Ekkore Species in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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Ah, gather 'round, brave warriors and hearty souls! Let me regale you with a tale of the Ekkore, the Squirrel-Folk who dwell in our very own lands of Vistighast! Aye, I can see the doubt in your eyes, my good Jarl, and the skepticism in the glances of your huskarls, but fret not, for I speak only the truth!   In this vast world of ours, it is widely known that an array of beastfolk roam the realms. We have witnessed the hyena-faced gnolls, the horse-headed Ipotane, and the scaled lizard folk, among others. But let me now introduce you to the Ekkore, a most peculiar kind of beastfolk, who too call our land home.   Listen closely, for I spent an entire year among their kin. It all began when fate smiled upon me and delivered me from the clutches of a fearsome two-headed troll. Picture this, my friends, a brave skald, on a sacred pilgrimage to honor one of the Sacred Trees in the Myrkyr Forest, when suddenly, a monstrous troll pounced upon me, ready to tear me limb from limb. But fear not, for the Ekkore came to my aid and saved me from certain doom!   Oh, how they soared through the ancient branches, swift and nimble as the very squirrels they resemble! These Ekkore, my friends, are a race of folk who have taken upon themselves the qualities of our forest-dwelling companions. Their bodies bear a striking resemblance to squirrels, with bushy tails and agile limbs that allow them to navigate the treetops with unparalleled grace.   Imagine, if you will, their villages nestled high among the canopy, crafted with a finesse only the Ekkore possess. Their abodes are interconnected by suspended bridges, creating a sprawling network amidst the leafy embrace of the forest. It is said that they possess an intimate bond with nature, a harmony that resonates through their very essence.   The Ekkore, my good Jarl, are an industrious folk. They excel in the art of craftsmanship, fashioning intricate tools and trinkets from the bountiful resources of the forest. Their skills with wood and neddlework are unparalleled, as they hone their craft with an attention to detail that rivals even the most skilled dwarven blacksmiths. Why, the trinket your young son holds dear, that stuffed squirrel, would surely delight him even more if he knew it was fashioned by the nimble hands of an Ekkore artisan!   Now, my friends, let us raise our drinking horns high and toast to the Ekkore, the Squirrel-Folk of Vistighast! As we savor the rich taste of mead and feast upon the succulent roast of reindeer, let us remember the wonders that exist beyond the realm of our own kind. May their tales and our own intertwine, as we revel in the diversity of our world and celebrate the bonds that unite us all!   Skål! Gunholf "Broad-Belly" Garson Skald, Adventurer and self proclaimed Lore Master of the Northlands.

Basic Information


Physical Characteristics: Standing at an average height of four and a half feet, the Ekkore possess a humanoid form with distinct squirrel-like attributes. Their bodies are adorned with a lustrous coat of brown, red, grey or black fur sometimes with gradiants, spots or stripes of differing hues. This natural camouflage enables them to blend seamlessly with the forest environment, providing both protection and stealth in their endeavors.   Limbs and Dexterity: The Ekkore's limbs combine human-like dexterity with the nimbleness of squirrel paws. Their hands, adorned with slender fingers, possess sharp, retractable claws that facilitate climbing and manipulation of objects with remarkable precision. Their feet, equipped with similar claws, grant them superior grip and effortless movement across tree branches and nearly any kind of climbing endevor.   The Magnificent Tail: A defining trait of the Ekkore is their magnificent, bushy tail. Serving as both a symbol of their identity and a versatile tool, the tail is a thing of beauty. Exhibiting a variety of colors and patterns, it aids in balance as they traverse the swaying branches of their arboreal domain. The tail also acts as a rudder during agile leaps from tree to tree and provides warmth during colder seasons, protecting them from harsh elements.   Physique and Adaptations: With their slender and lithe build, the Ekkore possess well-toned muscles, honed through a life of perpetual climbing and leaping. This physique enables them to navigate their arboreal habitat with astonishing agility, and deceptive physical strength, evoking a sense of awe in those fortunate enough to witness their graceful movements. In times of need, their physical prowess and speed make them formidable warriors, capable of swift and skillful combat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Ekkore are stict Omnivores enjoying a wide array of food, while fruits and nuts are by in far favorites they are not particularly picky eatters often augmenting their diet heavy with veggitation by hunting forest game.


