Seranda, goddess of Farm and Field Character in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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Seranda, goddess of Farm and Field

Seranda Goddess of the Earth, Plants and Argriculture  
  (Art by Midjourny)   Lady of the Soil, Seridain the Soil Maiden (Dwarf), Serindra Gemheart (Gnome), Seralith Evergreen (Elf), Arandra Greenleaf (Halfling)   Details   Alignment: NG   Pantheon: Gods of the Terrigoth   Other Pantheons: Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Gnome   Areas of Concern: Elemental Earth, Plants, Farming, Fertility and Family   Domains: Earth, Good, Healing, Plant, Community   Subdomains: Cooperation, Family, Home, Caves, Petrification, Agathion, Friendship, Restoration, Growth   Favored Weapon: Sickle, Scythe or Light Flail (Select one at first level)   Symbol: Intertwined sickle and sprouting plants   Sacred Animal(s): Herd Animals, Domesticated (Farm) Animals especially Cows,   Sacred Color(s): Green and Brown, representing the colors of the earth and flourishing plants   Obedience: Devotees till the soil in a meditative manner, expressing gratitude for the earth's bounty. They also engage in communal activities, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation. Gain a +2 sacred bonus to Diplomacy and all knowledge checks.   Divine Gift: Speak with Plants & Animals (Domesticated Animals Only)   Centers of Worship: Various, Popular throughout the Terrigoth and Dothmeryji   Nationality: Godsborn and Halfling divine fusion   Boons - Deific Obedience   Green Thumb (Minor): Once per day, you can enhance the growth of plants in a small area.   Earth's Embrace (Intermediate): Gain resistance against earth-related effects. Additionally, you can inspire cooperation and unity among a group of people once per day.   Bountiful Harvest (Major): Once per week, invoke a powerful blessing to enhance agricultural yields in a region. This blessing also fosters a sense of community and cooperation among the people.   Paladin Code   The Church of Seranda is a benevolent and communal institution that emphasizes the importance of family, agriculture, and the interconnectedness of life. Community service and cooperation are key aspects of their practices.   Oath of Nurturing Soil:   "I swear to protect and nurture the land and all its creatures. I will ensure that the soil is fertile, the plants flourish, and the creatures that dwell within it thrive. My blade shall be a defender of the natural order, and my actions will be guided by the harmony of the earth."   Oath of Verdant Harmony:   "I pledge to maintain the balance between the forces of nature and civilization. My duty is to foster cooperation between communities and the land. I shall strive to resolve conflicts peacefully, promote sustainable practices, and safeguard the delicate bond between the realms of plants and people."   Oath of Eternal Growth:   "In the name of Seranda, the Goddess of Earth and Life, I vow to dedicate my life to the perpetual growth and well-being of all living things. I will heal the wounded, protect the innocent, and ensure that life's cycle continues unbroken. My purpose is to cultivate a world where all beings can flourish in the embrace of nature."   The Goddess   Serandri and Arandra, once distinct deities, found their destinies intertwined in the tumultuous aftermath of the sundering of the halflings' home time and world. Serandri, the personification of earth and one of Milthilla's children, encountered Arandra, a halfling goddess of agriculture, who arrived in Syann weakened and broken, her divine power in tatters.   In this critical moment, as Arandra faced the imminent demise of her divine essence, Serandri, embodying the earth's essence, regarded the halfling goddess with disdain, deeming her an unwelcome interloper. Despite Arandra's pleas for mercy and protection for her people, Serandri remained unyielding in her demand for the intruder to depart.   A moment of unexpected connection unfolded when Arandra, on the brink of death, requested assistance to stand. Serandri, begrudgingly, extended her hand. In that poignant exchange, Arandra channeled the last vestiges of her divine essence into Serandri. Sacrificing her own existence, the halfling goddess forever altered the once-selfish elemental deity. Serandra, transformed by this divine infusion, evolved into the goddess not only of the earth but also of the plants that flourish within it—a guardian of those who carve out their lives from the soil.   In the aftermath of Serandris rebirth as Seranda there was a great deal fo unheval as her many of her former clergy unable to accept the change in the earth goddess rapidly became labeled as heathens or mourned her as being dead to them her new influx of halfling faithful and those who enjoyed the goddesses new outlook however bolstered the ranks of her faith signifigently. Though the transition was difficult in the end she has become a much stronger diety for it with far more followers then she held as a selfish elemental diety.   The Church   The Church of Seranda is a benevolent and communal institution that emphasizes the importance of family, agriculture, and the interconnectedness of life. Community service and cooperation are key aspects of their practices.   