Moon Elf (Silver Elf, Teu-tel-quessir) Ethnicity in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Moon Elf (Silver Elf, Teu-tel-quessir)

The most common of the elven subraces on Faerûn are the moon elves. They have fair skin, sometimes tinged with blue, and hair of silver-white, black, or blue; humanlike colors are somewhat rare. Their eyes are blue or green, with gold flecks.   Moon elves prefer to dress in rustic clothes of simple cuts and fashions that are nevertheless of fine and exquisite make. They adorn their dress with embroidered patterns, beads, and similar trappings, preferring earthen colors for everyday wear, hues that make it easy to conceal themselves in foliage. In places of safety or in times of revelry, moon elves enjoy dressing in bold colors— the more brightly colored, the better. Hair is worn in braids or ponytails, twined with wires or beads. Moon elves sometimes wear body paint or tattoos in mystic patterns, although not to extent the wild elves do.   Moon elves have the life expectancy and age categories defined for elves in the table below. Use the following random height and weight characteristics. They are considered a type of High Elf.    


Although the moon elves were not the first elves to migrate to Faerûn, they comprised the largest migration. Even in the ancient past their joy for travel seems to have been present, for they came to Faerûn in great numbers indeed. The moon elves wanted to explore this new world rather than settle down, and so did not establish nations of their own for some time, preferring to settle in other elven nations, such as Othreier and Keltormir. The only one of the ancient elven nations that the moon elves could truly call their own was Orishaar, which was defeated in –11,200 DR by the Ilythiiri.   Following the Crown Wars, moon elves helped to raise many of the nations of the second generation of elven realms. Survivors of Orishaar, in conjunction with clans from other realms that had been destroyed during the Crown Wars, founded the secret refuge of Evereska in –8600 DR, and many moon elves populated the glorious realm of Cormanthyr, founded in –3983 DR in the woods of the Elven Court. One by one the old elven realms faded away, until the fall of Myth Drannor in 714 DR left Evereska as the last moon elf city in Faerûn. Many nomadic moon elf bands still roamed the great forests of northern Faerûn, but no new elven kingdoms rose after the fall of the second-generation realms.   Despite the fact that only a single realm of moon elves has survived the ages since the Crown Wars, the moon elves have fared well compared to many of their elven kin. Content to gather in small, secretive, and relatively short-lived settlements or to simply wander across the wild lands of Faerûn as their hearts call them, the moon elves have built few places worth destroying. When the Elven Retreat began, the moon elves were slow to heed its call, and even then answered the call in much smaller numbers than did the sun elves and other elven races.    


Moon elves are more impulsive than the other elves, and dislike remaining in one place for any significant amount of time. Most moon elves are happiest when traveling, especially across the expanses of untrodden wilderness that still survive in Faerûn. This is probably the single greatest reason why they are so much more friendly and accommodating to other races than many other elves: They do not isolate themselves from the human lands behind impervious defenses. Moon elves have watched humankind for much longer than their sun or wood elf kin, and they know that non-elves aren’t as foolish and unimportant as most other elves think. They feel that engaging promising human realms such as Silverymoon and instilling elven values and culture in these young lands is a better way for the elven race to survive and thrive than hiding away and avoiding all contact with ambitious, grasping humans.   Moon elves are drawn to adventure through sheer wanderlust. They desire to see and do everything possible during their long lives. Like their allies the Harpers, moon elves believe that a single person of good heart who stands up to injustice or evil can make a big difference. The typical moon elf adventurer tends to be a wandering protector of the common folk, not a dungeon plundering slayer of monsters.    


More so than other elves, moon elves are drawn to a variety of paths. They have a great love of music and make excellent bards. Moon elves do not possess the depth of reverence for the Seldarine the sun elves do, nor the bond with nature of the wood elves, but clerics and druids are not uncommon among the subrace. Many moon elves are skilled warriors and have at least some levels in the fighter class, as they have long made up the bulk of the elven armies. But moon elves prefer stealth over strength, and often choose to become rangers or rogues instead. Finally, like all elves, moon elves are enamored of magic, and a great number take up the wizard’s arts.    

