Vorkez Character in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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Divine Domains

Areas of Interest: Fury, Malice, Wrath, Revenge and Disasterous Storms   Domains: Air, Destruction, Evil, Strength, Weather

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Favoured weapon: Spiked Chain   Unholy Symbol: Chain Lightning bolts arcing across a black background

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The story of Vorkez son of Sal'zen starts durring the age of Old Kingdoms in the wild barbarian lands of Russveria and a powerful Orc witch named Kortinka Stormbride. The orcish witch had gained magical might from her many deals with evil spirits and had grown to be a force to be reckoned with in her homeland. So great was her power she dared to try and claim she was a witch queen and foolishly challaged the power of the hag grandmothers of Rusveria.   Kortinka's defeat was swift and harsh, but old Yaga admired her fire and decided to let her live but only if she could survive a trial set upon her by the grandmothers. Kortinka would be cast into the abyss with no immediate way to return to Syann and if she survived the grandmothers might consider her worthy of the name of witch queen. With little choice the hate filled she-orc was thrown into the dreaded lower plane of the abyss.   Kortinka was fierce and her magical powerful and so she would carve her way through the layers of the abyss seeking power that might bring her home. When she came into the abyssal realm of a god of her world she seen her opportunity. Here in a burning plane of volcanic skys and obsidian rivers senses a connection to her home world and she was not wrong for this was the realm of Sal'zen. Arrogent, desperate and having learned nothing from her defeat she surmised she would do to this man-god as she had every male she had known and beguile and seduce him to get what she desired.   The powerful witch carved her way through Sal'zens Demons binding some to service and outright destroying most until she at last stood in his great hall with the heads of two of his demon generals in her hands. Sal'zen looked upon the blood stained Orc Witch and in a instant knew he wanted her to be his. Kortinka for all her powers of beguilement found the tables turned on her by a force beyond her ability to manipulate. Sal'zen made her his newest bride and bound her to his realm forever, while she would loose her chance at power as a witch queen she would go on to became favored by Sal'zen and decided that being an immortal agent of a god was not such a bad thing and it was from her union with Sal'zen that the Demi-god Vorkez would be born.   Vorkez son of Kortinka and Sal'zen is often wrongly called Sal'zens bastard son, Kortinka was his claimed woman and one of his brides making Vorkez one of Sal'zens very few legitimate heirs. Sal'zen felt a rare moment of pride in the sea of hate that is his heart when Vorkez was born. A half-orc with lightning white skin, eyes that crackled with energy and boundless physical power. If this alone made the father proud then when he cast his newborn babe into a pit of demon hounds and the infant killed them and drank blood before he tasted his mothers milk made Sal'zen smile for the first time in an age. Wanting his half-mortal son to grow strong Sal'zen and Kortinka threw their child to the moral world.   Vorkez would find himself in the slave pens of a tribe of human raiders with a long standing hate for orc kind. Presuming the powerfully built half orc just another slave child Vorkez was raised in a world of hardship, hate and savage violence. His only solace was his mothers voice whispering praise to him with each terrible act he committed. By the time he was a young adult Vorkez stood a head taller then even any full blooded Orc and broke his iron chains and used them to strangle or else lash to death his captors before enslaving their women and children. With the might of a half-god and the gift of storm magic flowing in his blood Vorkez would become idolized and feared by many. Many half-orcs mistreated and abused by their orc or human kin would come to his banner seeking to punish those who had wronged them. Vorkez would come to be a king among the barbarian tribes of the hinterlands of the Terigoth and cut a bloody swathe through all who opposed him.   His rule would at last come to an end most unexpectedly when he and his army demanded a payment of gold and women from a temple of Nithor the god of murder. They say so offended was Nithor by Vorkez and his crass brutishness he whispered the recipe of a poison that could kill even a half god to one of his priestesses. The priestess then coated her body in the venom and offered herself to Vorkez as payment to protect the temple of her god. They say the great warlord half-god died naked and choking on his own blood. The priestess gave her life to end his but was elevated as a saint among the god of murders clergy.   Yet death was not the end for Vorkez for his divine spark and the thousands who worshiped him would cause his soul to become a true god a scant few decades after his death. His ascension was also more then enough for his father to accept him as the prince of his realm and acknowledge him as his son to the other gods. Vorkez has never forgotten his mortal life nor his death and plots to find and punish all who ended his reign. For while hate and fire are his fathers gifts Vorkez is a being of revenge and lightning and as a god he promises that all who wrong his faithful will pay dearly.
Chaotic Evil

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