Among the Church there is an accepted hereasy that has long remained hidden, there are those who secretly believe that Serandri and Arandra can and will someday seperate. They hold that someday Arandra's wound will be healed and she will be reborn from Serandri who will return to the primal elemental goddess she once was. This hereasy is often met with rolled eyes or a polite nod among the majority of the faith however the number who dedicate themselves to Serandri or Arandra as seperate dieties is growing and there may even be some weight to their claims that the goddesses will someday become as they once were as part of the divine cycle of growth and regrowth.   Temples   Temples to Seranda are often adorned with depictions of fertile landscapes, with gardens and greenery surrounding the sacred spaces. Community centers and meeting places are integral parts of these temples, fostering a sense of unity.   A priests role   Priests of Seranda act as caretakers of the land, guiding communities in sustainable farming practices, fostering a sense of unity, and promoting cooperation. They also actively engage in community service and outreach.   Adventurers   Adventurers may be called upon to protect farmlands, seek out new fertile territories, or resolve conflicts that threaten the well-being of communities. They are emissaries of Seranda, spreading the values of unity and cooperation.   Clothing   Earthy tones such as green and brown are common in the attire of Seranda's clergy. Robes may be adorned with symbols of growth, harvest, and community. Emphasis is placed on practicality and comfort, reflecting the agricultural nature of their work.   Holy Texts   The Book of Blossoms:   A sacred text containing teachings on agriculture, family, and the cycles of life. Additionally, there are texts promoting community, cooperation, and unity. It is the most common holy text available regarding the faith and functions as a farmers almanac.   The Arborian Codex:   The Arborian Codex is a sacred text filled with the wisdom and teachings of Seranda, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living things with the earth. It delves into the art of cultivation, providing guidance on sustainable agriculture, herbalism, and the responsible use of natural resources. Paladins and clerics often study this codex to deepen their understanding of Seranda's principles and to learn how to harmonize the needs of society with the well-being of the land.   The Sylvar Scrolls:   The Sylva Scrolls are a collection of mystical writings believed to have belonged to Aranda and date back to the dying world the halflings escaped from. These scrolls contain powerful rituals and ceremonies that enhance the fertility of the earth, promote the growth of plants, and heal the wounds inflicted upon the land. Scribes and scholars within Seranda's temples carefully transcribe and preserve these scrolls, passing the knowledge down through the generations. It is said that those who follow the rituals outlined in The Sylva Scrolls can invoke the blessings of Seranda for bountiful harvests and flourishing ecosystems.   Holidays   The High Harvest   The High Harvest Festival, quite possably one of the most beloved holidays of the faith stands as a vibrant celebration during the bountiful autumn harvest season, where communities unite in joyous revelry to express profound gratitude for the earth's abundant gifts. This lively festival is a time of feasting, merrymaking, and spirited parties that echo through the fields and town squares.   The festival is renowned for its extravagant feasts, showcasing the rich diversity of crops reaped from the earth. Tables are adorned with a cornucopia of fruits, vegetables, and freshly baked bread, symbolizing the abundance provided by Seranda's benevolent embrace.   The High Harvest sees the flowing of local wines, ciders, and other beverages crafted from the harvest's bounty. Revelers partake in toasts to Seranda, expressing gratitude for the fertility of the land and the interconnectedness of all living things. It is a time when friendships are forged and bonds are strengthened over shared drinks and laughter.   Colorful banners and decorations adorn homes and gathering places, transforming towns into lively spectacles of celebration. Festivities include lively music, dance, and theatrical performances. The air is filled with the sounds of laughter, as communities engage in spirited competitions, games, and traditional dances that reflect the exuberance of the season.   The Rite of Soil's Rebirth:   The Rite of Soil's Rebirth commemorates the divine union of Serandri and Arandra, a moment that forever changed the course of both deities. Celebrated during the spring equinox, this solemn yet joyous occasion marks the fusion of the earth elemental and the halfling goddess. The faithful gather in sacred groves and garden sanctuaries, conducting rituals that symbolize the intertwining of earth and agriculture. Offerings of seeds and small saplings are planted during this ceremony, signifying the growth and harmony resulting from Serandri's embrace of Arandra's essence. It is a time of reflection on the balance between nature and cultivation, and the shared responsibility of caretaking the earth.   