Rigo Settlement in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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The City of Rigo - "The Indomitable Star" - is the shining achievement of a century of elvish toil. Once a trade city of the Sakxani Empire called Narthis, the region was settled in by the elves after the catastrophic Battle of the Ebon Plains. There they built up reputations as skilled labourers and craftsmen, but the superiority of their workmanship was such that elvish goods soon assumed control of the economy, and thus, elves the city. To this day, crafting remains at the heart of Rigoreen culture. Rigo is currently the capital of the province of Bluepool and home to most of its population, both human and elven. Lulylindelindoc is its official language, with Sakvir figuring as a prominent second. Rigo is ruled by the Altalaminui ("Council of Virtue").   See Rigo - History to review the city's full chronicles.  
  Rigo is divvied up into 7 Districts. As labelled from A to G in the map above, these are: (A) Andokil, (B) Narthalu, (C) Cian Mian, (D) Dobridol, (E) Shedruhuil, (F) Tokallan, and (G) Lambadron.  


  Andokil - meaning "Old Elven Quarter" - holds a special place in the memory of the Elves, and is counted as the first city District for this reason. The area once existed on the outskirts of the human trade city of Narthis and was begrudgingly granted to displaced Elves after the Battle of the Ebon Plains. For this first uneasy period, the area was little more than a slum. With the eruption of the historic Shedruh Riots, elves saw an overall improvement in life conditions. The real purpose of the Riots was to allow Elves to practice their craftsmanship, which resides at the very heart of Elvish life and culture. To this day, Andokil remains a place for the finest artisans to ply their trade. It is also the home of the Altalaminui, the city's de facto governing body overseeing both Rigoreen trade and civil law. Its impressive premises are located in Section A on the District map.   Otherwise, the District is sectioned into 4 working blocks - one for each of the major crafting arts (indicated with the suffix “-thu”). As labelled on the map: A1 Gems (Cailthu), A2 Metal & Stoneworking (Dravthu var Pardthu), A3 Woodworking (Santhu), and A4 Fabrics (Olimanthu). The perceived hierarchy of these materials is manifest in the order used to list them, with Gems reigning supreme. Crafters of different materials tend to respect each other, but accord higher social status to those working in elevated mediums.   Each block has an official city name (provided in the descriptions below), but residents just as often refer to these areas by the types of industry they contain, i.e. "Gems Block", "Wood Block".   Most but not all of the goods produced in the District are sold in town. The typical workshop in Andokil is large, and produces in bulk, often for export. Some workshops operate corresponding stores, while others ship to a variety of retailers, a handful within the city.   SECTION 'A   1 - TRADE UNION (DOKINDOLADDICH), overseen by the Altalaminui. This is a multi-storey structure (8 levels). The first floor is a general lobby, the following 4 represent each craft in ascending order of esteem (Fabrics, Woodworking, Metal & Stoneworking, Gems). Higher floors are for matters pertaining to domestic trade, then foreign, and the final floor is where all major council meetings are convened.  
by Midjourney
Above: The Dokindoladdich
  2 - Statue of Carella Kindall, surrounded by the Yindan Walking Gardens.   A1: SALUMA - GEMS   1 – Kilima Crystal (workshop and storefront)
2 – Navarentay (high-quality gems, including for scientific use)
3 – Lalu's Fine Wearables (Jewellery)
4 – Ominbindo and Associates, Gemcutters (several facilities)
  A2: DENOTHWY - METAL & STONEWORKING   5 – Kerriwender's Famous Blades
6 – Renta Family Foundry
7 – Stoneshop Tobbai
8 – City Arms (Produces armour for city guards.)
9 – Gilded Things (owner: Jeridth Lentru), non-weapon metalworking
  A3: SHEDRUH - WOODWORKING   Shedruh is historic, being the area where the eponymous Riots took place. There is a small stone in the ground in the spot where it happened to commemorate the event.   10 – Tomal's Workshop (large woodsmithing projects, not weapons)
11 – Bulls-Eye (Fletcher: Yan Ternifaire)
  A4: KIFAN KALLY - FABRICS   12 – Tillim Zei's, for Men (Well-dressed noble fashions)
13 – Dodmour's Outerwear (Cloaks, Jackets, etc)
14 – The Silken Tie (Ladies fashions, elegant)