Communal and Cooperative Nature: The Ekkore exhibit a strong sense of community and cooperation. They prioritize the well-being of their group and work collectively to ensure their survival. Ekkore settlements are organized in tight-knit communities where mutual support and collaboration are highly valued. They establish intricate systems of communication and engage in communal activities like gathering food, building structures, and protecting their territories.   Love for Nature and Forests: Residing in the heart of nature, the Ekkore possess an innate affinity for the natural world. They hold a deep reverence for forests and make concerted efforts to maintain a harmonious relationship with their environment. Ekkore settlements are often built amidst ancient trees, and they actively participate in the preservation and restoration of their woodland homes. The Ekkore are known for their impressive knowledge of flora and fauna, making them skilled herbalists and forest guardians.   Curiosity and Resourcefulness: Ekkore are renowned for their inquisitiveness and resourcefulness,. They possess a natural curiosity about the world around them and are constantly exploring and seeking new experiences. This curiosity fuels their resourcefulness, as they adapt swiftly to changing circumstances and find innovative solutions to overcome challenges. Ekkore are quick learners and adept problem solvers, using their agile minds to navigate both physical and intellectual obstacles.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Ekkore are beastfolk, humanoid squirrels to be exact most resemble humanoid red squirrels with large tufted ears but there are some Ekkore who display features akin to other species of Squirrel and may well be yet undiscovered variations of these beastfolk.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Ekkore proudly trace their origins to the northern climes, thriving in the realms of temperate to cold forests where their settlements thrive. They possess a deep affinity for these environments and exhibit a natural inclination towards constructing their homes in the midst of the majestic woodland realms.

Average Intelligence

On par with most humanoid species.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Keen Eyesight: The Ekkore's large, round eyes are a window into their perceptive nature. These eyes, often a deep shade of brown, are not only aesthetically pleasing but also possess exceptional visual acuity. Their keen eyesight allows them to discern minute details, spot potential threats, and navigate their surroundings with precision. Furthermore, their eyes possess remarkable night vision, aiding them in nocturnal endeavors within the shadowed canopies.   Astute Hearing: The tufted ears of the Ekkore are not merely decorative; they serve a vital purpose in their sensory repertoire. These ears possess a remarkable sensitivity to sound, allowing the Ekkore to detect even the faintest rustle of leaves or the subtlest crack of a branch. This acute hearing serves as an early warning system, alerting them to the presence of predators or other dangers that might lurk within their domain.   Enhanced Olfaction: The Ekkore possess a keen sense of smell, honed over generations of living amidst the rich scents of the forest. Their olfactory receptors are highly attuned, enabling them to distinguish a myriad of odors in their environment. This heightened sense of smell aids them in finding sources of food, detecting the presence of other creatures, and identifying potential dangers or opportunities that may lie ahead.   Tactile Sensitivity: The Ekkore's sensitive fingertips allow them to perceive the world through touch. Their dexterous hands, equipped with sharp claws, possess an acute tactile sensitivity that aids them in various tasks, such as foraging for food, crafting intricate tools, and navigating their arboreal surroundings.   Tail Communication: The Ekkore's magnificent, bushy tail serves not only as an extension of their physical form but also as a means of non-verbal communication. Through subtle movements and positioning, the Ekkore can convey emotions, intentions, and warnings to others of their kind. The tail becomes an expressive tool, enhancing their ability to communicate and fostering social bonds within their tight-knit communities.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ekkore tend to have a first name, family name and many also have a third secret name that must be earned and represents some feat, trait or event in an Ekkores life.   Common Male Ekkore Names: Ragn, Torb, Frodi, Knur, Ulreer, Tagnus, Liefey, Rikal Common Female Ekkore Names: Asajor, Astir, Vida, Karali, Ruru, Quilja, Yilvi Common Unisex Ekkore Names: Sigu, Renren, Dag, Stelli, Kori, Rakjavar Common Ekkore Family Names: Chittercheeks, Skritterwood, Flitzen, Whiskerby, Rustlepad, Patterwick, Twitchtail, Scrabblefur, Tufttail, Furrowpaw

Beauty Ideals

Lustrous Fur: Ekkore with lustrous fur are admired for their glossy, smooth, and well-groomed coats. The quality and sheen of their fur is a sign of good health and proper care. Ekkore take pride in maintaining their fur's shine through regular grooming, using natural oils and remedies derived from the forest to enhance its beauty.   Fine Ear Tufts: Ear tufts are small, decorative tufts of fur that adorn the tops of an Ekkore's ears. The ideal ear tufts are considered to be fine, silky, and perfectly symmetrical. Ekkore with well-developed and aesthetically pleasing ear tufts are admired for their attention to detail and elegance.   Healthy Fluffy Tail: A healthy, fluffy tail is considered a symbol of vitality and grace among the Ekkore. A full and bushy tail signifies good overall health, and its texture should be soft and well-maintained. Ekkore take care to keep their tails clean and free from tangles, ensuring they remain voluminous and eye-catching.

