Sheishal Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 140K   RELIGION: Ocean Plume Temple   ETHNIC GROUPS: Kakjeukuk   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Qilaphma - 140K   CURRENCY: Qildab Wa   CAPITAL: Gniz   CITIES: Aikputu   TOWNS: Runachikal, Luntin, Gualla, Tami, Chikrahaw, Hina   VILLAGES: Chonchik, Pisqan, Pachaqti, Yurun Kan, Kudecho
  Sheishal is a satellite island of Qildab that still beats with the heart of tradition while opening its arms to modernity. Two major settlements dominate its cultural and economic landscape: Gniz, the bustling capital, and the more laid-back Aikpuktu. Both are laced with an air of competition, be it in the high-stakes harvest festivals or the annual Kaktora games, a complex warrior sport that draws enthusiastic crowds.   Gniz is a crossroads of tradition and progress. The city boasts a grand market where modified Sikiki grain is showcased and bartered. It's also home to the Chieftain, who, in full ceremonial attire, often strolls through the market, a sight locals consider a good omen. The aura of progress, however, clashes with the city's deeply ingrained warrior ethic, resulting in occasional street challenges and duels, an adrenaline-fueled spectacle that even the chief joins on rare occasions.   On the other hand, Aikpuktu offers a more laid-back environment. Its inhabitants lean more towards the old ways, and the warrior spirit here is tempered with the wisdom of age. Contests of strength and endurance are favored over open brawls, and the grain harvested here is said to carry the taste of the ancestral land.   Tucked away from the urban buzz are the small, egalitarian communities of Chonchik and Kudecho. Chonchik, despite its size, is renowned for its firefly festivals, a mesmerizing display that symbolizes the ascension of warrior spirits. Kudecho, conversely, despite its tiny size, is the source of the finest warrior training equipment, including the Yisgur, crafted from the resilient Suyok trees. These humble villages, while seemingly overshadowed by the larger settlements, enrich the cultural tapestry of Sheishal, each offering its unique rhythm to the island's symphony.

Cover image: Village by Rickydavid


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