Narthalu / Narthis

  The District of Narthalu marks the site of the old Sakxani city of Narthis, upon and around which Rigo was built (Narthalu simply means “Narthis” in Elvish). Humans remain its primary inhabitants. The District contains many historic properties, most of which have been preserved by human owners to maintain their ancestors' legacy. However, the function of these buildings has changed many times over the years since the re-centralization of city power from the Narthalu area to Andokil. These days, humans are free to run their own businesses and to practice native cultural traditions, but like any citizen of Rigo must pay city taxes. Most Narthalans speak contemporary Sakvir. To be a real part of Rigo city life, however, one must learn Elvish, typically Yendirdoc, or “Foreigners Elvish”, a version of the language free from the caste-based inflections that mark all other of its dialects.   Narthalu is sectioned into 5 blocks, each with a historic identity. From B1-B5, these are: Ethardon (Market District), Mauvensale (Crafting), Wodesboch (Ancient Town), Tarrow (Noble Quarter), and Grewen Pine (Entertainment). Old purposes held by these areas mostly do not hold up in the present-day - for instance, no nobles live in Tarrow anymore - but the lives their human ancestors lived play a great role in the self-imagining of current inhabitants.   B1: ETHARDON   The Ethardon area bears the closest resemblance to its pre-Elven role of all other sections within Narthalu. Lots of great places for food and drink.   1 – TAMOON HOSPITAL (founded by Llandil Tamoon). The Hospital is now second to the Eldani Athar Centre in Cian Mian District, but still excellently run.
2 – Wallon Pastries & Pies. Run by the Wallon family.
3 – Crantir Market Square. Named for Hal Crantir, the merchant that ran the area before Elves settled in Narthis. Still the place to go for fresh farm products, with a special market day once a week.
  B2: MAUVENSALE   Home to many of the area's merchants. Many middle class residences.   4 – Monument to those lost during the Time of Tears.
5 – Jend Talltree's Leathers
6 – Bits & Bobs. An everything shop owned by Rodrick Yellowfield
  B3: WODESBOCH   The earliest site of habitation in Narthis, buildings here look a little worse for wear. Stone ones have held up much better than wooden counterparts. Renovating the area is political: the Elves prefer not to have any part of town in an embarrassing state, but for humans, the place remains the strongest tie to their past.   7 – Old City Hall (“Sattghede”, in Sakvir) now a Museum to the original people of Narthis. Holds many interesting artifacts. Owned by the Narthisian Assembly.
8 – The King's Stables. Once the site of actual stables used for the King's Guard, now a hugely popular pub.
  B4: TARROW   This is the central business district for human-run enterprises. It remains the wealthiest section of the Narthalu District, and has many fine estates.   9 – Narthisian Assembly. The council overseeing human businesses, which lobbies the Altalaminui to ensure equity.
10 – Residence of Coled Darren Moon, head of the Assembly and owner of Crantir Market Square.
11 – Calliwid Bank. Lending organization for human inhabitants of Rigo.
  B5: GREWEN PINE   A lower-rent area, home to a fair few shadowy dealings. Not the nicest place at night.   12 – Elmon Bosker, Printmaker.
13 – The Stalwart Mare. Proprieter, Canden Lowmoor. A tavern with a reputation.
14 – Pawn Shop. Owned by Fiskel Hount.
15 – Sakviri Treasures. Traditional Sakviri crafts and antiques, including a few military finds.

