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Tith Rehei (The Four Forces)

The Tith Rehei is a treatise that espouses a blend of philosophical insight, ethical discourse, and technical wizardry. An amalgamation of varied magical themes, the book is notably recognized for its exploration of Pulse - a then novel concept in The Berythian Tradition that eventually became fundamental in magical theory.  

Section I: The Pulse, the Cosmic Body, and Preliminary Calculations

  Pulse is defined as the primal rhythm that underlies all material reality. It is an eternal, unchanging force, despite the apparent impermanence of the material world it affects. This section emphasizes the importance of the magician aligning with this Pulse, a process likened to tethering one's vision to the eternal, thereby purifying the channels through which magic flows. Pulse is described as lacking will, yet it is not fully impersonal, instead having a notable presence.   The section further presents a complex astrological system to enhance the connection with Pulse and optimize spell efficacy. Detailed anatomical descriptions, charts, and diagrams are provided, illustrating the mapping of the human body onto cosmic structures. Rather than explicit magical techniques, the section presents a preparatory set of calculations necessary for magical work.  

Section II: The Temporal Magician, Ethics, and Time

  The second part of the treatise addresses the predicament of the magician as a being bound by Time. It argues that although Pulse is "truer" ontologically, this does not invalidate the materialization of power derived from one's connection with it. Being composed of elements, a magician must necessarily follow a specific path, relying on structured techniques to maximize power - an aim the book insists should be each magician's ultimate pursuit.   The section establishes an ethical framework for using magic, contending that power is vital for inducing world change. Such changes, however inevitable, should be made consciously and intentionally. To ensure the purity of one's goals and desires, the objective force of Pulse acts as a fixed point for measurement. The Rehei underscores the importance of power acquisition for a particular purpose, providing a comprehensive foundation for ethical magic use.  

Section III: The Arcane Technique

  Before advancing to the third section focused on arcane techniques, the Rehei details the process of aligning with Pulse. This is compared to the act of listening, indicating a meditative aspect to the experience. Several techniques are described for finding the right cosmic "frequency" to attune with Pulse. To aid aspirants in gauging their success in achieving this state, some basic qualities of the experience are outlined. In keeping with the Physicalist tradition, this state is objective and has more in common with an observable phenomenon than a subjective mood.  

The Legacy and Controversies of The Tith Rehei

  The publication of the Rehei led to certain controversies. The injunction for magicians to place power as the ultimate ambition was often abused, leading to unscrupulous magical practices. The concept that Pulse offered objective justification for any action also provoked misuse. Extensive commentaries throughout magical literature address these contentious points. The emphasis on power acquisition in the Rehei was heavily cited during the Drakoyan Middle Empires (1112-707), when the Berythian Tradition and in turn, The Council of Landezon itself, chose to pivot to ‘fast-track’ mode, encouraging young apprentices to pursue a more restricted path (such as the pursuit of Fire alone as an element of study, rather than the full suite of elements) in order to achieve power sooner. The final decision to institutionalize this occurred in the wake of The Plague Years (1212-1112), when the southern threat that is the Hex showed the extent of their destructive capacities by inciting a disease that killed off almost half of Rela's population. A show of strength against this incredible weaponization of magic was thought essential.
Authoring Date
1747 under the Cativene Dynasty


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