Dvergar the Deep-Beards Ethnicity in Syann the world upon a Cosmic Beast | World Anvil
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Dvergar the Deep-Beards

Evil Thrives when good folk do nothing   We were Duergar once, we shared their toils and hardships and we watched as corruption spread among them. We watched as greed became more important then morality, we watched as they turned to betrayal and murder for the sake of power, we watched and we did nothing. We knew in our hearts that so much of it was wrong, we knew but we did nothing, we did not speak against our king, we did not warn the other dwarves, in our loyalty to our own people we let them commit grave harm upon others. When karma caught up with the Duergar we were those not corrupt enough to warrant the ancestors curse upon us and it was at that moment that Prince Rolfnir stole the Pick of Legends and rallied his people who were not stuck by the Grey Soul to join with the Dhargar and turn on our own folk. We complied and price of our sin's came full circle. For in compliance, in not fighting the corruption we seen it spread far and wide and when we finally stood against it we were had no choice but to kill family and friends. In not wanting to oppose our own we ended up having to become kin slayers and drive them beyond the Deep Vaults into the very darkness we feared most.   Penitent Sons & Daughters   As our circle of sin completed we chose to bow to the Dhargar and seek penance for the sins that stained our souls. We oath swore ourselves to the Mountain Throne and the true duty of the deep dwarves, to protect the world above from the things that dwell below. We abandoned the name Duergar that day and Prince Rolfnir the Penitent son gave us a new named Dvergar, the deep beards or deep dwarves in the common tongue.   We carry the sins of the Duergar to this day, we who failed all dwarves, we who could have prevented the fall of our golden age must remain true to our sworn duty, to our oldest oaths. Only in duty and death in the line of duty can our sins be forgiven, only in service to the dwarves above can we prove we are not the same as the corrupted Duergar. We will pray to the gods for salvation each eve before we sleep and pray to the ancestors of old each time we wake that they might forgive us of the sins of the Grey Ones and so shall it be until our spirits can be permitted rest. So shall we be reincarnated time and again to serve and seek penance with each new lifetime. With the lucky who die in the line of duty being permitted forgiveness and a place in the great forges beyond.   As they were so shall we be   We guard the Deep Vaults now and not just those gates but we ward the world above where ever we dwell, we are not just the wardens of those great gates but any and all places we settle. We protect the Svifneblin and other deep folk who wish us, we stand firm against the Duergar, Drow and nightmare things of Old Night that lurk below when we can. Our lives are the only thing we can give in exchange for our salvation for Death in the Course of Duty is the most noble demise. Our mines in the deeps seek out iron, adamantine and Mithril for weapons and armor. Gold, Silver, Gems such things are not for us to enjoy that witch does not make us better able to preform our duty is traded to others who deserve the joy such beauty might give them. This is no loss for we know that when we die in the line of duty we shall be rewarded in the Forge Beyond where rivers of gold flow and gems fall from the caverns above like dripping water. We will have an eternity to enjoy the beauty and pleasure should be deny it in life and remain true to our oaths.   Dour & Grim but Loyal & Fearless   We do not falter in the face of any foe who would dare to rise from the deep dark, we stand against Goblinoids, Orcs, Duergar, Drow and the host of nightmare creatures that rule the darkness below. We catalog the in the nightmare tomes as our ancestors did the horrors below but unlike the Duergar we do more then just defend, we hunt. We enter the dark places where things of fangs and tentacles writhe and we burn their nests and cleanse their alien wrongness. We track them even as they gain footholds above with their wretched cults and we break them, destroy them and burn their witches upon the pyres. We deny ourselves joy and pleasure in all save our duty to wage war against the Aberrations that crawl up from Old Night and poison the realms blessed by the golden sun. We are the Dvergar the true heirs of the Duergar, the uncorrupted, the Penitent, the duty bound and when the last Dvegar draws their final breath in battle against the darkness from below and our hammers no longer ring as they forge the tools of our war then at last we will be forgiven.

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