Argovia Strike (Kestra) in Tales from Nigita | World Anvil
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Argovia Strike (Kestra)

Characters Present

IIt's been two months since Kestra the Hutt was freed from Pentastar imprisonment, and she hasn't taken it lightly. She's put plans in motion and hopes some of her friends from Nigita can help her get her first foothold into the Pentastar Alignment and begin her plans for Revenge.

Veneral, Sabbath, Tia, & Lan'Batu head to Kestra's cruiser and accept a mission to go into Pentastar Space to help her agents infiltrate and sabotage a facility. They do their research and head to Argovia.

Once in-system a combination of Lan'Batu's slicing and Veneral's smuggling contacts pave a way into the system without running afoul of Pentastar's security. Once on world they find Battz, but they wish they hadn't.

It turns out Battz (funny story) is up to his ears in debt to local loan sharks who are highly placed with what passes for Law Enforcement. They hatch a plan to bypass the loan shark and hack the military network directly. But to do so requires the assistance of a skittish and abused Pentastar maintenance droid. They disable (after scaring it into fleeing) and subsequently repair the droid, convincing R7H-6 to help them gain access to a utility substation.

The team overwhelms a Pentastar security officer in the maintenance facility using the Force. While Sabbath keeps the officer under his control, Lan'Batu and Veneral hide Kestra's device in the network. They manage to sneak off world and return to Nigita. Kestra is very pleased with the outcome.

When they land, they arrange for R7H-6 to be repaired by Dr. Mathison and the Vigil.

GM Note:

Sabbath is indebted to Kestra for 50 Duty for an Image Inducer for Tia (Human, Generic) and will be flagged for mandatory attendance in the next Kestra-issued Bounty.

Adventure Capsule

Game Date: 14.Esk.35 ABY
Date: 6/8/2020
XP Earned: 10xp
Credits Earned: 1500cr
Gamemaster: Bill M.

Duty Rewards (Choose)
  • Harmonium: --
  • Independents: --
  • Republic Remnant: --
  • Scum & Villainy: 20
Casualties & Injuries
  • None Reported.
  • None.

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Cover image: Tales from Nigita World Codex Cover by W.Morgenthien


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