Gender Ideals

Providers and Gatherers: Historically, Ekkore males often took on the role of providers, responsible for hunting, foraging, and gathering food and resources for their communities. They would use their agility and nimbleness to navigate the forests, utilizing their skills to ensure the survival and sustenance of their families and settlements.   Guardians and Protectors: Ekkore males traditionally took on the role of protectors, guarding their communities from potential threats and dangers. They would utilize their agility, keen senses, and combat prowess to defend their families and settlements, displaying bravery and courage in the face of adversity.   Nurturers and Homekeepers: Ekkore females often assumed the role of nurturers and homekeepers, tending to the needs of their families and communities. They would take care of the young, maintain the households, and ensure the overall well-being and harmony within their settlements.   Crafters and builders: With Male Ekkore often busy hunting and foraging building and engineering often became the work female Ekkore and many of their finest craftsmen and architects are female.   Gatherers and Herbalists: Ekkore females were known for their gathering and herbalist skills, venturing into the forests to collect medicinal herbs, plants, and other resources essential for their communities. They possessed knowledge of the healing properties of plants and utilized this knowledge to aid their families and treat ailments.   While traditional gender roles exist within Ekkore culture, they are not strictly enforced or adhered to with fervor in most Ekkore villages. The Ekkore prioritize the well-being, freedom, and happiness of their community members over rigidly clinging to these roles dictated by tradition. They recognize the importance of individual agency and personal fulfillment, allowing individuals to pursue their passions and contribute to the community in ways that bring them joy and fulfillment, regardless of traditional gender expectations. The Ekkore understand that diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives strengthens their society, and they value the autonomy and happiness of each member above strict adherence to predefined roles.

Courtship Ideals

In Ekkore culture, courtship is a significant and cherished aspect of forming romantic relationships, Ekkore value love, romance and healthy happy relationships in their communties very highly and have a large varity of courtship rituals that they believe all help to cement the perfect relationship.   Acorn Offering: Acorns hold symbolic meaning in Ekkore culture as a symbol of life and fertility. Ekkore suitors may gather and present specially chosen and decorated acorns to express their affection and interest in a potential partner. The acorns can represent the growth and nurturing of the relationship, much like a seed that holds the potential for future love. Even stones or carvings of acorns are often seen as a touching and meaningful gift to the Ekkore.   Playful Chases: Courtship among the Ekkore often involves playful chases and games. Potential partners may engage in lighthearted pursuits through the treetops or among the forest floor, showcasing agility, speed, and a shared sense of joy and adventure.   Whisker Grooming: Grooming holds a special significance in Ekkore courtship. Partners may engage in gentle grooming sessions, particularly focusing on each other's whiskers. This intimate act represents trust, care, and the desire to maintain a close bond.   Nut-Sharing Rituals: Sharing nuts is a symbolic gesture in Ekkore courtship. Suitor Ekkore may offer a special assortment of nuts, carefully selected and presented to their potential partner. This act represents generosity, provision, and the willingness to share life's bounty together. This ritual offering of nuts on in a small silver bowl or dish (Typeicaly by a female to a male Ekkore) is akin to a marriage proposel and the silver bowls are kept as treasured reminders.   Tail-Flicking Displays: Ekkore courtship can also involve tail-flicking displays, where interested parties showcase the fullness and beauty of their tails. Intricate movements and patterns are displayed, accompanied by chirping or soft vocalizations, creating a visually stunning and mesmerizing courtship ritual. For an Ekkore a tail flick can be seen as a rather audious fliration that can draw no small amount of attention.   Song and Dance: Ekkore courtship often incorporates melodic songs and graceful dances. Potential partners may serenade each other with charming tunes, accompanied by lively movements that highlight their agility and elegance. Some dances even involve an almost scandelous amount of tail flicking between partners.   Throughout courtship, Ekkore individuals aim to showcase their positive qualities, demonstrate compatibility, and foster emotional connection with their potential partners. Ekkore courtship is by tradition long and very playful before any lasting vows are decided between partners.

