Duke Hightower Character in TalanthE | World Anvil
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Duke Hightower

The Hightower clan have ruled The Dukedom of Orligt for as long as can be remembered. A certain level of ruthlessness in the forbears of the current Duke certainly helped, but the line of the throne has been maintained through the psionic abilities passing down every other generation of the family. Duke Hightower is waiting to see which of his sons will inherit the ability which passed him over. The Duke has produced 11 sons but 4 have already died. Another 4 hold positions of power in the dukedom, while the final 3 have gone questing in the hope of winning the respect of their father and hopefully defeating the evil of Lord Incus.
Although Orligt is the most powerful of the islands of The Inner Sea, even they are struggling.  The landmark of The City of the Hightower, an enormous mystical lighthouse, has fallen, brought down seemingly by the storms emanating from The Isle Of Incus.  And pirates have begun to terrorise the coastal fishing towns. 
The Duke has now decreed that the pirates should be destroyed and the trading routes secured. He has also encouraged an influx of dwarves, skilled in mining, in the hope that they will uncover riches previously unknown.    


Montague "Monty" Hightower

Son (Important)

Towards Duke Hightower



Duke Hightower

Father (Trivial)

Towards Montague "Monty" Hightower



Ruled Locations


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