Gael monologues about Fate - 23. Fate in System Down Universe | World Anvil

Gael monologues about Fate - 23. Fate

The strands of fate are fickle things, no matter how sure an outcome is destined to be. The free will and actions of the many unwilling marrionettes chop, change and alter the journey. While we strive to never intervene, there are certain occurrences that must indeed occur. It is here, where certainties must remain certain, that we act. Sometimes, in fact most of the time, we are but observers - watching as key participants stumble off course, only to be set right in the next act.
When the course is not corrected, the Zha'Dhen must interact. The Object Engine is an aligned fate. We cannot allow a chosen Wielder to fall, and she cannot be allowed to die. Protect her. You must. We must.
- Gael


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