Cian Mian

  Early in its history, this port represented the very lifeblood of Narthis given bustling trade down the east-running Whardo River. Once Sakxani support ended, the area dried up and lay in neglect for years. During the Aurelian Bloom period, the Tellthu Academy moved from a smallish building in Lambadron to this idyllic waterside, and the ensuing influx of new students and faculty caused the District to flourish once again.   These days, Cian Mian is a picturesque place hosting a principally academic community. The further away from the Academy, the more one bumps into the series of tourist traps built to capitalize on the dazzling view, and of course, the brimming purses of those who come to take it in.   C1: YEZU   Yezu is a gorgeous area directly adjacent to the Aurelian Bloom, often frequented by its overflow of concert or theatre-goers. It offers elegant dining and a spectacular view of the waters of Bluepool.   1 – Celothi Seatower
2 – Blue Bubble Arcade
3 – Sarlingen's Fine Dining
  C2: PAARDEEN   4 - Eldani Athar Centre for the Healing Arts. Admittance typically requires one to be a taxpaying citizen.
5 – Gifts of the Glade. Alchemical shop with a focus on natural ingredients. (Owner: Wen Pa Palal, a Druid.)
6 – Time Tables. Games cafe (Owner: Tirun Daulbar)
  C3: CABULARDES   A refined, if densely packed area where well-to-do professor types (and a handful of stinking rich students) prefer to live. A number of small coffeehouses and the like where one can curl up with a good book.   7 – Dreg's. A play on the name of Kirriwen Dreg, owner. A three-storey coffeehouse. Try the Hot Chocolate!
8 – The Sevri Book Circle. A ring of smaller bookstores, each specializing in a key program stream offered at the Academy (see Tellthu Academy, below).
  TELLTHU ACADEMY   First founded by Llandil Tamoon as a means of teaching and preserving Elvish values and heritage in a climate antagonistic to them, the Tellthu Academy was developed into a formidable university offering programs in a wide range of subjects. It is the premiere learning institution anywhere on the continent.   The Academy offers programs in two key groups. The first, considered the more intellectual and prestigious, is called Samurnallon, containing Philosophy and Mystic Thought (some Arcana Mathematics/Astronomy/Astrology; (Elven) Classical Literature; and History/Heraldry. Practical applications for these fields of study are less abundant compared with those in the second group, the Tansallon disciplines, which hinge on worldly and career-minded skills, including Medicine/Science; The Arts; Languages, Linguistics & Law; and Architecture. (Architecture is a design discipline, whereas learning to build is a trade and requires apprenticeship with a designated Master.)   There are two tiers of study for Tansallon fields, and up to four for Samurnallon. The first two in either field are named Tobwith (Entry Degree, 4 years) and Satirwith (Experts Degree, 6 years). Samurnallon fields additionally offer the Kirsamwith (Specialists Degree, 8 years) and Fawrenwith (Leaders Degree, 10 years). Professors at Tellthu typically hold a Fawrenwith, and carry the title 'Etar' (on par with “Doctor” so-and-so).   Student tuitions run from about 5000 Gold per year in Tansallon fields, and more than double that in the Samurnallon, with additional fees for books, exams, and special accommodations. Bursaries and awards are available to those that fit certain criteria. There are two principal campuses, each with separate buildings for their subjects of study, and dormitories for students from abroad (or those from Rigo just wanting to get away from home).   9 – NEDDES TAYWINDER CAMPUS for SAMURNALLON STUDIES   10 – CORWIT SULLO CAMPUS for the TANSALLON PROFESSIONS  


  Dobridol ("The Aurelian Bloom") is a reference both to this central area of the city, and also the period in Rigoreen history where most of the buildings here were created. The Lethenway Brewhouse was the first Elven building in this area, back when Narthis was still a walled city and only a few small residential structures existed outside its fortifications. The Brewhouse's success encouraged a bevvy of other Elven businesses to open up around it. This area is today one of the city's most luminous, a testament to Elven craft and architecture without, and arts and culture within.  
by midjourney
Above: Friends meet at the Lethenway Brewhouse.
2 – Carwen Art (owner: Jeph Carwen)
3 - Battle of the Ebon Plains monumental arch
4 - Cledopht Institude for Foreign Design (Dean: Arning Cledopht)
5 – Institute for Traditional Arts
6 – Erdaunn (Traditional costumes/cultural items)
7 – Theatre Thainwa (Director: Wauvyn Mirrendown)
8 – Hadro Sawail Square (Hero of the Ebon Plains)
9 - Red Echo Hall (home of the Rigoreen Gilded Symphony)
10 – ILDOR MUSEUM (Head Curator: Kief Elando)

