Siegmond's Armory Technology / Science in Tales of Arbitrium | World Anvil

Siegmond's Armory

A legendary trade

This collection of weapons was made in a special forge that laid at the bottom of the sea. The fire alone was special and oxidized to smelt at an exceptional heat, the space that was allotted for this craft was heavily fortified with magic. The forge owner, or Master Blacksmith, was a master Seigmond, who created both the forge and the weapons in this armory.    Initially hired by Typhdor, Seigmond was to make special weapons that were to rival gods. When word got out of his plans several different pockets of hidden groups reached out to him to craft something for them as well- even the Somerled had negotiated a contract with him. What began as a year long project for one weapon became several years of work for several weapons. He didn't create them for money, however, as gold wasn't an issue for him to begin with. Instead, he asked for a powerful gift in exchange, something that would benefit his crafts or abilities later on in his life. For the Rage of the Waves he traded a plot of land within Typhdor itself so he'd have a vacation home, for Rip and Tear he traded a rare metal that came out of the Astral Sea, etc. When he made Steel Music he made an unfortunate mistake in his enchantments and ended up causing a cascade of magic to erupt from his forge. In a haste he evacuated the city and bailed, thankfully able to get everyone out and finish his armory, but tragically lost the whole space he built within. He, accidentally, created The Crushing Deep.
Master Seigmond was a triton who abandoned his previous plane. He refused to publicly acknowledge where he was from, but he fit in with the merfolk that lived under the Cotton Sea.
Access & Availability
Each weapon in this armory has exchanged hands multiple times, to the point where they're almost untraceable. Rumor has it that there are factions that will pay money to just know where they are as each one has significant power in the wrong hands. Each one requires attunement and a few of them are impossible to unequip, unless the owner was to die.
While there are other Legendary Armories out there, these weapons are unique due to how different they are from each other. When Seigmond was given free reign to be as creative as possible, he decided that none of the weapons were going to be alike. This had him almost make art with his weapons, although that doesn't make them any less deadly.


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