First Seeding:   The First Seeding is an agricultural festival celebrated at the onset of the planting season. Communities come together to honor Seranda's gift of fertility and to seek her blessings for a fruitful harvest. As the first rays of spring sun warm the fields, farmers and gardeners participate in a ceremonial planting of seeds. The ritual involves sowing the initial crops for the season with prayers for abundance and prosperity. Temples of Seranda organize processions through fields, and individuals adorn themselves with wreaths made from fresh sprouts. Feasts follow the ritual, featuring dishes made from the previous year's harvest, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness between the earth and its people.   Aphorisms   "From Soil to Soul, Life's Tapestry Unfolds:"   Rooted in the essence of Seranda's teachings, this aphorism delves into the interconnected journey of life and nature. It symbolizes the idea that life's intricate tapestry, much like the roots that nourish the earth, originates from the fundamental element of soil. It encourages followers to appreciate the cyclical nature of existence, recognizing that just as plants grow from the soil, so do souls evolve through their experiences. The phrase embodies a deep respect for the interconnectedness of all living things and the continual unfolding of their shared destinies.   "In Unity, We Find Strength and Growth:"   This aphorism serves as a guiding principle for the faithful, emphasizing the transformative power of collaboration. It underscores the belief that strength and growth are not solitary endeavors but are discovered through the unity of individuals and communities. The interconnected roots of diverse beings, like a flourishing ecosystem, create a foundation for mutual support and shared progress. Devotees are encouraged to foster a spirit of togetherness, understanding that true strength emerges when united efforts are directed towards common goals, allowing for collective growth and prosperity.   "Roots Entwined, Strength Defined:"   Within the faith of Seranda, this aphorism encapsulates the belief in the strength derived from unity and cooperation. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of individuals and communities, drawing inspiration from the intricate network of roots that sustains the vitality of a thriving ecosystem. Devotees are encouraged to recognize the mutual support that binds them, finding strength in collaboration and shared purpose.   "Sow Today, Reap Tomorrow:"   This aphorism reflects the faith's emphasis on the cyclical nature of life and the importance of mindful actions. Devotees are reminded that the seeds they plant today, both in terms of relationships and deeds, will bear fruit in the future. It serves as a call to act with consideration and kindness, understanding that the positive efforts invested today contribute to the prosperity and harmony of tomorrow's shared harvest.   Relation with other religions   Seranda is generally on good terms with deities associated with nature, life, and community. Tensions most often arise with deities promoting discord and destruction though none are dedicated foes of Seranda. She has a tense relationship with her mother and elemental siblings after her rebirth as a new goddess.   Realm   The Verdant Haven: A lush and ever-growing realm that reflects the abundance of life, nature, and cooperative communities located in pristine upper planes of Nirvana.   Planer Allies   The Walking Avalanche:   This colossal Earth Elemental, the size of a mountain, has been a steadfast ally of Seranda since time immemorial. Known as the Walking Avalanche, it serves as her enforcer in times of great need. When summoned, it becomes a living force of nature, an unstoppable juggernaut that sweeps aside anything in its path. Seranda rarely calls upon this immense elemental, reserving its power for the direst situations where the very earth itself must rise to protect the balance.   Tilly Goodmeade:   A charming and ethereal fey woman, Tilly Goodmeade presents herself as a simple farmer with a heart full of whimsy. Often appearing to those in need, she provides guidance, aid, and a touch of enchantment to the lost, hungry, and hurt. Tilly is known for dancing joyously as she sows her magical fields and singing melodious tunes to her enchanted cows as she milks them. Despite her seemingly modest appearance, Tilly possesses nature magic of profound strength, comparable to that of an arch-druid. Her benevolent spirit and connection to the cycles of life make her a cherished ally of Seranda.   Old Mossnose:   An Elder Treant of prodigious size and wisdom, Old Mossnose stands as one of the eldest of his kind. With the weight of countless seasons behind him, he has forgotten more lore than most could ever hope to learn. Old Mossnose spends the majority of his time in contemplative slumber or engaged in slow, deliberate conversations with other sage beings. His discussions cover a wide array of topics, including nature, philosophy, and the profound mysteries of existence. Although generally peaceful and patient, when the ire of Old Mossnose is roused or when Seranda's domain is threatened, he marches with the resonant roar of an entire army of trees, defending the sanctity of nature with unwavering determination.

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