Relationship Ideals

In the eyes of the Ekkore, an ideal relationship is characterized by mutual joy and a shared commitment to strengthening the community. Ekkore individuals deeply value the happiness and well-being of their partners, recognizing that a harmonious union has a positive ripple effect on the larger community. They invest significant time and effort in building strong bonds with their loved ones, driven by the belief that an unhappy relationship between two individuals can have detrimental consequences for the community as a whole.

Average Technological Level

The Ekkore possess exceptional woodworking skills, making them renowned as some of the most skilled woodworkers in the world. Their craftsmanship and mastery of wooden engineering rival the stone and metal work of the dwarves. They have a deep understanding of the qualities and characteristics of different types of wood, allowing them to create intricate and durable wooden structures, furniture, and tools.   Ekkore artisans take pride in their ability to shape wood into functional and aesthetically pleasing forms. They skillfully carve elaborate designs, intricately weave wooden patterns, and meticulously join pieces together using traditional woodworking techniques passed down through generations. Their creations showcase both practicality and artistic flair, reflecting their reverence for nature and their keen eye for detail.   In addition to their woodworking prowess, the Ekkore also possess talent in working with leathers and textiles. They have honed their skills in crafting well-fitted and stylish leather garments, accessories, and armor. Their expertise extends to the art of textile production, where they skillfully weave fabrics, incorporating intricate patterns and designs inspired by nature. Ekkore textiles are known for their exceptional quality, comfort, and durability.   While the Ekkore excel in woodworking, leatherworking, and textiles, their skill and knowledge in metalwork and other areas are considered relatively average. They are capable of basic metalworking techniques, such as forging and shaping, but their expertise lies primarily in the realm of wood and natural materials

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Ekkore possess their own native language called Ekkore, characterized by rapid chittering and chirping sounds. It is a distinct language often misconstrued by others as similar to Ratspeak or other languages spoken by rodent-like beastfolk. However, Ekkore has its own unique phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary that set it apart as a distinct linguistic system.   The Ekkore language reflects the agile and lively nature of the Ekkore themselves. The rapid chittering and chirping sounds, combined with subtle tonal variations and intricate vocal patterns, allow them to convey a wide range of meanings and nuances. Ekkore speech is known for its energetic rhythm and melodic quality, reminiscent of the sounds of nature and the rustling of leaves in the wind.   Tailspeak   Ekkore have developed a unique form of communication known as Tailspeak. This non-verbal language relies on the subtle movements of their tails, as well as the twitching of their noses and ears, to convey messages and coordinate actions. Tailspeak serves as a silent means of communication predominantly used by Ekkore hunters and warriors during stealth operations and ambushes.   Through the artful manipulation of their tails, Ekkore individuals can express a wide range of information and intentions. Each tail movement carries a specific meaning, whether it's a slight flick to signal caution, a rapid wag to indicate excitement, or a gentle sway to convey calmness. The twitching of their noses and ears further adds nuance and context to the communication, allowing for more precise coordination and understanding among Ekkore individuals.   Tailspeak enables Ekkore hunters and warriors to maintain silence during critical moments, ensuring that their ambushes and tactical maneuvers remain covert and efficient. By relying on this non-verbal language, they can silently communicate their positions, relay signals, coordinate attacks, and adjust their strategies without alerting their targets or compromising their stealth.   The mastery of Tailspeak requires discipline, keen observation, and a deep understanding of the subtleties of tail and body language. Ekkore individuals undergo rigorous training to hone their skills in this silent form of communication, allowing them to work seamlessly as a team and execute coordinated actions with minimal verbal exchanges.   While Tailspeak is primarily used by hunters and warriors, its influence extends beyond those realms. Ekkore individuals may incorporate elements of Tailspeak into everyday interactions, using subtle tail movements and gestures to convey emotions, intentions, or simply to engage in playful communication.

