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LANGUAGE FAMILY: KANNAI   # SPEAKERS / WORLD RANKING: 2.4M / #20   SPOKEN IN: Miesz - 1.5M / Albra - 90K   Mutually intelligible with the Zjnedua language.   PERIOD OF USE:   SCRIPT USED:   PARENT LANGUAGE:  
  "...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind..."   Translation: pdü˩ ko˥ yi˧nde˥ no˨nx shö˩kt ki˨rd pdü˩ nu˦c shö˩kt ka˧no˧ ktu˩ go˥ch yi˦cho˦   Pronunciation: ptu˩ kʰɔ˥ ˈji˧nte˥ nɔ˨nx ʃɵ˩kʰtʰ ki˨rt ptu˩ nʊ˦ʦ ʃɵ˩kʰtʰ ˈka˧nɔ˧ kʰtʰʊ˩ gɔ˥ʧ ˈji˦ʧɔ˦     Hunarish word order: and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b f g j k kʰ m n nʲ p r s t tʰ w wʲ x xʲ ɮ ɮʲ ʃ ʦ ʦʰ ʧ ʧʰ/  
Nasalmn nʲ
Stopp bt tʰk kʰ g
Affricateʦ ʦʰʧ ʧʰ
Fricativefsʃx xʲ
Lateral fricativeɮ ɮʲ
  Co-articulated phonemes  
Approximantw wʲ
  Vowel inventory: /a e i u ɔ ɵ ʊ/   Tones: ˩ ˨ ˧ ˦ ˥  
  Syllable structure: Custom defined
Stress pattern: Antepenult — stress is on the third last syllable
Word initial consonants: b, bɮ, f, g, j, k, kʰ, kʰtʰ, m, n, ntʰ, nʲ, pt, r, s, t, tʰ, x, ʃ, ʦ, ʦʰ, ʧ, ʧʰ
Mid-word consonants: ff, g, gs, gt, gts, gtʰ, gɮ, gʃ, gʧ, j, m, mg, mn, ms, mt, mʧ, mʧɮ, n, ng, ns, nt, nts, nx, nʦʰ, r, rg, rs, rsg, rt, rtɮ, rtʰ, rw, rx, rɮ, rʃ, rʦʰ, rʧʰ, s, sg, sn, sr, ss, stʰ, sɮ, t, tg, tn, tr, tw, tɮ, tʰ, tʰg, tʰɮ, w, ws, wtʰ, wx, wɮ, wʃ, wʦʰ, wʧʰɮ, x, xg, xn, xt, xɮ, ɮ, ɮb, ɮg, ɮs, ɮt, ɮtw, ɮtʰ, ɮtʰg, ɮtʰtʰ, ɮx, ɮɮ, ɮʦʰ, ɮʧ, ɮʧʰɮ, ʃ, ʦ, ʦr, ʦʰ, ʦʰs, ʧ, ʧʰ, ʧʰs
Word final consonants: b, g, gtʰ, gʃ, gʦʰ, gʧ, gʧʰ, kʰ, kʰtʰ, m, mʧ, n, nt, nx, r, rt, rtʰ, rʧʰ, s, stʰ, t, tʰ, w, ws, wʧʰ, wʲ, x, xʲ, ɮ, ɮs, ɮtʰ, ɮʧ, ɮʲ, ʃ, ʦ, ʦʰ, ʧ, ʧʰ   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • f → v / V_V
  • w → ∅ / V_V
  Spelling rules:  
td / !_ʰ


  Main word order: Subject Verb Object (Prepositional phrase).
"Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary opened the door with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: prepositions  


  Nouns have both a plural affix and dual affix for precisely two things.
SingularIf starts with vowel: Prefix kʰtʰ- Else: Prefix kʰtʰʊ˥- ktu˥da˨n /ˈkʰtʰʊ˥ta˨n/ If starts with vowel: Prefix ʦʰ- Else: Prefix ʦʰa˨- ca˩n /ʦʰa˩n/
PluralIf starts with vowel: Prefix ʦ- Else: Prefix ʦe˥- ce˥da˨n /ˈʦe˥ta˨n/ If starts with vowel: Prefix g- Else: Prefix gʊ˨- ga˩n /ga˩n/
DualPrefix ri˩- ri˩da˨n /ˈri˩ta˨n/ Prefix ta˥- da˥a˩n /ˈta˥a˩n/


Singularshi˩ /ʃi˩/ the de˩ /te˩/ a
Plurali˥l /i˥ɮ/ the be˦ /be˦/ some


1st singulargo˦n /gɔ˦n/ I, me, mine
2nd singularchi˨ /ʧi˨/ you, yours
3rd singular mascko˥ /kʰɔ˥/ he, him, his, it, its
3rd singular femsö˦ /sɵ˦/ she, her, hers, it, its
1st plurala˦mch /a˦mʧ/ we, us, ours
2nd pluralga˧ /ga˧/ you all, yours (pl)
3rd pluralxi˩mch /xi˩mʧ/ they, them, theirs

Possessive determiners

1st singularmo˨k /mɔ˨kʰ/ my
2nd singular /e˩/ your
3rd singular mascshö˩kt /ʃɵ˩kʰtʰ/ his
3rd singular femco˩sh /ʦʰɔ˩ʃ/ her
1st plurali˧st /i˧stʰ/ our
2nd pluralnö˩rd /nʲɵ˩rt/ your (pl)
3rd pluralbla˦ /bɮa˦/ their


  Hunarish uses a standalone particle word for past tense:
PastParticle before the verb: xi˩ʦʰ - xi˩c i˨nd /xi˩ʦʰ i˨nt/ learned
  Hunarish uses a standalone particle word for future tense:
FutureParticle before the verb: ma˨ - ma˨ i˨nd /ma˨ i˨nt/ will learn


  Hunarish has a base-20 number system:   1 - ktü˨s
2 - ku˩
3 - pdü˨
4 - ki˩
5 - de˨
6 - ba˥
7 - bla˩
8 - sü˥
9 - ki˧
10 - shü˨x
11 - ku˦c
12 - go˧d
13 - i˩x
14 - ktu˦s
15 - ri˨ch
16 - no˥ca˩g
17 - shi˨st
18 - xi˩r
19 - sö˨k
20 - shü˩mch
21 - shü˩mchktü˨s “twenty-one”
400 - ktü˨s ma˧ “one fourhundred”
401 - ktü˨s ma˧ ktü˨s “one fourhundred one”
800 - ku˩ ma˧ “two fourhundred”
8000 - ktü˨s u˨d “one eightthousand”  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Prefix e˩-
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Prefix ri˧-
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix t- Else: Prefix ta˨-
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix j- Else: Prefix ji˦-
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If starts with vowel: Prefix bɮ- Else: Prefix bɮɔ˥-
Noun to verb = Prefix fɔ˧-
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix nʲ- Else: Prefix nʲɵ˧-
Tending to = If starts with vowel: Prefix nʲ- Else: Prefix nʲɵ˥-
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Prefix ʧʰe˦-
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Prefix ʊ˩-
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If starts with vowel: Prefix s- Else: Prefix sɵ˨-
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Prefix e˥-
Diminutive = If starts with vowel: Prefix b- Else: Prefix be˨-
Augmentative = Prefix tʰɵ˦-


4439 Words.


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