Magnificent Seven Organization in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Magnificent Seven

A mixed race group from Heliogabalus, they became the newest sensation at the Gate for a while then headed back to the city.


The Magnificent Seven has undergone some changes of late. The original seven were:     Ser Buckthorn and Gazlowe left the group when they brought the hin midwife Elara to the Monastery of the Yellow Rose to prove Helmont Devlin the 15th was a fraud. Replacing Buckthorn and Gazlowere were:


From the Journal of Tai

We are then informed that we need to put our name of The Board to get jobs. So we need an official company name. Ser Buckthorn puts forth ‘Crossbows and Roses’ and I counter with ‘Anklebiters’. Neither seems to excite anyone. I rather like the Anklebiters, Ser Buckthorn thinks it’s insulting, I guess he can’t see it from my perspective. (Ha, I do make myself chuckle.) Reed, with the pure exuberance he shows in everything he does shouts out ‘Magnificent Seven!’ and everyone starts to nod. So on the Board it goes, we are The Magnificent Seven.
Adventuring Party

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