Common Etiquette Rules

There are a number of matters of Etiquette held as important in typeical Ekkore Culture.   Respect for Nature: The Ekkore have a deep reverence for nature and all its inhabitants. They believe in treating the natural world with care and respect, understanding their role as caretakers of the environment. It is considered impolite to harm or disrupt the natural balance unnecessarily.   Greeting Rituals: When Ekkore individuals meet, they often engage in greeting rituals that involve gentle nose and tail touches, as well as soft chittering sounds. These gestures signify friendliness, acceptance, and a desire for harmonious interaction.   Listening and Observing: Ekkore etiquette emphasizes active listening and observation during conversations and gatherings. It is considered respectful to attentively listen to others, allowing them to express themselves fully without interruption. Ekkore individuals value the contributions and perspectives of others, fostering an egalitarian environment.   Cooperative Spirit: Cooperation and community-mindedness are highly regarded in Ekkore society. They value collaboration and mutual support, recognizing that collective efforts yield greater results than individual endeavors. Ekkore etiquette encourages individuals to offer help, share resources, and contribute to the well-being of the community.   Gratitude and Appreciation: Expressing gratitude and appreciation is an essential aspect of Ekkore etiquette. Whether it is for a kind gesture, assistance received, or the beauty of nature, Ekkore individuals frequently acknowledge and express gratitude for the blessings in their lives. It reinforces positive relationships and cultivates an atmosphere of gratitude and contentment.   Sharing Stories and Traditions: The Ekkore have a rich oral tradition, and storytelling plays a significant role in their culture. It is common etiquette to share stories, myths, and ancestral knowledge, passing them down to younger generations. Ekkore individuals actively engage in listening and appreciating these narratives, fostering a strong sense of cultural identity and heritage.   Hospitality and Sharing: Ekkore etiquette values hospitality and generosity. When hosting guests, it is customary to offer food, drink, and a warm welcome. Sharing resources and helping those in need are considered virtues, strengthening the bonds within the community.

Common Dress Code

Ekkore individuals have a practical approach to their attire, dressing according to the tasks or jobs they are engaged in. However, they often add a touch of personal flair, such as a subtle splash of color or a cherished piece of jewelry. While Ekkore appreciate individual expression, they refrain from ostentatious displays of wealth or extravagant costumes, considering them frivolous and devoid of purpose. Ekkore prefer simplicity and find greater value in functionality and practicality rather than unnecessary extravagance.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Ekkore culture thrives on the values of unity, emotional connections, and forging strong bonds within their families, friends, and broader community. Their tightly-knit social fabric forms the foundation of their society, fostering a sense of togetherness that is both cherished and celebrated.   While the Ekkore possess admirable qualities that might naturally attract the admiration of other peoples, they are also renowned for their mischievous nature and their penchant for pranks. Ekkore individuals wholeheartedly embrace these playful pastimes, considering them as fun and healthy emotional outlets. However, for those who are not part of their community, such antics can be perceived as childish, annoying, or even vexing.   One aspect of Ekkore culture that often raises eyebrows among outsiders is their mastery of gossip. Ekkore individuals have honed the art of gossip to a rare extent, and it is said that once one Ekkore hears juicy gossip, every Ekkore within a ten-mile radius will soon be privy to it. This rapid spread of information can be unsettling for those unaccustomed to the Ekkore's sociable and interconnected way of life.   In matters of warfare, the Ekkore exhibit a distinct approach as tricksters. They delight in taunting and mocking their foes from a safe distance, employing elaborate traps and snares to immobilize and humiliate their enemies. Picture enemies trapped in pits, dangling helplessly from snares, or subjected to other mocking and humiliating predicaments while the Ekkore mercilessly taunt and jest at their expense.   However, it is important to understand that the Ekkore's mischievous nature and their playful approach to gossip and warfare are deeply ingrained in their cultural heritage. They view these activities as a means of fostering camaraderie, releasing emotional tension, and maintaining a sense of unity within their community. While outsiders may struggle to comprehend the Ekkore's unique perspectives on mischief and gossip, these practices hold significant cultural significance and contribute to the overall fabric of Ekkore society.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Festival of Fluffy Tails: The Ekkore celebrate an annual festival known as the "Festival of Fluffy Tails." During this lively event, Ekkore individuals showcase their beautifully groomed and adorned tails, taking pride in their lustrous fur. Competitions are held for the fluffiest tail, most creative tail accessories, and synchronized tail movements. The festival also includes music, dance, and feasting, bringing the community together in a joyous celebration of their unique physical attributes.   Tree Blessing Ritual: Trees hold a sacred place in Ekkore culture, symbolizing life, growth, and connection to their ancestral roots. Led by Druids or Tree Shamans Ekkore perform a Tree Blessing Ritual, where they gather around a revered tree in their settlement and offer prayers and gratitude for its presence. They believe that by honoring and showing respect to the tree, they receive its blessings and protection.   Communal Harvest Gatherings: During the harvest season, the Ekkore come together for communal gatherings to celebrate the abundance of nature's bounty. These gatherings involve shared meals, storytelling, and music, creating a festive atmosphere. Each member of the community contributes to the feast by bringing food harvested or foraged from the surrounding forests. These gatherings reinforce the importance of collective effort, gratitude, and unity within the Ekkore society.   Dance of the Squirrel Spirits: The Ekkore believe in the presence of squirrel spirits that guide and protect them. In honor of these spirits, they perform a ceremonial dance known as the "Dance of the Squirrel Spirits." The dance involves intricate footwork, acrobatic movements inspired by squirrel behavior, and rhythmic chittering sounds. It is performed during significant occasions, such as weddings, births, and community celebrations, as a way to invoke the blessings and guidance of the squirrel spirits.   Naming Ceremony: When an Ekkore child reaches a certain age, they partake in a Naming Ceremony, a significant rite of passage. During this ceremony, the child's family and community gather to bestow a third secret name upon them, representing a notable feat, personal trait, or event in their young life. The name is kept secret and shared only with close family and trusted friends. This tradition reinforces the value of individual identity, achievements, and the bonds of kinship within the Ekkore community.

