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Pact of Three


  The Pact of Three is in essence a non-compete agreement hammered out between the three Great Powers considered co-equal on the continent of Rela: Nobles, the Church, and The Council of Landezon. The role of each party is carefully considered to prevent overlap in several key areas. The Pact was established in the early Middle Empires (1112-707) period, after horrendous consequences of The Plague Years (1212-1112) threatened to set magical and mundane society with the continent of Rela into a state of total war.   The Pact owes to the leadership of the Emperor Caedri Troembaen I (1112-1085 UT), Empyrean Rȉmau of the Congregation of the Ascended, and Master Teheli-Dura of the The Berythian Tradition.   Its most famous commemoration is exampled in the Gate of Three, commissioned by the Grand Duke, Et Davinet, in 281 UT in Sabellis City.  

Substantive Text of the Pact of Three

  In the name of the Divine Presence and by the grace bestowed upon us, we, the representatives of the Council of Landezon, the Venerated Church, and the Noble Houses of our Realm, hereby unite in mutual respect and pledge to uphold the following tenets, for the prosperity and peace of our shared dominion:   I. Of Land Ownership and Governance: It is henceforth agreed that the dominion of the Noble Houses over their designated lands remains inviolate, save for those places of arcane interest, which shall fall under the protection and stewardship of the Council of Landezon. Each such place shall be clearly delineated and agreed upon by both parties to avoid conflict.   II. Of Spiritual Influence: The Council of Landezon acknowledges the sole authority of the Church in matters spiritual and religious. All expressions of arcane power shall be conducted in a manner befitting the reverence and respect owed to the Divine Presence, with no intent to usurp or diminish the faith of the people.   III. Of Education and Knowledge: The Council shall hold the sole right to teach and disseminate knowledge of the arcane arts. Yet, in matters of overlap with the interests of the Church and the Noble Houses, the Council shall maintain a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect for the traditional jurisdictions of each party.   IV. Of Taxes and Revenues: The Council of Landezon shall contribute fairly and equitably to the coffers of the Realm, with due consideration to their unique responsibilities and resources. Any disputes regarding taxation shall be resolved through peaceful negotiation and mutual agreement.   V. Of Justice and Law Enforcement: The Council shall maintain internal laws for the governance of its members, yet these laws shall not supersede the laws of the Realm. Any transgressions by members of the Council against the laws of the Realm shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Noble Houses.   VI. Of Interference in Politics: The Council pledges to abstain from the use of arcane power to unduly influence the political decisions or succession disputes of the Noble Houses. The Church shall remain the sole authority in matters of divine rites such as coronations and exorcisms.   VII. Of Public Opinion: All parties pledge to foster a spirit of unity and respect among the people, refraining from actions that could incite fear, resentment, or discord. Any disagreements among the parties shall be resolved privately and without inciting public unrest.   In witness of the Divine Presence and with the goodwill of all parties, we thus enshrine these tenets in the Pact of Three. May our shared commitment to peace and prosperity guide us in all our actions, for the betterment of our Realm and the welfare of our people.        

Article I: Resolution of Disputes

  In the event of a dispute arising from perceived encroachment or overstepping of boundaries as stipulated above, the offended party shall convene a Council of Mediation, consisting of two representatives from each of the three estates, and one independent arbitrator of unimpeachable character and integrity, agreed upon by all parties.   The Council of Mediation shall investigate the circumstances of the dispute, hear arguments from both sides, and reach a decision by majority vote. The decision of the Council of Mediation shall be binding and final.  

Article II: Penalties for Violation

  Any violation of the boundaries and spheres of influence as specified in Article I shall be considered a breach of the Pact. The party found to be in violation shall be subject to penalties as determined by the Council of Mediation, proportional to the gravity and intent of the violation.   Penalties may include, but are not limited to, restitution, public apology, temporary or permanent removal of specific privileges, and in extreme cases, expulsion from the respective estate.  

Article III: Amendments and Revisions

  This Pact may be amended or revised at any time by mutual agreement of the three estates. Any proposed amendment or revision must be ratified by a two-thirds majority of each estate.   Regular reviews of the Pact shall be conducted every five years to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in maintaining harmony and cooperation among the three estates.  

Article IV: Effective Date and Duration

  This Pact shall take effect on the date of signing by the official representatives of the three estates and shall remain in effect indefinitely, until it is dissolved by mutual agreement of all parties, or until it is superseded by a new agreement.   The Pact may be temporarily suspended in times of war, disaster, or other extraordinary circumstances, by mutual agreement of the three estates. The suspension shall be lifted as soon as the extraordinary circumstances have passed, and the Pact shall resume full effect.  

Article V: Signatories

  The official representatives of the three estates, who are the signatories of this Pact, affirm their commitment to uphold the principles and provisions of this Pact, to respect the autonomy and sphere of influence of each estate, and to work cooperatively for the welfare and prosperity of the realm.   The signatures of the official representatives of the three estates, affixed below, attest to their acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Pact.   In witness whereof, the representatives of the Nobility, the Clergy, and the Council, in agreement with the above terms, affix their seals and signatures below.


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