The Custodians of the Forgotten Organization in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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The Custodians of the Forgotten

"Listen closely, young one, for within these words lies the legacy of our kind. Our ancestors journeyed into the deepest abysses of the cosmos, where ancient stars cast faint shadows upon alien realms, and gods older than time itself walked the soil. Driven by unyielding ambition and the thirst for power, they unraveled the forbidden secrets of the universe and the elder gods that watch over Syann.   We dared to tread where others faltered, venturing into realms of madness in pursuit of unparalleled knowledge. The truths we uncovered possess a weight that can shatter mortal minds and reshape perceptions of this world, revealing its slumbering cosmic beast and the vaunted Custodian Gods.   Now, as you stand amongst us, your past has been washed away and enshrined in the annals of our existence. Your very being has undergone a profound transformation, no longer subject to the ravages of age or the hunger and thirst of mortal life. You have become one of us, an esteemed keeper of the most dire and sacred secrets that the universe conceals.   Embrace this newfound destiny, for you now bear the mantle of an Elthara elder, a guardian of cosmic truths and ancient wisdom. May the knowledge you hold guide your path as you traverse the enigmatic realms that lie beyond the veil of understanding."   -Asharru, priestess of the Akashic Library before a "newborn" Elthara and inductee of the Custodians of the Forgotten.


The organization structure of the Elthara is designed to maintain their secrecy, preserve ancient knowledge, and ensure a smooth operation for their covert activities. They have established a hierarchical system that allows them to fulfill their sacred duty while safeguarding the mysteries of Nuarth.   The Grand Council: At the pinnacle of the Elthara organization stands the Grand Council. Comprised of the most ancient and wise members, the Council holds the ultimate authority and decision-making power. Their wisdom guides the direction of the Elthara's activities and strategies for preserving knowledge and ensuring the protection of the Akashic Library.   The High Archivist: Second only to the Grand Council, the High Archivist serves as the leader and head custodian of the great Library. This esteemed position is responsible for overseeing the cataloging, preservation, and retrieval of knowledge within the Library. The High Archivist is always a psychic or mage with a connection to the Akashic Library grants them unique insights into the cosmos the secrets from beyond.   The Keepers: Below the Grand Council and the High Archivist are the Keepers. These are experienced Elthara entrusted with guarding the hidden pathways to their hidden Library and maintaining the ancient archives scattered across the world. Keepers are seasoned scholars and seekers of forgotten truths, responsible for collecting and recording esoteric knowledge.   The Seekers: As the core members of the Elthara, Seekers are initiates who have completed their transformation and rebirth as Elathra. They undergo rigorous training in various fields of study, honing their abilities in observation, data collection, Psychic and magical practices. Seekers are deployed in the field to learn, record, and ensure that valuable knowledge is not lost or misused.   The Initiates: Initiates are individuals identified by the Elthara as potential candidates for transformation. They are carefully chosen for their intellect, dedication to the pursuit of knowledge, and unwavering commitment. Initiates undergo a series of trials and tests to prove their worthiness before undergoing the transformation ritual. The process only seems to function on humans thus no other species selected to become Elthara or join their order.   The Silent Observers: Operating even more covertly than Seekers, the Silent Observers are a select group of Elthara tasked with monitoring key individuals or events that pose a significant impact on the balance of knowledge and power. They remain in the shadows, acting as unseen guardians and gatherers of critical information.   The Hidden Scribes: Among the Elthara, the Hidden Scribes hold a vital role in recording and transcribing information gathered by Seekers and Keepers. They ensure that all knowledge is accurately preserved and protected, maintaining the sacred archives that hold the keys to the mysteries of Nuarth and countless other cultures have been lost across the eons.   The Recluses: These are a few select Elthara who have chosen to isolate themselves entirely from the world, dedicating their existence to studying the most esoteric and enigmatic aspects of the cosmos. The Recluses delve deep into the wells of knowkedge provdied from the Akashic Library, seeking hidden truths that few can comprehend.


