The Seers Settlement in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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The Seers

History and Foundation

  The Seers of Bimmentok, traditionally known simply as "the Seers", are considered by many to be the oldest magical tradition in the world, predating even the advent of The Berythian Tradition. Their historical origins are cloaked in mystery, shrouded by the mists of time and veiled in the enigmatic language of prophecy. Some ancient texts suggest that the Seers were established by the end of the First Eon, though the exact date remains a subject of scholarly debate.   The Seers make their home in the Lair of the Seers, a fortress-like structure overlooking the icy expanse of Lake Ama-Toh in the High North. This enduring edifice, set against a backdrop of rugged, snow-capped mountains, is said to be the oldest known magical site in existence.  
by Midjourney
Above: Lair of the Seers, in Bimmentok.

Philosophy and Beliefs

  Contrary to many magical orders, the Seers do not view their prophetic abilities as being under their control, nor do they regard these powers as magic per se. Rather, in keeping with the Farang pagan tradition, they see their prophetic visions as gifts bestowed upon them by the gods, or, in some instances, as divine curses to be borne.   This belief in the divine source of their visions marks a key point of philosophical divergence between the Seers and The Aurimbic Tradition, the former's successors. Where the Aurimbics focus on the study and understanding of The Tangled Scrolls and their encoded mathematical principles, the Seers concentrate on the interpretive, visionary aspect of their abilities. They place value on instinct, intuition, and revelation, believing that the gods' messages can only be discerned by those who possess the Gift of Sight.  

Structure and Organization

  The Seers live a simple, ascetic life, largely removed from the broader societal structures and cosmopolitan settings of other magical traditions. Prospective members must demonstrate a natural capacity for visionary insight, usually expressed from an early age. The Seers accept individuals regardless of their origin, provided they exhibit the necessary talent.   For anyone who makes the pilgrimage to the Lair, the Seers offer guidance in deciphering the complex webs of their visions. However, visitors are not permitted to stay indefinitely, with the Seers maintaining an aura of solitude and hermit-like existence to foster their connection with the divine.  

Points of Tension

  Despite the enduring respect they command in Bimmentok and beyond, the Seers have found themselves at odds with the Aurimbic Tradition on numerous occasions. A schism occurred following the death of Keldaroth when a group of Seers chose to remain at Aurim-Bas to study the Tangled Scrolls. This led to a bitter divide between the Seers who stayed with the Aurimbic Tradition and those who returned to the Lair of the Seers.   The Seers continue to play a vital role in Bimmentok and across the High North, providing spiritual guidance and interpreting divine messages for their people. Their mystical, hermit-like existence is a stark contrast to the scholarly approach of the Aurimbic Tradition, and much more steeped in the old Farang religion. Despite their differences, the two traditions share a deep-rooted history and continue to influence the course of magical study in their own unique ways.
Conjectured Date: UT 4000


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