Common Taboos

The Ekkore, like many humanoid races, do not possess an abundance of superstitions. However, they do uphold certain cultural taboos that hold significant importance within their society.   Respecting Nature: The Ekkore deeply respect and revere the natural world, and it is strictly taboo to harm or show disrespect to nature without just cause. Inflicting harm upon trees, plants, or animals without a valid reason is viewed as a serious transgression against their core values and principles.   Resource Conservation: The Ekkore place great emphasis on sustainable living and responsible resource management. Squandering precious resources, such as food, water, or materials, is considered taboo. The Ekkore strive to utilize resources mindfully, avoiding excess or unnecessary consumption, and seeking ways to preserve and conserve what they possess.   Upholding the Code of Silence: Tailspeak, the silent language of communication through tail and body movements, holds significant importance in Ekkore culture, particularly in hunting or warfare situations. Breaking the code of silence during critical moments is regarded as a taboo, as it can jeopardize the effectiveness of their communication and compromise the safety of the entire community. Teach non-Ekkore Tailspeak is also frowned upon for they have no desire for monsters who might prey upon them to learn and use it against them.


The history of the Ekkore remains shrouded in mystery, even to the Ekkore themselves. According to their oral tradition, they believe their origins can be traced back to squirrels dwelling on the World Tree. The story goes that these squirrels partook of the tree's sacred acorns, bestowing upon them a divine blessing that transformed them into the Ekkore. While this tale forms the cornerstone of their cultural heritage, it is important to note that the exact origins of the Ekkore remain uncertain.   Scholars have attempted to shed light on the Ekkore's lineage, drawing comparisons to other rodent beastfolk such as Ratfolk. However, beyond their shared classification as rodent-like beings, there is limited evidence to suggest a common origin. The nature of their transformation and the source of their ascendance, whether similar or distinct, remain open to interpretation.   Nevertheless, the Ekkore are content with their self-proclaimed identity as the children of the World Tree. They embrace their claim to a connection to the mountainous magical trees and view their existence as a unique testament to the sacred bond between their ancestors and the mystical powers of the natural world.

Historical Figures

The Ekkore are not a people with an excessive or large impact on world history, though a few famous Ekkore have made their mark on the history of Syann.   Pandy Patterpaws - The legendary Ekkore Skald whose insult books unleashed a torrent of scathing taunts, earning a reputation for their unmatched creativity and biting wit.   Jorn Skitterscatter - Recognized by the High King of Vistaghast, this remarkable Ekkore Scout was hailed as the finest troll trapper the realm had ever seen, feared by trolls far and wide for their unmatched skill and cunning.   Kitkit Fliptail - A revered Ekkore Druid, Kitkit Fliptail played a pivotal role in the regeneration of the Myrkyr wood, using their profound connection with nature to restore life after the catastrophic Forest of Fire in 237, sparked by the armies of Fire Giant Jarl Balthog Emberbreath.

