Ojoon Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 1.2M   CITIES: Arrfab, Wa Qi, Qyulak   TOWNS: Oohldab, Malawaz, Qiyyt, Fahaabra, Eeboo, Hootahmi, Ikub, Oolnab Zur   VILLAGES: Eelhaar, Harookma, Braafat, Madfwa. Isij, Aaywast, Yaland Ba, Aawoon   
  Ojoon is a coastal region known for its crystal-clear waters - especially those of Twin Lake - and a string of picturesque fishing villages. Its main port, Arrfab, is well-famed for its elaborate maritime festivals, in which decorated boats parade under fireworks-lit skies. Ojoon's strategic position made it an essential waystation during the era of Ek Jad's reign, a legacy still visible in the form of centuries-old lighthouses dotting the coastline. There's a local tale of the Sea Serpent of Izeen, a legendary creature said to protect the Bay of Gichirq, and local fisherfolk swear by its benevolence.

Sigil of the Hwo



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