Left Hand Inn Building / Landmark in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Left Hand Inn

Located in the Burrows, the Left Hand Inn is a quiet establishment. The inn caters to a varied clientele; the upstairs rooms are usually rented to traveling merchants, while local commoners, craftsmen and merchants come for the food and drink. The Left Hand has earned a well-known reputation as a place for relaxing after a long day. Patrons gather in the common room over mugs of ale and bowls of soup, favoring low-voiced discussions of politics and news.   Jasper Foornus and his daughters, Amelia and “Katty”, keep the floor swept clean, the food and drink flowing, and the lights dimmed low. Regular customers often nod off in the common room, and if he has one to spare, Jasper will usually give a room to the sleepy patron for little to no charge. Musicians rarely perform here, and the clientele prefer the quiet. Little seems to transpire in The Left Hand, and most of its patrons would have it no other way.

Purpose / Function



Food and Spirits

Ales 3 sp/mug   Wines cost 3 sp per pitcher and are mostly local varieties, the Left Hand doesn't carry "fine wines"   Meals average 4 sp/meal and often feature meats with gravies, 'taters (a hin staple), hot biscuits or breads, cheeses, and a dessert. The portions are hin-sized (which means ample food for humans), and Marielena is a very good cook.    

Rooms and Lodging

Single Rooms 5 sp per night Large Rooms (double bed) 8 sp per night


Ground Floor


Common Room

The ground floor of The Left Hand Inn is dominated by the large common room. In the center is the semi-circular bar, where the locals slowly drink their beer and watch the passing merchants for entertainment. Behind the Bar a platform runs the length of the bar allowing the hin to interact eye-to-eye with their taller customers.   These same traveling merchants, with their fancy colored clothes and foreign mannerisms, are usually relegated to the large slab tables scattered around the room. Despite the good-natured ribbing they incur, however, they are rarely allowed to sit alone. Jasper’s rule is an empty seat is an available seat, and tables are made for sharing.   This makes for a low hum of conversation throughout the day and most of the night as people meet, introduce themselves and their business, and comment on the surprisingly good quality of the food and drink.   The main entrance into the inn is directly across from the bar. Staircases to the far right and left ascend to the second floor bedrooms. Another side door leading outside lies on the west wall, but is partly obscured by the staircase. The kitchen can be occasionally glimpsed through the curtain behind the bar, and a side door near the east wall opens into the kitchen.  


Jasper’s wife Marielena is a sweet soul, but she can’t carry a tune. Mary hums as she works, and everyone forgives her for it. Mary spends most of her time in the kitchen, either preparing the daily meals or trying to teach her daughters to cook.   A brick hearth and butcher’s cooking table are the largest components of the kitchen. Crates and barrels stacked in the long end of the room contain enough supplies to last the week it takes for the regular orders to be delivered. Two Hogshead barrels of ale are always kept on hand, along with several Tierce barrels of beer.   A single, locked door leads to the outside, and the two windows are usually left throughout the day and early evening to admit any cooling cross-breezes that might come.    

Second Floor



The upstairs long hallway is lined with eleven guestrooms. Nine are single-occupancy, cramped bedrooms simply furnished with a single bed, writing table and chair, and chest-of-drawers. Two are larger, comfortable rooms – costing twice as much as the single rooms - that boast double beds and a generous amount of open floor space.




Jasper Foornus

Jasper’s father Jonah was the previous owner of The Left Hand, and Jasper has always worked at the inn. He expects his eldest daughter Amelia to marry someone who will continue the business when he is gone, and he is satisfied that he has done well with his life. A quiet, solid citizen, Jasper pays his taxes and enjoys the benefits of the government around him.   Jasper tolerates no one who threatens to disturb the peace of his inn. Those who do are asked to leave, and Jasper will waste no time summoning the city guard to preserve the inn. He is content to operate his inn and care for his patrons, and he shares none of his passing clientele’s love for travel and the open road.   Jasper speaks Damaran, Dwarven Elven and Gnome, and can also speak Tradetongue when needed.  

Marielena Foornus

Cook Marriage to Jasper Foornus has long since settled Mary’s once great desire for adventure. In her youth, she dreamed of traveling the world, and crept around to the inn regularly to hear tales from the merchants and travelers. Jasper found the young girl attractive, and as she neared adulthood, he asked her father for her hand in marriage. To her surprise and dismay, her father consented.   Her longings for travel and adventure shattered, Mary quietly accepted her father’s decision. Jasper has provided well for his family, but the long years of marriage have left Mary a solemn and serious woman who devotes her attention to cooking and tending the inn.  

Amelia Foornus

Serving Girl Amelia, the elder daughter, is a dutiful young woman who plans to marry well and inherit the inn when her father passes. She is an ambitious student who watches her father intently, and she has attained a solid understanding of the business. Sensing her mother’s unspoken unhappiness, she has resolved not to suffer a similar fate. Her life is perfectly planned, and she is determined to run her husband’s life – once she finds him - as she will run the inn: with an iron fist.    

Katrina Foornus

Serving Girl “Katty” is the complete opposite of her sister, a perfect reincarnation of her mother’s youthful, adventurous spirit. She has the same dreams that Marielena once knew, and longs to see all the splendors of the world.   Of course, her parents disapprove of this, and take care to keep her close to home with ample chores and responsibilities.
Parent Location


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