Story of Helga the Helpful Halfling Myth in T'sara | World Anvil

Story of Helga the Helpful Halfling

Helga the Helpful Halfling is a story known to most throughout T'sara. She was a wealthy and greedy merchant, who had a sudden change of heart. She spent the rest of her life traveling the world, giving her wealth to those in need and accompanying some famous heroes on great adventures.


Helga had been a trader her whole life, raised on the road by her merchant parents. Trading in exotic goods from one country to the next, they had accumulated a great sum of wealth, enough to become landed gentry or even buy into nobility in most lands. Her parents success had been based on being strict with their money, miserly even. When her mother and father retired, she was left in charge of a great sum of wealth, comprised of jewels and high fashion. Arriving in a struggling town, she was approached by a child who was hungry. Oddly persistent, Helga thought surrendering to him would be easier and allow her to continue on her day. Another child followed behind shortly after. Having already given to one, she found it even harder to say no to the second. A third, a fourth, and a fifth came. Each time, Helga gave some coin for food, each time finding it easier and easier. She would later see the five children eating together, enjoying a rare meal and the friendly company. moved by the sight, Helga questioned what all the money was actually for. She made a change of heart that day, to use her wealth and time to help people instead of just making more money. Still a traveler at jeart, she roamed all across T'sara, helping all she could.

Historical Basis

Helga Haldeman was a real person, and was indeed a traveling halfling who became a philanthropist and helped many across T'sara. The story of the five children specifically may or may not be true; most view it as a simple and moralistic story that children will enjoy and understand.   There are some wilder tales of Helga being an adventurer or helping along in their journeys. These are less likely to be true, but have been great tales for children wanting to know more of the Helpful Halfling.


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