Moon Elf Society

Moon elves are nomadic spirits who rarely settle down for long in one place. They are comfortable living among sun elves and wood elves, but just as often they live in areas dominated by humans, halflings, or even gnomes. Their homes tend to be simple, unassuming, and comfortable.   Moon elves are much less solemn and serious in their ways and actions than sun elves. Their songs and poems are lighter and often quite humorous; tragedies have their place but the moon elves prefer to balance such things with light-hearted and often bawdy tales and songs. They also enjoy a wide variety of art styles, including paintings and sculpture. Moon elves are fond of games of chance and gambling. Drinking, feasting, and reveling are all a strong part of their society.   A more serious side to the moon elves emerges in times of trouble. Moon elves are just as skilled with weapons and magic as their fellow elven subraces, and do not hesitate to act if a situation calls for violence as a solution. Even in warfare, they try to find hope and humor, for it is during these dark times that levity and joy are most valuable.   Moon elves gather in loose bands, composed of a dozen or so extended families. Leadership is democratic; all elves of the band have a say in important decisions, although the voices of one or two of the wiser and more experienced family heads tend to carry the day. In times of danger, the band chooses an elder or warleader to see them through the peril. Moon elves travel light and travel often, rarely staying in the same place for more than a season or two before moving on.


Major language groups and dialects

All moon elves speak Elven, Common, and the human language of their home region. Their nomadic nature encourages them to pick up additional languages as they travel as well, and most moon elves can speak at least one or two additional languages beyond these. Common choices include Auran, Chondathan, Gnoll, Gnome, Halfling, Illuskan, and Sylvan.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Moon Elf Magic and Lore

Moon elves crave magic like no other race (except perhaps their sun elf cousins). Arcane and divine spellcasters alike are encouraged to push the boundaries of known magic and discover something new, adding to the moon elves’ collective magical knowledge.   Magic is not just a vocation for a moon elf—it’s an avocation. The joy in casting a complex spell or creating a potent magic item is as profound and all-encompassing as any great work of art or music. While the sun elves have a stunning accumulation of spell-lore, the moon elves engage in ceaseless experimentation.    


Moon elves, along with sun elves and a few wood elves, are the only elven subrace to still practice High Magic, although sun elves still make up the bulk of those practitioners of this potent form of magic. Moon elf wizards usually prefer to focus their learning on discovering new forms of magic and methods of spellcasting.  

Moon Elf Equipment

Moon elf musical instruments are true wonders to behold. Their instruments are never less than masterwork in quality and often bear magical enhancements of some sort. These instruments are refined and delicate in appearance, often adorned with gemstones and made with precious materials.    


Moon elves prefer to fight with longswords, rapiers, longbows, and shortbows. Moon elf armor, like moon elf garments, tends to look ancient or primitive at first glance. A closer look reveals impeccable artistry that both mimics and amplifies nature’s beauty.    


Moon elves value the companionship of animals, beasts, and magical beasts on their travels, and they often keep at two or three pets at a time. Favored pets include hunting dogs, falcons and other raptors, and cats. Moon elves rarely keep mounts, as they feel they see more when they do their traveling with their own two feet.

Common Myths and Legends

Moon elves worship the Seldarine. A moon elf identifies with all the elven deities, but usually chooses one as a patron deity above the others. Moon elf religious ceremonies are exuberant, joyful, and loud. Even deeply religious moon elves recognize that some ceremonies and festivals are simply excuses for revelry.

Relations with Other Races

Of the elven subraces, moon elves are the most tolerant of non-elves. They travel extensively, and a moon elf can expect to interact with hundreds of different races throughout her life. Moon elves find the diversity of Faerûn’s races to be intoxicating and forever surprising, and they especially value the insights of other races because they often think of things no elf would ever consider. This openness and willingness to accept new ideas is regarded as foolish and dangerous by other elves, so ironically their own kin often give moon elves the coolest receptions.   Despite their open minds, moon elves have little patience or interest in the various evil beings, and they hold orcs and gnolls in particular contempt. They avoid regions where such cultures hold sway, although moon elf adventurers often infiltrate these areas to spy on them. The moon elves share with the other elven subraces a hatred and loathing for the drow.

Approximate Age Categories

Adulthood: 110 years   Middle Age: 175 years   Old: 263 years   Venerable: 350 years   Maximum Age: Most elves pass before their 750th year    

Moon Elf Male

Random Height: 4'10" +2d10"   Random Weight: 90 lb. + (Height Roll × 2d4 lb.)  

Moon Elf Female

Random Height: 4'5" +2d10"   Random Weight: 70 lb. + (Height Roll × 2d4 lb.)
Encompassed species


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