The The Custodians of the Forgotten is one in same as the Elthara's culture it is a unique blend of elements from the remninats of the Nuarth and its eons lost empire, infused with their esoteric understanding of cosmic truths. As immortal guardians of Nuarth's secrets, their culture is deeply rooted in the pursuit of knowledge, the reverence for ancient wisdom, and the mysteries of the universe. Here are some key aspects of their culture:   Scholarly Pursuits: The Elthara highly value intellectual pursuits, and their society revolves around the pursuit of knowledge. They dedicate their lives to understanding the esoteric truths of the cosmos, the ancient history of Nuarth, and the hidden meanings behind celestial phenomena. Ancient libraries and archives hold a central place in their culture, serving as sanctuaries of learning.   Mysticism and Rituals: Ancient rituals and mysticism are integral to the Elthara's way of life. Ceremonies are held to venerate the Akashic Library and to honor the memories of fallen Elthara and the loss of knowledge their deaths represent. These rituals often involve cosmic symbolism, sacred chants, and the manipulation of magical energies.   Cosmic Symbolism: The Elthara interpret the cosmos as a reflection of the greater truths of existence. They find deep meaning in celestial events such as eclipses, comets, and planetary alignments, considering them as messages from the gods or indications of cosmic shifts. Such events play a role in their prophecies and divination practices.   Architectural Marvels: Drawing inspiration from anchient Nuarth architecture, the Elthara construct awe-inspiring buildings and monuments. Their structures often feature grandiose pillars, intricate mosaics, and elaborate carvings depicting cosmic symbols and celestial beings. Alas they are also hidden far and away from the sight of others often hidden below ground or in imposing places. Their beauty and majesty are rarely if ever seen by anyone who is not an Elthara themself.   Astronomy and Astrology: Astronomy and astrology hold great significance for the Elthara. They study the movements of celestial bodies to gain insights into the cosmos, believing that the stars hold the key to unlocking hidden truths. Astrological charts are consulted for guidance in major decisions and prophecies.   Mysterious Attire: The Elthara's attire reflects their enigmatic nature. They often wear flowing robes adorned with cosmic symbols and intricate patterns representing celestial objects. Rich colors such as deep blues, purples, and golds are common in their clothing, evoking a sense of otherworldly elegance. Though many forgo this outside of their own library bastions in favor of wearing whatever attire allows them to best blend in.   Keeper of Traditions: The Elthara maintain ancient traditions and customs passed down through generations. These traditions connect them to the lost city of Nuarth and its forgotten past. They celebrate annual festivals dedicated to the lost and forgotten powers, paying homage to their ancestors and strange cosmic forces that they claim govern the multiiverse.   Communal Gatherings: Despite their secretive nature, the Elthara periodically gather in special conclaves where they share their accumulated knowledge and insights. These gatherings foster a sense of community and unity among the Elthara, allowing them to collaborate on preserving and interpreting the vast corpus of knowledge.   Guardians of Time: The Elthara possess a unique relationship with time, viewing it as an intricate tapestry woven into the fabric of existence. They record events meticulously, keeping time through celestial observations and ancient calendars. They believe that understanding time is essential to deciphering the threads of fate and cosmic interconnectedness.   Cultural Exclusivity: The Elthara maintain an air of exclusivity, as they consider their mission to be of utmost importance. They rarely reveal themselves to outsiders, guarding their secrets and knowledge from those who may misuse or misunderstand it. This exclusivity adds to their enigmatic aura and contributes to the perception of them as mystical beings.

Public Agenda

As keepers of secrets and guardians of hidden knowledge, the Elthara maintain a strict policy of having no public agenda. They operate covertly, shrouded in secrecy, and their existence is veiled from the knowledge of the general public. The primary reason for their discretion is to avoid attracting undue attention and potential threats from those who might seek to exploit their vast cosmic knowledge for their own purposes.   Point of fact the Custodians of the Forgotten and by extension nearly all Elthara have a strong aversion to anyone knowing they even exsist with memory and mind altering magic or psionics being employed in nearly all cases where others might discover them with death being a viable option if supernatural means can not keep their existance a secret.


