The Law Of Blind Ambition Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ta Mando ~~ The World Of Kanda | World Anvil

The Law Of Blind Ambition

Confidence is a force that, while entirely intangible and immaterial, propels people forward and profers great advantages upon its wielder.
Staying Determined even in the most dreadful and hopeless of situations has, time and again, carried accomplished individuals and penniless paupers alike through seemingly no-win scenarios.
And sometimes, if someone does something REALLY COOL, the stars will align and the impossible will become effortless!   While this sort of phenomena has been seen to happen in other universes, (even in real life!) it is nowhere else quite so blatant as in The ShiftVerse... and within that... in Ta Mando!   Known to those who are aware of it as The Law Of Blind Ambition, it is a mysterious supernatural force has wrapped the universe of Ta Mando in its fond embrace and encouraged the development of the fantastic!
Not merely applying to magic or spiritual matters, The Law Of Blind Ambition firmly dictates that those who perform heroic, overconfident or even categorically unhinged actions in the name of blindly meeting their goals are bound to perform better than those who have split their attention on other things!
Overcome by the stupendous intent to achieve one's goals no matter the danger, those that utilize The Law Of Blind Ambition are able to regularly perform feats far beyond their body's capacity without injuring themselves; at times even breaking conventionally accepted rules of reality to facilitate incredible and unrealistic outcomes!   In Short, even without the benefit of great power, special abilities and magical aptitude, those who live within the universe of Ta Mando are able to far exceed their base statistics almost by willpower alone!
Perhaps more shocking to those visiting from other realities, The Law Of Blind Ambition seems to be present no matter where one goes, regardless of the presence of magic, the capacity to channel vital energies or even the existence of air or light!
No matter WHERE one is within the same universe, no matter HOW bad things get... the act of complete and total singleminded refusal to admit defeat and to fight through the darkest and most hopeless of circumstances can still give power to the powerless!


Simply put, The Law Of Blind Ambition's visual manifestation depends entirely on one's personal abilities!
By itself the law does very little but when paired with some other force or ability it amplifies the effect by orders of magnitude!
Fast runners reach speeds so great that they cannot be seen, strongmen are able to lift weights reserved only for the divine and normal mortals are able to defeat the greatest of monsters with stalwart determination alone!   Indeed the Law Of Blind Ambition, despite being functionally limitless in power and omnipresent throughout the entirety of the Ta Mando universe, is extremely subtle and will only act on forces that are already present!
It does not bestow new power on others, has no foreseeable identity to link with and does not appear to have any preference or moral compass!
It just is, rewarding those who do their best on principle alone by empowering them to take hold of whatever challenge they've been caught in and defeat it by the same means they would any lesser scenario... just MORE!   Inherently connected to it upon their birth into existence, those of The Divine once mastered The Law Of Blind Ambition before they were defeated by those forces they made to perfect the art.
Now very few, even among the gods, know of The Law and those who do regularly use it often stumble upon it.
The Few Scholars Of The Law Of Blind Ambition that do still live in the world either live secluded lives protected from those superstitious enough to want them dead for their scholarly pursuits...
OR live amongst the people, utilizing The Law to its fullest extent and often overtaking all those who are not similarly clued into the REAL way of things!   Those who take the fullest advantage of The Law Of Blind Ambition can perform relativistic feats like catching lasers and fireballs and casually tossing them aside, running around entire planets multiple times just to strike a foe from different directions and reaching into unseen pocket spaces to cartoonishly produce new weapons or defensive tools in the moment.
A strong enough connection to The Law Of Blind Ambition can keep people alive after being struck by forces that would render them to dust, allow them to bring their loved ones back from the clutches of death and open up personal transit to other worlds across the deep expanses of the void without need for technological assistance!   IF THE ACT IS COOL ENOUGH...
The Law Of Blind Ambition might even allow a simple mortal to punch holes in reality to reach other universes entirely or reach across the boundary of reality to yank unsuspecting people into Ta Mando against their will and knowledge! (Possibly with their own, bare hands!)


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