Common Myths and Legends

The Ekkore claim to be the rightful offspring of the majestic World Trees, known as the Great Irminsul. These enormous trees, possessing a profound magical connection to the Lay Lines and other realms, inspire awe and reverence among the Ekkore. One of the largest Irminsul in Vistaghast holds a special place of sanctity, as it serves as the foundation for their esteemed capital city, Oakenhold. Perched within the sprawling branches, Oakenhold is considered a holy city by the Ekkore.   Unlike many cultures that venerate deities, the Ekkore predominantly follow druidic and shamanistic traditions, embracing a religious perspective deeply rooted in their connection to nature. They believe in communing with the spirits of the land, the ancient wisdom of the trees, and the mystical energies that flow through the Lay Lines. These practices form the core of their spiritual beliefs and guide their interactions with the natural world.   The Ekkore, renowned as both skilled storytellers and incorrigible gossips, possess a vast repertoire of legends, myths, and stories that have been woven into their rich oral traditions. These tales, passed down through generations, are cherished by the Ekkore, despite their propensity for embellishment and constant additions. For outsiders, it can be a marvel to witness how the Ekkore manage to keep track of such a plethora of narratives.   Amidst the diversity of these stories, certain themes remain constant, reflecting the core values and beliefs of the Ekkore. Heroes in their myths are portrayed as cunning tricksters, relying on their wits and ingenuity to overcome challenges and adversaries. Nature consistently emerges as a powerful force, showcasing its resilience and indomitable spirit. Trees, often revered as majestic entities, hold a significant place in their folklore, symbolizing wisdom, strength, and the enduring connection between the Ekkore and their natural surroundings.   A recurring motif in their tales is the divine significance of nuts, which are revered like others might the food of the gods. Nuts, with their bountiful nourishment and life-sustaining properties, are often portrayed as symbols of abundance and divine blessings in Ekkore mythology and hold a great deal of symbolism to the Ekkore in a number of areas.   While individual stories may vary in their details, the overarching themes of cunning heroes, the triumph of nature, the reverence for trees, and the divine significance of nuts serve as a unifying thread that weaves through the tapestry of Ekkore storytelling. These myths not only entertain and captivate listeners but also impart valuable lessons, wisdom, and a deep appreciation for the world that surrounds them.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Ekkore maintain a neutral relationship with humans, while elves appreciate their presence in moderate doses, finding their company intriguing. Dwarves, despite finding their mischievous behavior occasionally bothersome, hold a deep respect for the Ekkore's strong sense of community. Halflings and gnomes, on the other hand, wholeheartedly adore the Ekkore and often form lasting bonds of friendship and diplomacy.   The Ekkore's pleasant demeanor and strong communal spirit make them highly compatible with most goodly fey, who find their company enjoyable and consider them as trusted friends. Contrary to common misconceptions, the Ekkore share a harmonious relationship with the ratfolk, and in certain regions, they coexist in dual communities. Northern ratfolk and Ekkore share towering trees, with the ratfolk residing on the ground level while the Ekkore make their homes among the treetops, fostering a unique synergy between the two groups.   Goblinoids have long been a persistent threat to the Ekkore, launching relentless attacks fueled by their typical malice and aggression. Among them, bugbears take a perverse delight in collecting Ekkore tails as macabre trophies, adding to their twisted reputation.   Orcs, on the other hand, find the Ekkore incredibly vexing. The Ekkore's unique approach to warfare, rooted in cunning and trickery, clashes with the Orcs' straightforward and brutal nature. Consequently, many Orcs harbor an intense animosity towards the Ekkore, leading them to react with hostility and seek to eliminate Ekkore on sight.   Trolls, frightfully abundant in the untamed wilds that the Ekkore call home, view them as elusive delicacies. These hulking creatures will go to great lengths to capture a delectable little Ekkore, their appetites driving them to relentlessly pursue the squirrels with an insatiable hunger.   Treants and Ekkore share a remarkably close bond, with the towering tree guardians often serving as protectors of their smaller, fuzzy-tailed companions. It is not uncommon to witness the extraordinary sight of an Ekkore scout being pursued by an Orc, Troll, or Goblin, only to see them swiftly scurry into the welcoming branches of a treant ally. The pursuers are left in utter horror, while the mischievous Ekkore take great delight in the spectacle, their laughter echoing through the forest.
Average Physique
Ekkore stand an average of four and a half feet in height and weight eight five to ninety pounds on average with some variation with Flying Ekkore being much lighter and Ground Ekkore being heavier and stockier.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The most common type of Ekkore have Red, Aburn or Coppery hued fur with there under belly fur often being of a paler hue then the rest of their fur. There are known to also be brown, grey and black furred Ekkore though these are less common.
(Art by Midjourny)

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