Ta Mando Gossip I in Ta Mando ~~ The World Of Kanda | World Anvil

Ta Mando Gossip I

Gossip 1
He takes her out flying every few days! She kisses him CONSTANTLY in public and EVERY time he just... lifts her up and kisses her like lovers from the stories! For a while he was spending two hours with her every afternoon in the manor... JUST with her! I heard from his slaves that they spent the entire time in their bedroom together... alone! How can a woman compete with that?!   Gossip 2
Tell me about it! And then he's out with the men being a proper soldier no less than six hours a day! That's at least two thirds of the average daylight hours he's completely unattainable! I've tried getting my father to let me take out finest mare out to canter alongside the column as they march but HE says that I'd just be endangering myself... Ugh... Old men, right?   Gossip 3
And to make it that much worse, he's so busy with work and talking to the officials lately! And that little Daroba girl! Do you think he's secretly grooming her for once his concubine gets old and withered?   Gossip 2
Ew! Gross! But I suppose she is of the right age to start!   Gossip 4
I heard that he’s decided to court the Goddess M’Tufakhalu since she’s begun to walk again.   Gossip 1
Are you kidding? As if The Mistress-Concubine wasn’t hard enough to compete with… now he’s going to pull the Great River herself into his bed?! Has he gone mad for these red haired Darobia and their culture? How is a Kandia woman supposed to keep up?! Do I we have to dye our hair too?!   Gossip 3
It is QUITE a scandalous culture, after all! You have to admit their styles of hair are most alluring though. I’ve seen my uncle staring at some of the Daroba ladies and their red locks. He said to his Leconis that they are ‘A Delight To Come Home To Every Day.’   Gossip 4
Your uncle isn’t a half bad man… and unmarried, right?   Gossip 2
HARDLY the subject, girls… How are we supposed to make ourself more appealing to The Maiden Of Health?! We can’t worry about our respective uncles when spinsterdom hangs above our heads! Women outnumber men five to one in Soterri! We have no choice but to work our hardest to secure a husband before the core sends more competitors and wealthy women of pedigree far above our own to take advantage of the attractive targets of our newly announced Longar… we cannot allow ourselves to be idle while the choices are running out by the second!   Gossips 1, 3 and 4
Right!   Gossip 2
My great uncle from the core sent me a bird yesterday… it says that the Noble Migration fell apart… but one of the Kandar’s Daughters wants to come and see him for herself! She’s putting together a fleet from her OWN PERSONAL WALLET to bring over a hundred thousand to Soterri as a Reward for the fighting men who live here!   Gossips 1 and 4
-GASP-   Gossip 3
It Can’t Be!! This place is nowhere land! Why would any of them be interested? It’s already such hard competition!   Gossip 2
The only competition to a daughter of The Kandar is another daughter of the Kandar! We have to move FAST if we’re ever gonna get husbands of our own. Apparently they’re calling it 'The Woman’s Migration…' tons of marriageable women like ourselves all coming down to marry all the new war heroes!   Gossip 1
We have to move fast, then! I have a special balm I brought from The Core! Grandmother gave it to me! Said it would help with finding a proper husband! Makes you more beautiful! I have just enough that we can all get a couple nights of it each!   Gossip 4
Are you sure?   Gossip 1
We’re in this together! If we don’t work together to get our own husbands now… we may never be wed! Our fathers were social climbers and middling veterans! If we can’t seal the deal NOW, and do it together, none of us will have a chance once The Kandar’s Daughters arrive!   Gossip 2
Then it’s settled! You’ll do what you can for our alchemical needs!   Gossip 1
Right!   Gossip 2
You’ll talk to your Uncle about the many Leconia that he travels with, ask about the best and brightest… and who is marriage material!   Gossip 3
Agreed!   Gossip 2
I’ll stay in contact with The Core, as My Great Uncle is a Peigee breeder! We’ll never run out of news so long as I keep in touch and YOU will sneak around and try to integrate yourself into the Goddess’ Court and see what’s going on! Keep an eye on everything but I think I speak for all of us when I say we’re all curious about this divine prospect.   Gossip 4
I’ll do my best!   Gossip 2
Alright! Then it’s settled! We have a pact! All of us must marry together or none of us shall marry and fall under the heels of the Imperials! This is where we make our stand, girls!     All Gossips
Marriage Over Spinsterdom!


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