Shedruhuil / New Shedruh

  Shedruihuil ( “New Shedruh”) is the newest area in Rigo, and one of the most densely settled. Prior to its recent development, this waterside stretch was a poorly used seaport. Its present residents consist largely of immigrants and visitors hailing from the province of Sekh Anoob in the wake of the Dune Pact.   While the Elves of Rigo surely welcome the sound of foreign coin, many have come to despair the introduction of “non-Elven” ways to their culture - all the more so given the certain mania with all things "desert" that has recently struck Elven youth, a cultural shift known in Elvish as Nallidronanthru, or "Desert Wind". The irony that Elves themselves arrived as immigrants to the area has not been lost on other Rigoreen, especially its artists and poets: none other than Maestro Tokari was prompted out of retirement by the issue, vowing to contribute a sculptural work to the District...much to the chagrin of Altalaminui elders who for years tried valiantly to motivate his interests towards Dobridol.   The area is in an ongoing state of flux, with more new faces showing up all the time – not only from the desert, but anywhere else. Shedruhuil is thus amazingly dynamic, reflecting a melting pot of cultures. Rich and poor are more tightly bundled together here than anywhere else in town.   E1: TIFAH   The Tifah area, being close to the Aurelian Bloom, is subject to by-laws requiring buildings to be up to a certain standard. Thus, this territory was first made available to the richest trade partners in Sekh Anoob, the greatest of these undoubtedly being the Nazhbehtaqs of Seqqwat'in, who hold a permanent delegation in Tifah.   1 – Olqarab Edrah: Delegation of the Nazhbehtaqs.
2 – Batu Banaa
  E2: KET KAHAB   Ket, language of Tpoth, is the primary one to be heard about this region's streets. While not the power it once was under the Second Empire, Tpoth's economy remains strong enough to maintain foreign ties.   3 – Sun's Bounty. Selling many fine items made of Tpothet gold (Owner: Tamik Ruznul)
4 – Legends of the Desert Wind. Bookstore (Owner: Yazuk Fusweel)
5 – Hazor's Dream. Magic preparation shop (Owner: Roqari Nushmir)
  E3: ULANGO   Ulango is home to many Elven artisans who chose to embrace rather than reject the influx of new ideas brought in by the Desert Wind, and live now fully enmeshed with their Anoobi neighbours. Cultural fusion is Ulango's defining strength.   6 – The Shanahl Collective: A multi-arts group dedicated to bringing together new styles from across cultures.
7 – Whery-Qashu Commons. An experimental neighbourhood bringing together elements of Elven and Anoobi cultures. The plaza is the eventual site of Master Tokari's visionary sculpture.
8 – Mountain/Dune: Fusion cuisine by chefs Aldera and Samut Akibah. an Elven/Tpothet wife/husband team.
  E4: SHAKR 'ISH   A densely populated area erected quickly to house the greatest number of people in the most economic fashion - and it shows. At present, the only real building of note it houses is Alaq Temple, attended by common residents of New Shedruh.   9 – Alaq Temple. Overseen by the Cleric Ishem Farrouj   E5: SHILKUR TA'AV   A den of residences for the poorest newcomers to Rigo. Due to its proximity to Rozheg, there is a notable overflow of Shu residents here. Gang activity is unfortunately prevalent.  


  About 15 years ago, Tokallan (the "Moon Lantern" District) received a large influx of new inhabitants from Dokeen - both Elves and Shu - owing to the surge of interest in the Mountainous Land sparked during the Aurelian Bloom. Later, during the Druidic Scandals, the Druids of Bonicaroo established a Thifwendr in Tokallan to maintain a presence in the area. Both events conspired to make Tokallan the city's effective religious District. Tokallan also contains many charming areas, and compared to Lambadron just across the Endar is nicely affordable.   F1: ROZHEG   Casually known as Chulum-town after the popular dumpling eaten by its numerous Shu residents, Rozheg was entirely built up by the Shu after the establishment of Pandak Lagh Got Temple (Chabudon Sect). Pandak houses a modest community of Ti-Lak Monks tending to a substantial congregation.   1 – Pandak Lagh Got Temple, run by The Monks of Ti-Lak
2 – Duzzem Night Market
3 – Chup Tob, traditional Shu cuisine (owner: Pebo Duzh, from Minhro, Dokeen)
4 – Dokeen Home Council
  F2: CALLOOZWAD   The heavy compliment of Chanooriwec and Chazzichac Elven clan members resulted in the hybridized name of this section (originally a kind of slang used by Rigoreen to refer to these families). Deep Druidic loyalists, they were pleased to house the Thifwendr, Camhan Fir. Besides this holy place, the area is known for a few restaurants and shops relating to Bonicareen culture. Many Elves from Dokeen live here as well.   5 – CAMHAN FIR   F3: TOORAC   The first and wealthiest region of Tokallan, near Khadzur Bridge leading over to the Aurelian Bloom and Lambadron. Residences of many of old noble houses (Sky clans).   6 – DILLOR HOUSE. Traditional meeting place for those of Sky clan heritage.  



Ruling Houses Qui̋I, Eȕˈsűsȁ, Chi̋ˈrűpȁn - Tijulunodwyc

Inhabitant Demonym


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