Gareth Dragonsbane Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Gareth Dragonsbane

King Gareth Dragonsbane

Gareth Dragonsbane, King of Damara is undoubtedly the most important and impressive man in all of Damara, perhaps in all of the Bloodstone Lands. A holy knight of the Order of the Golden Cup, Gareth had a glorious and prosperous adventuring career until he settled on a large estate in northern Damara. But then arose the Witch-King, and Gareth Dragonsbane's life would never be the same.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Gareth is never parted from his longsword, Crusader, a unique holy avenger. He frequently rides among his people on his warhorse, Glendan, said to have unique abilities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His comfortable home was destroyed while he was fighting the war as a Brigade Commander in the Damaran army. When the first phase of war was over, and the Witch-King victorious, a despondent Gareth met six special friends: Olwen Forest-friend, Friar Dugald, Celedon Kierney, Riordan Parnell, Emelyn the Gray, and Kane, the wandering monk.   This powerful group came to Bloodstone where they spearheaded the defeat of the bandit army, the fall of rival provinces, and finally, the overthrow of the Witch-King himself.   During this period, Gareth fell in love with, then married Lady Christine, daughter of Baron Tranth of Bloodstone. Tranth was weary of rule. Seeing the mettle of his new son-in-law, he abdicated, relinquishing his title to Gareth.   The new baron was as energetic a ruler as he was a fighter. He had engineered the unprecedented rise of Bloodstone, and on him lie the hopes that this once-flourishing kingdom may be restored.   After the Bloodstone Wars ended, and the other Dukes and Barons bent knee (if begrudgingly) to Gareth, he raised the Barony of Bloodstone to a Duchy and turned the Duchy back to Baron (now Duke) Tranth to focus on his vision for a combined Kingdom of Bloodstone which would include both Damara and Vaasa. He has been stymied in his goals by the other leaders of Damara, some of whom oppose him at every turn, in some cases, just for spite.

Accomplishments & Achievements

It is no accident that Gareth would rise to such heights. Unlike many of his profession, he is quite tolerant of others, viewing the range of goodness as wide enough to include those who may falter occasionally. Gareth has won the hearts and the loyalty of people all across Damara, a devotion that grows as his reputation spreads. He understands the value of his friends and his allies, and takes great care not to offend those whose ultimate goals are also directed toward the overall benefit of the kingdom.   Despite the protests of his overprotective friends, Gareth refuses to rule from the security of an "ivory tower." He frequently rides among his people on his warhorse Glendan, crying out for the cause of good. He bears Crusader, his holy sword, raised high above him.


Religious Views

Gareth is a member of the Order of the Golden Chalice.


Gareth Dragonsbane

Husband (Vital)

Towards Christine Dragonsbane



Christine Dragonsbane

Wife (Vital)

Towards Gareth Dragonsbane



Legal Status


Northern Brandiar
Current Residence
Bloodstone City
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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