge, and even in the entire Downs. Two barns connected by a central structure, the Pig n' Whistle boasts ample rooms, good food and entertainment. Most of the hin in Whitebridge show up at the Pig when finished with their daily chores.   The center building boasts a large bar, the owner Arlodin Whistledawn mans the bar himself during the day, but several more barkeeps and servers show up in the afternoon. Most will throw back a pint or two until it gets busy enough for them to start working, so the staff seems to be a shifting. Across from the bar is a large stage where anyone can jump up and play a tune, sing a song or tell a story. Like the staff, the stage is constantly changing and evolving, with hin jumping into one another's' songs and stories.     Orbin Hamfist is Arlodin's main barkeep, and Orbin's wife Eleree runs the kitchen which is situated behind the bar. More than one traveler has commented that the smells coming out of that kitchen must be what the great beyond feels like after a long day on the road.     Note that travelers who frequent the Pig ask for rooms furthest from the stage in order to get any sleep at all.

Purpose / Function



Food and Spirits

Ales 4 sp/mug   Wines "What's Wine, drink an ale like everyone else!"   Meals average 5 sp/meal and often feature meats with gravies, 'taters (a hin staple), hot biscuits or breads, cheeses, and a dessert. The portions are hin-sized (which means ample food for humans). Eleree and her three assistants man the kitchen at all hours. All are exceptional cooks, even by hin standards.    

Rooms and Lodging

Single Rooms 5 sp per night   Large Rooms (two beds) 8 sp per night
Parent Location


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