Dogra's Playground Geographic Location in Tales of Arbitrium | World Anvil

Dogra's Playground

Sometimes referred to as just 'The Playground', this is a place that runs wild with the strongest of Dogra's creations. The most experienced hunters travel here for sport and others hunt here for the mere bragging rights. While other places have the scarier death count, quite a lot of individuals have explored this area and still lost their lives here. In fact, people with the most intense bone forged armor or weapons made from monsters are assumed to have hunted from here. While some think it’s unethical to hunt here for trophies, the monsters have a ‘respawn’ ability since they’re trapped there, so even after you kill them they will come back after 14 days. This makes for the biggest twist in Karama ever in recorded history; for if you stay longer than 14 days or your kills will start hunting you in turn.  

Loot and Hordes

Quite a lot of adventures are lured into places for the loot or the experience gained when hunting beasts and monsters, of which The Playground has no shortage of. As an example, you could kill a Chimera, Alecra Queen and a Deathclaw in one of the trips and combine their pieces into making a staff that would cast Chain Lightning. Using the Goat's head as the Catalyst for the staff, the Deathclaw's bones as the structure for the staff and the Alecra Queen's conductive magical abilities as the Ignition for the staff. This is one of the many examples for the things you can win, or 'earn', from hunting in Dogra's Playground.


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