The Elthara and their organization, The Custodians of the Forgotten, possess a range of unique and powerful assets that aid them in their mission to protect and preserve ancient knowledge and secrets. These assets contribute to their effectiveness as immortal guardians of Nuarth's legacy and keepers of cosmic truths. Here are some of their notable assets:   The Akashic Library: The most significant asset of the Elthara is the Akashic Library, an ethereal realm that holds the collective knowledge of the cosmos. This vast repository of information is the heart of their religion, and access to the magic and psionics known only to them that can draw from it is guarded with utmost secrecy.   Ancient Artifacts: Over countless years of existence, the Elthara and by extenstion the Custodians have acquired a collection of powerful ancient artifacts. These relics hold mysterious and potent magical properties, providing the organization with unique abilities and defenses. Though most of these items are cataloged and hidden away in vaulted realms.   Cosmic Insights: The Elthara's connection to the Akashic Library grants them profound insights into the workings of the cosmos. Their understanding of celestial events and cosmic phenomena allows them to decipher hidden truths and anticipate future occurrences.   Immortality and Rebirth: As immortal beings, the Elthara have the advantage of accumulated wisdom and experience. Additionally, their ability to selectively recruit worthy individuals and transform them into Elathra ensures a continuous influx of new members with diverse talents and perspectives.   Divination and Prophecy: The Elthara's knowledge of ancient divination techniques and prophecy aids them in interpreting cosmic signs and foreseeing potential threats to their mission. This allows them to plan and strategize proactively. They were once a noble house dedicated to Divination magic and the legacy of this remains strong among their people.   Cosmic Warding: The Custodians employ powerful protective spells and wards to safeguard their hidden bases, acess to the Akashic Library, and important artifacts. These magical defenses make it difficult for adversaries to locate or infiltrate their secret sanctuaries.   Telepathic Communication: The Elthara possess telepathic abilities, allowing them to communicate silently and securely with one another, regardless of distance. This form of communication ensures that vital information remains confidential and accessible only to those with the necessary clearance.   Disguise and Illusion: The Elthara are skilled in the art of illusion and disguise, using their magical abilities to conceal their true identities and manipulate appearances. This aids them in seamlessly integrating into human society and gathering information discreetly.   Cosmic Portals: The Elthara have the ability to create and control portals to other dimensions and planes, though their construction is both difficult and very resource costly. This power allows them to travel swiftly across vast distances and access hidden locations crucial to their missions.   Ancient Knowledge and Rituals: The vast knowledge accumulated by the Elthara over millennia grants them access to ancient rituals and forgotten magic. These rituals can be employed for various purposes, such as gaining insight, protection, or manipulating cosmic forces. There is some irony that knowledge they others can not use safely they will often deem themselves worthy of use.   Allies and Agents: Over the ages, the Elthara have forged alliances with other ancient beings, cosmic entities, and powerful entities from different planes of existence. These allies and agents offer assistance, information, and resources when needed.


Nuarth, the legendary first city of man, was founded by humans from another world who became stranded on the alien planet of Syann. At its zenith, Nuarth stood as a symbol of dominance, wielding magic and psionic powers bestowed upon them by strange alien outer gods. Their advanced knowledge, technology, and power elevated them above the native inhabitants of Syann, leading to a reign of tyranny and oppression. However, the city's darkest hour came when the inhabitants dared to challenge the gods themselves, sealing their fate and sparking the downfall of the once-mighty empire.   The Hubris and Fall of Nuarth:   Confident in their superiority, the people of Nuarth believed themselves to be divine, above the natives and even the gods of Syann. Their hubris reached its peak when they sought to slay the very gods of Syann whom they viewed with disdain, intending to seize their power as their own. But the gods, offended by this audacity, unleashed their wrath upon Nuarth, obliterating the city and eradicating any trace of the empire that had once thrived there. The survivors, scattered across the world, faced a grim fate - extinction, interbreeding with otherworldly beings, or losing their humanity and purity by reshaping themselves entirely.   The Elthara - Voice of Wisdom:   Among the ruling high houses of Nuarth, only one dared to speak against the all-consuming lust for power - the Elthara. Their warnings, however, fell on deaf ears, and they would forever blame themselves for being unable to prevent the catastrophic end of their people's civilization. The remaining Elthara, recognizing the importance of preserving the knowledge and secrets of Nuarth, chose to retreat into hiding, vowing to become immortal custodians of the city's legacy.   The Transformation of the Elthara:   In their quest to safeguard the profound wisdom of Nuarth, the Elthara embarked on a daring endeavor - a transformation that would make them near-immortal beings. Through esoteric rituals and forbidden arts, they remade themselves, becoming an aberrant form of humanity, bearing human-like exteriors but harboring alien minds and internal bodies. Their understanding of the universe transcended ordinary human comprehension, delving into realms of esoteric cosmic knowledge.   The Keepers of Secrets:   Having completed their transformation, the Elthara emerged as the custodians of Nuarth's lost knowledge. They embraced their role as guardians of ancient truths, hidden wisdom, and forbidden secrets. Forever changed, the Elthara walked the fine line between humanity and something utterly alien, driven by a thirst for understanding and a responsibility to protect the knowledge of the once-mighty city. Their would over time observe and gather the secrets of dozens of cultures and people seeing themselves not just as guardians of their own lost secrets but of all knowledge on Syann.   They walk in secret among all peoples observing, learning and recording data, they guard pathways to the akashic library and venerate that strange place as the most holy location in all of existance. Occasionaly when members of their order are slain they recruit those they are are worthy, rremove, catalog and then erase their memories and ensure they are reborn as Elathra.


