Secretary of the Supernatural Rank/Title in Tales from the Rookery | World Anvil

Secretary of the Supernatural

This position was first created in 2020 when the supernatural phenomena that had begun encroaching on the world as we know it became undeniable. Unsure of how to proceed the President at the time stood up the Department of the Supernatural as a sub section of the Department of Defense. Sadly magic was seen as the next international threat by those in power. After all, it seemed obvious that other countries were far more steeped in magic and it's workings historically than American had ever been.   Rather than reach out to the potentially knowledgeable populations in Louisiana or the Native American Nations, instead a man named Seth Longrew was chosen based on nothing more than his connections to the president and some dabbling he had done on social media with his own magical powers. More interested in furthering his own political agenda, Seth was not a very potent leader. As such no real forward momentum occurred in this area until the position was appointed to Derek Ironhorse in 2030.   Derek was descended from a long line of shamans and medicine woman and had undergone that strict education as well. He had encouraged the Native American nations to share what knowledge they had with each other and with those who had the gift. He eventually broke with his nation to found a school to help those with magical gifts to learn to harness them in order to contribute rather than destroy. While there is no doubt that such services were needed he received a number of death threats and had to go into hiding several times before his service became accepted. He went on to help found educational institutions for students from kindergarten through college. He advocated for funds to help with the youngest of children as well with in home care and preventative assistance around the home. With these accomplishments behind him, he was the perfect fit for the Secretary of the Supernatural role and under his leadership he was able to break it out from under the Department of Defense and form it as a stand alone department.
Civic, Political


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