Shipjacker's Inc. (Kestra) in Tales from Nigita | World Anvil
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Shipjacker's Inc. (Kestra)

Characters Present

Kestra the Hutt issues a new bounty mission for the contractors of Nigita, promising rewards for a risky ship capture to be executed against the remnant of the First Order known as Pentastar. She also reaches out to some of her very favorite lawmen and social contacts on Nigita to draw their attention to the matter.   Tia, Sabbath, Nola, R08813, and Theta make their way up to the Hutt Dreadnaught to speak with Kestra. In the hangar, they are greeted by a fully recovered Nox who laments the loss of his wonderful accent since his latest regeneration. Kestra presents the opportunity to the team and does not gloss over the risk.   Pentastar has sent an expedition to the restricted world Taris, long known as a Class 1 Contagious World. Whatever they are up to on the world is directly at the behest of the Ministry of Science (Bastion) led by an old foe, Dr. Vendredi. Moreover, they are using an experimental (or at least newly designed) long range shuttle. Kestra wants both the scientists on the expedition, as well as the shuttle and recovered assets delivered to her. She provides the team with immunizations and biohazard suits in case they run afoul of the denizens of the plague-ridden world.   Arriving in system, the Runequest is able to scan the surface and locate the landing party without giving away their position. Theta also manages to land the ship without being noticed, though at some distance from the encampment. They traverse the swampy ruins and broken landscape via speeder, only managing to be waylaid by creatures once.   Arriving near the encampment, they climb a nearby tower to spy on the Imperials. There they find scientists not experimenting with local creatures, but raiding an abandoned Jedi Temple dating back to the Jedi Civil War. They also are guarded/assisted by Purge Troopers.   Nola uses her force powers to close on the targets and tries to distract them while the others close and flank. They manage to get close, but are tripped up by the Stormtrooper's enhanced helmet sensors. A firefight ensues and the group takes some serious hits, but eventually prevails. They coerce the unarmed scientists to surrender, then load the shuttle and R08813 and Nola head back to Kestra's while the others return to the Runequest and follow.   Kestra is thrilled with the results, "indentures" the scientists captured and begins tearing down the ship for reverse engineering. When presented with the option of returning the Jedi Artifiacts to the Harmonium, Kestra opines, "I have not yet found that those Force Users' goals and my own coincide enough to be that generous. I will keep my own objectives in mind as these items are examined and their fate determined."

GM Note:

Sabbath has completed the debt owed to Kestra earned in Argovia Strike (Kestra).

Adventure Capsule

Game Date: 21.Esk.35 ABY
Date: 6/14/2020
XP Earned: 10xp
Credits Earned: 1500cr
Gamemaster: Bill M

Duty Rewards (Choose)
  • Harmonium: --
  • Independents: --
  • Republic Remnant: --
  • Scum & Villainy: 20
Casualties & Injuries
  • None Reported.
  • Kestra's Favor - May be redeemed in future so that Kestra or one of her agents will perform a skilled service (Knowledge, Investigation, Decyption, Lore, etc.) for the character.

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Cover image: Tales from Nigita World Codex Cover by W.Morgenthien


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