The religion of The Custodians of the Forgotten is a fascinating blend of knowledge-seeking, cosmic observation, veneration of the Akashic Library, psychic power, and ancient religious practices that date back over ten thousand years. This unique belief system reflects the organization's reverence for ancient wisdom and cosmic truths, as well as their role as immortal guardians of Nuarth's legacy. Here are some key aspects of their religion:   Veneration of the Akashic Library: The Akashic Library holds a central place in the religion of The Custodians. They consider it a sacred realm where the knowledge of the cosmos is preserved. The library is seen as a direct connection to divine wisdom and the source of cosmic truths, and its veneration is a cornerstone of their religious practices.   Cosmic Observance: The Custodians engage in rituals and observances that revolve around cosmic phenomena. They celebrate celestial events, such as eclipses, planetary alignments, and comets, as sacred occurrences that carry deep cosmic significance. These observances reinforce their belief in the interconnectedness of the cosmos and the divine.   Psychic Empowerment: Psychic power is revered as a gift from the cosmic entities they venerate. The Custodians view psychic abilities as a means of communing with higher planes of existence and accessing hidden knowledge. Psychic training and meditation are integral components of their religious practices.   Ancient Religious Rites: Their religious practices incorporate ancient rituals and ceremonies from civilizations that have long faded from history. These rites are performed to honor the cosmic entities, seek divine guidance, and maintain the cosmic balance.   Seeking Hidden Truths: The religion of The Custodians places a strong emphasis on seeking hidden truths and unraveling cosmic mysteries. They believe that the pursuit of knowledge and understanding is a sacred duty that brings them closer to the divine.   Divination and Prophecy: Divination and prophecy play a crucial role in their religious practices. They consult oracles, conduct cosmic divination, and interpret celestial signs to gain insight into the future and receive divine guidance. They often then cross referance such divinations with their vast historical data to attempt to find matching occurances.   Cycles of Time: The Custodians believe in the cyclical nature of time and the cosmic order. They see history repeating itself in cycles and seek to understand the patterns and cosmic influences that shape the world.

All knowledge must be collected, but not all knowledge should be shared

Tiny enclaves of the Custodians of the Forgotten can be found across, many are hidden away a few hidden in plain sight and offer refuge and safety to these secretive scholars. The greatest of their refuges is a little understood demiplane that seems to consist of an alien ruined city floating in a comic void known as the City at the End of Time.
The official currency used by The Custodians of the Forgotten is a unique and intriguing form of exchange known as "Lore Silk." These small silk strips, said to have their origans in the currency of the Nuarth, resembling tiny scrolls of historical significance, serve as both a means of trade and a representation of the organization's reverence for ancient knowledge. Lore Silk is carefully crafted and scribed within the City at the End of Time, ensuring its authenticity and value. Here are some key aspects of this official currency:   Crafting and Scribing: Lore Silk is meticulously crafted from fine silk obtained from the ethereal moths that inhabit the demi-plane of the City at the End of Time. Expert artisans and scribes inscribe historical figures, dates, events, and cosmic symbols onto the silk strips. Each strip is a work of art, unique in its design and information.   Representing Historical Significance: The use of historical figures, dates, and events on the Lore Silk reflects the Elthara's reverence for the past and their role as guardians of ancient knowledge. The currency itself becomes a tangible representation of history, carrying the weight of forgotten truths and cosmic wisdom.   Color-Based Value: To determine the value of each Lore Silk strip, they are stained in various colors, each corresponding to specific denominations. For example, blue may represent a lower denomination, while gold signifies a higher value. This color-coding system allows for easy recognition and use within the hidden enclaves.   Restricted Circulation: Lore Silk is exclusively used within the enclaves of The Custodians of the Forgotten. It is not traded or accepted outside of these secretive locations. This exclusivity serves to maintain the security and secrecy of the currency and the organization.   Non-Counterfeitable: The intricate scribing and staining techniques used in crafting Lore Silk make it nearly impossible to counterfeit. This ensures the authenticity of the currency and prevents any attempt to devalue it through illegal means.   Symbol of Prestige: Possessing Lore Silk is considered a symbol of prestige and knowledge within the ranks of The Custodians. Those with larger quantities of Lore Silk are often esteemed for their contributions to the preservation of ancient wisdom.   Limited Supply: The careful crafting and scribing process, along with the limited access to the City at the End of Time, means that Lore Silk remains a scarce resource. Its limited supply contributes to its value and significance within the enclaves.   Exchange for Knowledge: Lore Silk is not merely used for mundane transactions; it can also be exchanged for access to certain sections of the Great Library or for rare tomes and artifacts. This further reinforces the link between the currency and the pursuit of knowledge.

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